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  ITU-T A.5 justification information for referenced document IEEE 802.11-2020 in draft Q.5012
1. Clear description of the referenced document:
Name: IEEE 802.11-2020
Title: IEEE Standard for Information Technology— Telecommunications and Information Exchange between Systems Local and Metropolitan Area Networks— Specific Requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications
2. Status of approval:
Approved by IEEE. Date of Publication: 26 February 2021.
3. Justification for the specific reference:
- It is approved and published by IEEE. - It is used as a reference for the description of interworking procedure between WLAN and 5G network.
4. Current information, if any, about IPR issues:
No known issues.
5. Other useful information describing the "Quality" of the document:
The document is in existence, in previous versions, from 1999. WiFi standard defined by IEEE 802.11 is very widely used technology.
6. The degree of stability or maturity of the document:
It is an approved IEEE standard. IEEE802.11 is a standard approved by IEEE SA in December 2020. Status: Active - Approved (as of 2023-11).
7. Relationship with other existing or emerging documents:
8. Any explicit references within that referenced document should also be listed:
– 3GPP TS 24.302, Access to the 3GPP Evolved Packet Core (EPC) via non-3GPP access networks; Stage 3./
– ETSI EN 301 893, Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN); 5 GHz high performance RLAN (latest Official Journal of the European Union published version)./
– FIPS 180-4, Secure Hash Standard./
– FIPS 186-4, Digital Signature Standard./
– FIPS 197, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)./
– IANA EAP Method Type Numbers,
– IEEE Std 754-2008, IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic./
– IEEE Std 802, IEEE Standards for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview and Architecture./
– IEEE Std 802c-2017, IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview and Architecture—Amendment 2: Local Medium Access Control (MAC) Address Usage./
– IEEE Std 802.1AC-2016, IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—Media Access Control (MAC) Service Definition./
– IEEE Std 802.1AS, IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—Timing and Synchronization for Time-Sensitive Applications in Bridged Local Area Networks./
– IEEE Std 802.1Q-2003, IEEE Standard for local and metropolitan area networks—Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks./
– IEEE Std 802.1Q, IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—Bridges and Bridged Networks./
– IEEE Std 802.1X-2010, IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—Port-Based Network Access Control./
– IEEE Std 802.3-2018, IEEE Standard for Ethernet./
– IEEE Std 802.21-2017, IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks—Part 21: Media Independent Services Framework./
– IEEE Std 802.21.1-2017, IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks—Part 21.1: Media Independent Services./
– IETF RFC 791, Internet Protocol, Sept. 1981./
– IETF RFC 826, An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol, Plummer, D. C., Nov. 1982./
– IETF RFC 1035, Domain Names — Implementation and Specification, Mockapetris, P., Nov. 1987./
– IETF RFC 1042, A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams over IEEE 802 Networks, Postel, J., and J. Reynolds, Feb. 1988./
– IETF RFC 1321, The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm, Apr. 1992 (status: informational)./
– IETF RFC 2104, HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication, Krawczyk, H., M. Bellare, and R. Canetti, Feb. 1997 (status: informational)./
– IETF RFC 2131, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, Mar. 1997./
– IETF RFC 2409, The Internet Key Exchange (IKE), Harkins, D., and D. Carrel, Nov. 1998 (status: Standards Track)./
– IETF RFC 3279, Algorithms and Identifiers for the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile, Apr. 2002./
– IETF RFC 3315, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6), July 2003./
– IETF RFC 3394, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Key Wrap Algorithm, Schaad, J., and R. Housley, Sept. 2002 (status: informational)./
– IETF RFC 3447, Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #1: RSA Cryptography Specification Version 2.1, Feb. 2003./
– IETF RFC 3490, Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA), Mar. 2003./
– IETF RFC 3610, Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM), Whiting, D., R. Housley, and N. Ferguson, Sept. 2003 (status: informational)./
– IETF RFC 3748, Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), Aboba, B., L. Blunk, J. Vollbrecht, J. Carlson, and H. Levkowetz, June 2004./
– IETF RFC 3986, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax, Jan. 2005./
– IETF RFC 4017, Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Method Requirements for Wireless LANs, Stanley, D., J. Walker, and B. Aboba, Mar. 2005 (status: informational)./
– IETF RFC 4119, A Presence-based GEOPRIV Location Object Format, Peterson, J., Dec. 2005./
– IETF RFC 4282, The Network Access Identifier, Dec. 2005./
– IETF RFC 4776, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCPv4 and DHCPv6) Option for Civic Addresses Configuration Information, Nov. 2006./
– IETF RFC 4861, Neighbor Discovery for IP version 6 (IPv6), Narten, T., E. Nordmark, W. Simpson, and H. Soliman, Sept. 2007./
– IETF RFC 4862, IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration, Sept. 2007./
– IETF RFC 5116, An Interface and Algorithms for Authenticated Encryption, Jan. 2008./
– IETF RFC 5216, The EAP-TLS Authentication Protocol, Simon, D., B. Aboba, and R. Hurst, Mar. 2008./
– IETF RFC 5227, IPv4 Address Conflict Detection, Cheshire, S., July 2008./
– IETF RFC 5280, Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile, May 2008./
– IETF RFC 5295, Specification for the Derivation of Root Keys from an Extended Master Session Key (EMSK), Aug. 2008./
– IETF RFC 5297, Synthetic Initialization Vector (SIV) Authenticated Encryption Using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Harkins, D., Oct. 2008 (status: informational)./
– IETF RFC 5424, The Syslog Protocol, Gerhards, R., Mar. 2009./
– IETF RFC 5480, Elliptic Curve Cryptography Subject Public Key Information, Mar. 2009./
– IETF RFC 5869, HMAC-based Extract and Expand Key Derivation Function, Krawczyk, H., and P. Eronen, May 2010./
– IETF RFC 5985, HTTP-Enabled Location Delivery (HELD), M. Barnes (Ed.), Sept. 2010./
– IETF RFC 6225, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Options for Coordinate-Based Location Configuration Information, Polk, J., M. Linsner, M. Thomson, and B. Aboba, July 2011./
– IETF RFC 6335, Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Procedures for the Management of the Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry, Aug. 2011./
– IETF RFC 6696, EAP Extensions for the EAP Re-authentication Protocol (ERP), July 2012./
– IETF RFC 6942, Diameter Support for the EAP Re-authentication Protocol (ERP), May 2013./
– IETF RFC 8200, Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification, Deering, S., and R. Hinden, 2017./
– IETF RFC 8265, Preparation, Enforcement, and Comparison of Internationalized Strings Representing Usernames and Passwords, Saint-Andre, P., and A. Melnikov, 2017./
– ISO 639, Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages./
– ISO 3166-1, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions — Part 1: Country codes./
– ISO 3166-2, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions — Part 2: Country subdivision code./
– ISO 4217, Currency codes./
– ISO/IEC 7498-1:1994, Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Basic Reference Model: The Basic Model./
– ISO/IEC 8802-2:1998, Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems—Local and metropolitan area networks — Specific requirements — Part 2: Logical link control./
– ISO/IEC 8824-1:1995, Information technology — Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation./
– ISO/IEC 8824-2:1995, Information technology — Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Information object specification./
– ISO/IEC 8824-3:1995, Information technology — Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Constraint specification./
– ISO/IEC 8824-4:1995, Information technology — Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Parameterization of ASN.1 specifications./
– ISO/IEC 11802-5:1997, Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems—Local and metropolitan area networks — Technical reports and guidelines — Part 5: Medium Access Control (MAC) Bridging of Ethernet V2.0 in Local Area Networks (previously known as IEEE Std 802.1H, 1997 Edition [B19])./
– ISO/IEC 14888-3:2006, Information technology — Security techniques — Digital signatures with appendix — Part 3: Discrete logarithm based mechanisms./
– ITU-T Recommendation Z.120 (2004), Programming Languages—Formal Description Techniques (FDT)—Message Sequence Chart (MSC)./
– NIST Special Publication 800-38B, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The CMAC Mode for Authentication, Dworkin, M./
– NIST Special Publication 800-38D, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) and GMAC, Dworkin, M., Nov. 2007./
– NIST Special Publication 800-56A R2, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography, May 2013./
– NIST Special Publication 800-57, Part 1 Rev 4, Recommendation for Key Management, Barker, E., Jan. 2016./
– OASIS Standard EDXL-DE, "Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) Distribution Element, v. 1.0."/
– OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee, May 2006./
– OMA-TS-ULP-V2_0_1, UserPlane Location Protocol, Dec. 2012.
9. Qualification of IEEE:
The IEEE was recognized under the provisions of ITU-T Recommendation A.5 on 1 November 1999. Qualifying information is on file with TSB.
10. Other (for any supplementary information):
Note: This form is based on Recommendation ITU-T A.5