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ITU-T H.273 (12/2016)

عربي | 中文 | English | Español | Français | Русский
ITU-T H.273(ex H.STI)建议书定义了用以确定视频(或静止图像)呈现属性并独立于压缩编码和比特率的不同代码点和字段。这些属性可以描述对解码数据所做的相关说明,同样也能够在适用于压缩这一输入信号的编码器进行信号压缩前,描述这一信号的特性。该建议书是作为对应ISO / IEC 23001-8 2016号文件及其修正1的一部分,与ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 29/WG 11(MPEG)协作编写的双文本建议书。该建议书将作为技术匹配的姊妹文件,由两个机构(ITU-T和ISO/IEC)共同发布。
Series title: H series: Audiovisual and multimedia systems
  H.200-H.499: Infrastructure of audiovisual services
  H.260-H.279: Coding of moving video
Approval date: 2016-12-22
Identical standard:ISO 23008-1 (Twinned)
Provisional name:H.STI
Approval process:AAP
Status: Superseded
Observation:ITU-T H.273 (2016) was published as a twin text technically aligned with ISO/IEC 23001-8:2016 and its Amendment 1. After ISO/IEC 23001-8:2016 was split into three parts in 2019 and renumbered as ISO/IEC 23091 parts 1, 2 and 3, ITU-T H.273 remained technically aligned to ISO/IEC 23091-2:2019.
Maintenance responsibility: ITU-T Study Group 16
Further details: Patent statement(s)
Development history
[22 related work items in progress]