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  ITU-T A.5 justification information for referenced document IHE ITI TF-1 PIX (2010) in draft H.810
1. Clear description of the referenced document:
Name: IHE ITI TF-1 PIX (2010)
Title: IHE IT Infrastructure 10 Technical Framework Supplement Patient Identifier Cross-Reference HL7 V3 (PIXV3) and Patient Demographic Query HL7 V3 (PDQV3) 15 Trial Implementation
2. Status of approval:
Approved for trial implementation.
3. Justification for the specific reference:
The Continua Design Guidelines uses/generates the IHE Technical Framework for use with Health Reporting Network (HRN) interface. This document defines two new Integration Profiles and provides alternative IHE transactions for the Patient Identity Feed, the Patient Identity Query, the Patient Update 195 Notification, and the Patient Demographic Query.
4. Current information, if any, about IPR issues:
5. Other useful information describing the "Quality" of the document:
Continua has one certified HRN device which has implemented this standard.
6. The degree of stability or maturity of the document:
Continua has one certified HRN device which has implemented this standard.
7. Relationship with other existing or emerging documents:
8. Any explicit references within that referenced document should also be listed:
HL7 Version 3 Edition 2008 Patient Administration DSTU, Patient Topic (found at
9. Qualification of IHE:
Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) meets the qualifying criteria for normative referencing as per Recommendation ITU-T A.5.
10. Other (for any supplementary information):
Note: This form is based on Recommendation ITU-T A.5