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  ITU-T A.5 justification information for referenced document DPWS (2009) in draft Q.3052
1. Clear description of the referenced document:
Name: DPWS (2009)
Title: Devices Profile for Web Services
2. Status of approval:
OASIS Standard
3. Justification for the specific reference:
Q.3052 (Q.M2M_pro_overview) refers to overall specification of OASIS DPWS for APIs and protocols for M2M service layer.
4. Current information, if any, about IPR issues:
For information on whether any patents have been disclosed that may be essential to implementing this specification, and any offers of patent licensing terms, please refer to the Intellectual Property Rights section of the Technical Committee web page (
5. Other useful information describing the "Quality" of the document:
This document was last revised or approved by the OASIS Web Services Discovery and Web Services Devices Profile (WS-DD) TC on 1 July 2009.
6. The degree of stability or maturity of the document:
DPWS was published in July 2009.
7. Relationship with other existing or emerging documents:
References within the referenced RFCs are listed under item 8.
8. Any explicit references within that referenced document should also be listed:
[RFC 2119]/
S. Bradner, Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels, /, IETF RFC 2119, March 1997. /
P.Chown, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Ciphersuites for Transport Layer Security (TLS), /, IETF RFC 3268, June 2004. /
[BP 1.1, Section 4] /
K. Ballinger, et al, Basic Profile Version 1.1, Section 4: Service Description,, August 2004. /
[HTTP/1.1] /
R.Fielding, et al, Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1,, IETF RFC 2616, June 1999. /
[HTTP Authentication] /
J. Franks, et al, HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication, /, IETF RFC 2617, June 1999. /
[MIME] /
N. Freed, et al, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies,, IETF RFC 2045, November 1996. /
[MTOM] /
N. Mendelsohn, et al, SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism, /, January 2005. /
[RDDL] /
Jonathan Borden, et al, Resource Directory Description Language (RDDL) 2.0, /, 18 January 2004. /
[RFC 4122] /
P. Leach, et al, A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace, /, IETF RFC 4122, July 2005. /
[SHA] /
Secure Hash Standard,, October 2008. /
[SOAP 1.2, Part 1] /
M. Gudgin, et al, SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework, /, April 2007. /
[SOAP 1.2, Part 2] /
M. Gudgin, et al, SOAP Version 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts, Section 7: SOAP HTTP Binding, /, April 2007. /
[SOAP-over-UDP] /
OASIS Standard, SOAP-over-UDP,, 1 July 2009. /
[TLS] /
T. Dierks, et al, The TLS Protocol, Version 1.0,, IETF RFC 2246, January 1999. /
[WS-Addressing] /
W3C Recommendation, Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Core,, 9 May 2006. /
[WS-Addressing SOAP Binding] /
W3C Recommendation, Web Services Addressing 1.0 - SOAP Binding, /, 9 May 2006. /
[WS-Discovery] /
OASIS Standard, Web Services Dynamic Discovery (WS-Discovery),, 1 July 2009. /
[WSDL 1.1] /
E. Christensen, et al, Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1, /, March 2001. /
[WSDL Binding for SOAP 1.2] /
K. Ballinger, et al, WSDL 1.1 Binding Extension for SOAP 1.2, /, 5 April 2006. /
[WS-Eventing] /
D. Box, et al, Web Services Eventing (WS-Eventing),, 15 March 2006. /
[WS-MetadataExchange] /
K. Ballinger, et al, Web Services Metadata Exchange 1.1 (WS-MetadataExchange), /, 13 August 2008. /
[WS-Policy] /
W3C Recommendation, Web Services Policy 1.5 - Framework,, 4 September 2007. /
[WS-PolicyAttachment] /
W3C Recommendation, Web Services Policy 1.5 - Attachment,, 4 September 2007. /
[WS-Transfer] /
J. Alexander, et al, Web Service Transfer (WS-Transfer), /, 27 September 2006./
[X.509.v3] /
ITU-T X.509.v3 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Public-key and attribute certificate frameworks (ISO/IEC/ITU 9594-8) /
[XML Schema, Part 1] /
W3C Recommendation, XML Schema Part 1: Structures Second Edition, /, 28 October 2004. /
[XML Schema, Part 2] /
W3C Recommendation, XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition, /, 28 October 2004. 1.6 Non-Normative References /
[IPv6 Autoconfig] /
S. Thomson, et al, IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration,, IETF RFC 2462, December 1998. /
[DHCP] /
R. Droms, et al, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol,, IETF RFC 2131, March 1997. /
[XML Infoset] /
J. Cowan, et al, XML Information Set (Second Edition),, February 2004. /
[WS-Security] /
OASIS Standard Specification, Web Services Security: SOAP Message Security 1.1 (WS-Security 2004),, 1 February 2006.
9. Qualification of OASIS:
OASIS is recognized under the provisions of ITU-T Recommendations A.5 and A.4. Qualifying information is on file at TSB.
10. Other (for any supplementary information):
Note: This form is based on Recommendation ITU-T A.5