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  ITU-T A.5 justification information for referenced document IETF RFC 2821 (2001) in draft X.1241
1. Clear description of the referenced document:
Name: IETF RFC 2821 (2001)
Title: Mail Transfer Protocol, IETF RFC, April 2001
2. Status of approval:
The referred RFCs were approved by IESG (Internet Engineering Steering Group).
3. Justification for the specific reference:
Draft Rec.X.fcs refers to abstract part of IETF RFC 2821 (April 2001).
4. Current information, if any, about IPR issues:
Information on IPR issues regarding RFCs is available at: Specifically:
5. Other useful information describing the "Quality" of the document:
The status of all the referred RFCs, is "Proposed Standard".
6. The degree of stability or maturity of the document:
The status of all the referred RFCs, is "Proposed Standard".
7. Relationship with other existing or emerging documents:
References within the referenced RFCs are listed under item (8).
8. Any explicit references within that referenced document should also be listed:
[1] American National Standards Institute (formerly United States of/
America Standards Institute), X3.4, 1968, "USA Code for/
Information Interchange". ANSI X3.4-1968 has been replaced by/
newer versions with slight modifications, but the 1968 version/
remains definitive for the Internet./
[2] Braden, R., "Requirements for Internet hosts - application and/
support", STD 3, RFC 1123, October 1989./
[3] Butler, M., Chase, D., Goldberger, J., Postel, J. and J./
Reynolds, "Post Office Protocol - version 2", RFC 937, February/
[4] Callas, J., Donnerhacke, L., Finney, H. and R. Thayer, "OpenPGP/
Message Format", RFC 2440, November 1998./
[5] Crispin, M., "Interactive Mail Access Protocol - Version 2", RFC/
1176, August 1990./
[6] Crispin, M., "Internet Message Access Protocol - Version 4", RFC/
2060, December 1996./
[7] Crocker, D., "Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text/
Messages", RFC 822, August 1982./
[8] Crocker, D. and P. Overell, Eds., "Augmented BNF for Syntax/
Specifications: ABNF", RFC 2234, November 1997./
[9] De Winter, J., "SMTP Service Extension for Remote Message Queue/
Starting", RFC 1985, August 1996./
[10] Fajman, R., "An Extensible Message Format for Message/
Disposition Notifications", RFC 2298, March 1998./
[11] Freed, N, "Behavior of and Requirements for Internet Firewalls",/
RFC 2979, October 2000./
[12] Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail/
Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies",/
RFC 2045, December 1996./
[13] Freed, N., "SMTP Service Extension for Command Pipelining", RFC/
2920, September 2000./
[14] Galvin, J., Murphy, S., Crocker, S. and N. Freed, "Security/
Multiparts for MIME: Multipart/Signed and Multipart/Encrypted",/
RFC 1847, October 1995./
[15] Gellens, R. and J. Klensin, "Message Submission", RFC 2476,/
December 1998./
[16] Kille, S., "Mapping between X.400 and RFC822/MIME", RFC 2156,/
January 1998./
[17] Hinden, R and S. Deering, Eds. "IP Version 6 Addressing/
Architecture", RFC 2373, July 1998./
[18] Klensin, J., Freed, N. and K. Moore, "SMTP Service Extension for/
Message Size Declaration", STD 10, RFC 1870, November 1995./
[19] Klensin, J., Freed, N., Rose, M., Stefferud, E. and D. Crocker,/
"SMTP Service Extensions", STD 10, RFC 1869, November 1995./
[20] Klensin, J., Freed, N., Rose, M., Stefferud, E. and D. Crocker,/
"SMTP Service Extension for 8bit-MIMEtransport", RFC 1652, July/
[21] Lambert, M., "PCMAIL: A distributed mail system for personal/
computers", RFC 1056, July 1988./
[22] Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - implementation and/
specification", STD 13, RFC 1035, November 1987./
Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - concepts and facilities", STD/
13, RFC 1034, November 1987./
[23] Moore, K., "MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part/
Three: Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text", RFC 2047,/
December 1996./
[24] Moore, K., "SMTP Service Extension for Delivery Status/
Notifications", RFC 1891, January 1996./
[25] Moore, K., and G. Vaudreuil, "An Extensible Message Format for/
Delivery Status Notifications", RFC 1894, January 1996./
[26] Myers, J. and M. Rose, "Post Office Protocol - Version 3", STD/
53, RFC 1939, May 1996./
[27] Partridge, C., "Mail routing and the domain system", RFC 974,/
January 1986./
[28] Partridge, C., "Duplicate messages and SMTP", RFC 1047, February/
[29] Postel, J., ed., "Transmission Control Protocol - DARPA Internet/
Program Protocol Specification", STD 7, RFC 793, September 1981./
[30] Postel, J., "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", RFC 821, August/
[31] Ramsdell, B., Ed., "S/MIME Version 3 Message Specification", RFC/
2633, June 1999./
[32] Resnick, P., Ed., "Internet Message Format", RFC 2822, April/
[33] Vaudreuil, G., "SMTP Service Extensions for Transmission of/
Large and Binary MIME Messages", RFC 1830, August 1995./
[34] Vaudreuil, G., "Enhanced Mail System Status Codes", RFC 1893,/
January 1996./
9. Qualification of ISOC/IETF:
9.1-9.6     Decisions of ITU Council to admit ISOC to participate in the work of the Sector (June 1995 and June 1996).
9.7     The Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) is responsible for ongoing maintenance of the RFCs when the need arises. Comments on RFCs and corresponding changes are accommodated through the existing standardization process.
9.8     Each revision of a given RFC has a different RFC number, so no confusion is possible. All RFCs always remain available on-line. An index of RFCs and their status may be found in the IETF archives at
10. Other (for any supplementary information):
Note: This form is based on Recommendation ITU-T A.5