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  ITU-T A.5 justification information for referenced document IETF RFC 1123 (1989) in draft J.1012
1. Clear description of the referenced document:
Name: IETF RFC 1123 (1989)
Title: Requirements for Internet Hosts - Application and Support
2. Status of approval:
Approved standards track document.
3. Justification for the specific reference:
IETF RFC 1123 (1989), Requirements for Internet Hosts - Application and Support, specifies functionalities being relevant for the ECI Host IP stack resource API and thus is a normative reference for draft new J.1012 (ex J.dmcd-part3).
4. Current information, if any, about IPR issues:
Information on IPR issues regarding RFCs is available at: Specifically:
5. Other useful information describing the "Quality" of the document:
This RFC has been in existence since October 1989. It is a standard that is widely used in the internet community.
6. The degree of stability or maturity of the document:
RFC 1123 was published in May, 1989. It is an Internet Standard. Updated by RFCs 1349, 2181, 5321, 5966. Errata Exist.
7. Relationship with other existing or emerging documents:
This RFC is one of a pair that defines and discusses the requirements for Internet host software. This RFC covers the application and support protocols; its companion RFC-1122 covers the communication protocol layers: link layer, IP layer, and transport layer. Updated by RFC 5966, RFC 2181, RFC 5321, RFC 7766, RFC 1349, Updates RFC 952, RFC 822
8. Any explicit references within that referenced document should also be listed:
[INTRO:1] "Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Communication Layers,"/
IETF Host Requirements Working Group, R. Braden, Ed., RFC-1122,/
October 1989./
[INTRO:2] "DDN Protocol Handbook," NIC-50004, NIC-50005, NIC-50006,/
(three volumes), SRI International, December 1985./
[INTRO:3] "Official Internet Protocols," J. Reynolds and J. Postel,/
RFC-1011, May 1987./
This document is republished periodically with new RFC numbers;/
the latest version must be used./
[INTRO:4] "Protocol Document Order Information," O. Jacobsen and J./
Postel, RFC-980, March 1986./
[INTRO:5] "Assigned Numbers," J. Reynolds and J. Postel, RFC-1010,/
May 1987./
This document is republished periodically with new RFC numbers;/
the latest version must be used./
[TELNET:1] "Telnet Protocol Specification," J. Postel and J./
Reynolds, RFC-854, May 1983./
[TELNET:2] "Telnet Option Specification," J. Postel and J. Reynolds,/
RFC-855, May 1983./
[TELNET:3] "Telnet Binary Transmission," J. Postel and J. Reynolds,/
RFC-856, May 1983./
[TELNET:4] "Telnet Echo Option," J. Postel and J. Reynolds, RFC-857,/
May 1983./
[TELNET:5] "Telnet Suppress Go Ahead Option," J. Postel and J./
Reynolds, RFC-858, May 1983./
[TELNET:6] "Telnet Status Option," J. Postel and J. Reynolds, RFC-/
859, May 1983./
[TELNET:7] "Telnet Timing Mark Option," J. Postel and J. Reynolds,/
RFC-860, May 1983./
[TELNET:8] "Telnet Extended Options List," J. Postel and J./
Reynolds, RFC-861, May 1983./
[TELNET:9] "Telnet End-Of-Record Option," J. Postel, RFC-855,/
December 1983./
[TELNET:10] "Telnet Terminal-Type Option," J. VanBokkelen, RFC-1091,/
February 1989./
This document supercedes RFC-930./
[TELNET:11] "Telnet Window Size Option," D. Waitzman, RFC-1073,/
October 1988./
[TELNET:12] "Telnet Linemode Option," D. Borman, RFC-1116, August/
[TELNET:13] "Telnet Terminal Speed Option," C. Hedrick, RFC-1079,/
December 1988./
[TELNET:14] "Telnet Remote Flow Control Option," C. Hedrick, RFC-/
1080, November 1988./
[TELNET:15] "Telnet Protocol," MIL-STD-1782, U.S. Department of/
Defense, May 1984./
This document is intended to describe the same protocol as RFC-/
854. In case of conflict, RFC-854 takes precedence, and the/
present document takes precedence over both./
[TELNET:16] "SUPDUP Protocol," M. Crispin, RFC-734, October 1977./
[TELNET:17] "Telnet SUPDUP Option," M. Crispin, RFC-736, October/
[TELNET:18] "Data Entry Terminal Option," J. Day, RFC-732, June 1977./
[TELNET:19] "TELNET Data Entry Terminal option -- DODIIS/
Implementation," A. Yasuda and T. Thompson, RFC-1043, February/
[FTP:1] "File Transfer Protocol," J. Postel and J. Reynolds, RFC-/
959, October 1985./
[FTP:2] "Document File Format Standards," J. Postel, RFC-678,/
December 1974./
[FTP:3] "File Transfer Protocol," MIL-STD-1780, U.S. Department of/
Defense, May 1984./
This document is based on an earlier version of the FTP/
specification (RFC-765) and is obsolete./
[TFTP:1] "The TFTP Protocol Revision 2," K. Sollins, RFC-783, June/
[SMTP:1] "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol," J. Postel, RFC-821, August/
[SMTP:2] "Standard For The Format of ARPA Internet Text Messages,"/
D. Crocker, RFC-822, August 1982./
This document obsoleted an earlier specification, RFC-733./
[SMTP:3] "Mail Routing and the Domain System," C. Partridge, RFC-/
974, January 1986./
This RFC describes the use of MX records, a mandatory extension/
to the mail delivery process./
[SMTP:4] "Duplicate Messages and SMTP," C. Partridge, RFC-1047,/
February 1988./
[SMTP:5a] "Mapping between X.400 and RFC 822," S. Kille, RFC-987,/
June 1986./
[SMTP:5b] "Addendum to RFC-987," S. Kille, RFC-???, September 1987./
The two preceding RFC's define a proposed standard for/
gatewaying mail between the Internet and the X.400 environments./
[SMTP:6] "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol," MIL-STD-1781, U.S./
Department of Defense, May 1984./
This specification is intended to describe the same protocol as/
does RFC-821. However, MIL-STD-1781 is incomplete; in/
particular, it does not include MX records [SMTP:3]./
[SMTP:7] "A Content-Type Field for Internet Messages," M. Sirbu,/
RFC-1049, March 1988./
[DNS:1] "Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities," P. Mockapetris,/
RFC-1034, November 1987./
This document and the following one obsolete RFC-882, RFC-883,/
and RFC-973./
[DNS:2] "Domain Names - Implementation and Specification," RFC-1035,/
P. Mockapetris, November 1987./
[DNS:3] "Mail Routing and the Domain System," C. Partridge, RFC-974,/
January 1986./
[DNS:4] "DoD Internet Host Table Specification," K. Harrenstein,/
RFC-952, M. Stahl, E. Feinler, October 1985./
[DNS:5] "Hostname Server," K. Harrenstein, M. Stahl, E. Feinler,/
RFC-953, October 1985./
[DNS:6] "Domain Administrators Guide," M. Stahl, RFC-1032, November/
[DNS:7] "Domain Administrators Operations Guide," M. Lottor, RFC-/
1033, November 1987./
[DNS:8] "The Domain Name System Handbook," Vol. 4 of Internet/
Protocol Handbook, NIC 50007, SRI Network Information Center,/
August 1989./
[BOOT:1] "Bootstrap Loading Using TFTP," R. Finlayson, RFC-906, June/
[BOOT:2] "Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP)," W. Croft and J. Gilmore, RFC-/
951, September 1985./
[BOOT:3] "BOOTP Vendor Information Extensions," J. Reynolds, RFC-/
1084, December 1988./
Note: this RFC revised and obsoleted RFC-1048./
[BOOT:4] "A Reverse Address Resolution Protocol," R. Finlayson, T./
Mann, J. Mogul, and M. Theimer, RFC-903, June 1984./
[MGT:1] "IAB Recommendations for the Development of Internet Network/
Management Standards," V. Cerf, RFC-1052, April 1988./
[MGT:2] "Structure and Identification of Management Information for/
TCP/IP-based internets," M. Rose and K. McCloghrie, RFC-1065,/
August 1988./
[MGT:3] "Management Information Base for Network Management of/
TCP/IP-based internets," M. Rose and K. McCloghrie, RFC-1066,/
August 1988./
[MGT:4] "A Simple Network Management Protocol," J. Case, M. Fedor,/
M. Schoffstall, and C. Davin, RFC-1098, April 1989./
[MGT:5] "The Common Management Information Services and Protocol/
over TCP/IP," U. Warrier and L. Besaw, RFC-1095, April 1989./
[MGT:6] "Report of the Second Ad Hoc Network Management Review/
Group," V. Cerf, RFC-1109, August 1989./
9. Qualification of ISOC/IETF:
9.1-9.6     Decisions of ITU Council to admit ISOC to participate in the work of the Sector (June 1995 and June 1996).
9.7     The Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) is responsible for ongoing maintenance of the RFCs when the need arises. Comments on RFCs and corresponding changes are accommodated through the existing standardization process.
9.8     Each revision of a given RFC has a different RFC number, so no confusion is possible. All RFCs always remain available on-line. An index of RFCs and their status may be found in the IETF archives at
10. Other (for any supplementary information):
If the Study Group decides to make the reference to the RFC, the reference should always be made by RFC number (and not by other designations such as STD, BCP, etc.). References should not be made to documents referred to as "Internet Drafts" or RFCs categorized as "Historic".
Note: This form is based on Recommendation ITU-T A.5