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ITU GSR 2024

ITU-T work programme

[2022-2024] : [SG17] : [Q1/17]

[Declared patent(s)]  - [Associated work]

Work item: TR.srsec
Subject/title: Technical Report: Security aspects of segment routing IPv6 for the convergence of computing and network for telecommunication operators
Status: Under study 
Approval process: Agreement
Type of work item: Technical report
Version: New
Equivalent number: -
Timing: 04-2025 (Medium priority)
Liaison: IETF, ITU-T SG13
Supporting members: China Mobile, China Information Communication Technologies Group, Huawei Technologies
Summary: In order to effectively meet the diverse needs of different businesses, telecommunication operators begun to use cloud computing and network virtualization technologies to implement the convergence of computing and network resources. In this process, SRv6 plays an important role in network slicing, service orchestration, traffic engineering, security enhancement and so on. However, it brings security risks as well as new security opportunities. It is necessary for telecommunication operators to identify and respond to SRv6 security risks and to utilize SRv6 to strengthen the network security capabilities. Therefore, a new work item as a technical report would be established to outline the security aspects of SRv6 for the convergence of computing and networks for telecommunication operators.
Comment: incubation queue
  Historic references:
Gang Du, Editor
Xuetao Du, Editor
Chen Zhang, Editor
ITU-T A.5 justification(s):
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First registration in the WP: 2023-03-06 09:11:58
Last update: 2024-09-17 14:04:10