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  ITU-T A.5 justification information for referenced document IETF RFC 1630 (1994) in draft X.509
1. Clear description of the referenced document:
Name: IETF RFC 1630 (1994)
Title: Universal Resource Identifiers in WWW: A Unifying Syntax for the Expression of Names and Addresses of Objects on the Network as used in the World-Wide Web
2. Status of approval:
June 1994 as informational.
3. Justification for the specific reference:
Rec. ITU-T X.509 references IETF RFC 1630 for a uniform resource identifier for the worldwide web.
4. Current information, if any, about IPR issues:
Information on IPR issues regarding RFCs is available at:
5. Other useful information describing the "Quality" of the document:
IETF RFC 1630 was approved in June 1994 as informational.
6. The degree of stability or maturity of the document:
There are no errata available for IETF RFC 1630.
7. Relationship with other existing or emerging documents:
None known.
8. Any explicit references within that referenced document should also be listed:
Alberti, R.,, "Notes on the Internet Gopher Protocol", University of Minnesota, December 1991, gopher_protocol. See also gopher:// About Gopher/AboutGopher/
Berners-Lee, T., "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)", CERN, December 1991, as updated from time to time,
Crocker, D., "Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages" STD 11, RFC 822, UDel, August 1982./
Davis, F, et al., "WAIS Interface Protocol: Prototype Functional Specification", Thinking Machines Corporation, April 23, 1990. is/doc/protspec.txt/
International Standards Organization, Information and Documentation - Search and Retrieve Application Protocol Specification for open Systems Interconnection, ISO-10163./
Horton, M., and R. Adams, "Standard for Interchange of USENET messages", RFC 1036, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Center for Seismic Studies, December 1987./
Huitema, C., "Naming: strategies and techniques", Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 23 (1991) 107-110./
Kahle, B., "Document Identifiers, or International Standard Book Numbers for the Electronic Age",
Kantor, B., and P. Lapsley, Kantor, B., and P. Lapsley, "Network News Transfer Protocol", RFC 977, UC San Diego & UC Berkeley, February 1986.
Kunze, J., "Requirements for URLs", Work in Progress./
Lynch, C., Coalition for Networked Information: "Workshop on ID and Reference Structures for Networked Information", November 1991. See wais://
Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities", STD 13, RFC 1034, USC/Information Sciences Institute, November 1987,
Neuman, B. Clifford, "Prospero: A Tool for Organizing Internet Resources", Electronic Networking: Research, Applications and Policy, Vol 1 No 2, Meckler Westport CT USA, 1992. See also
Postel, J., and J. Reynolds, "File Transfer Protocol (FTP)", STD 9, RFC 959, USC/Information Sciences Institute, October 1985.
Sollins, K., and L. Masinter, "Requiremnets for URNs", Work in Progress./
Yeong, W., "Towards Networked Information Retrieval", Technical report 91-06-25-01, June 1991, Performance Systems International, Inc.
Yeong, W., "Representing Public Archives in the Directory", Work in Progress, November 1991, now expired.
9. Qualification of ISOC/IETF:
9.1-9.6     Decisions of ITU Council to admit ISOC to participate in the work of the Sector (June 1995 and June 1996).
9.7     The Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) is responsible for ongoing maintenance of the RFCs when the need arises. Comments on RFCs and corresponding changes are accommodated through the existing standardization process.
9.8     Each revision of a given RFC has a different RFC number, so no confusion is possible. All RFCs always remain available on-line. An index of RFCs and their status may be found in the IETF archives at
10. Other (for any supplementary information):
Note: This form is based on Recommendation ITU-T A.5