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ITU-T H Suppl. 2 (05/2008)

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H.248.x sub-series packages guide – Release 11
This Supplement summarizes packages that have been standardized in the time-frame from June 2000 to May 2008. It identifies packages that meet H.248.x sub-series requirements for package definition and are for general use by the wider standards community.H.248.x sub-series packages guide - Release 11 provides for the:
• identification of packages that are considered technically consistent with H.248.x sub-series principles and packages definition rules in clause 12 of Recommendation ITU-T H.248.1;
• identification of packages that are currently being worked upon;
• identification of packages that have been worked upon over a certain period of time;
• identification of packages with overlapping functionality.Implementers are encouraged to review the packages in this Supplement before proposing new packages.Release 11 contains:
• New packages defined in Recommendations ITU-T H.248.37 (including Rev.1), H.248.41 (Amd.1), H.248.63, H.248.64, H.248.65, H.248.66, H.248.67.
• Revised packages defined in Recommendation ITU-T H.248.42 (Amd.1).
• References to new work items: H.248.pipa, H.248.tdr.
Series title:
Approval date: 2008-05-02
Approval process:Agreed
Status: Superseded
Maintenance responsibility: ITU-T Study Group 16
Further details: Patent statement(s)
Development history