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 Joint ITU-T Workshop and IMTC Forum 2006 on "H.323, SIP: is H.325 next?"
Joint ITU-T Workshop and IMTC Forum 2006 on "H.323, SIP: is H.325 next?"
San Diego, California, USA, 9-11 May 2006


Opening Session
Speaker: Mr. Kari Pulli, Research Fellow at Nokia 
Keynote Speech: New Standards For Mobil Graphics

Progress in mobile graphics technology during the last five years has been swift, and it has followed a similar path as on PCs: early proprietary software engines running on integer hardware paved the way to standards that provide a roadmap for graphics hardware acceleration. In this overview we cover five recent standards for 3D and 2D vector graphics for mobile devices. OpenGL ES is a low-level API for 3D graphics, meant for applications written in C or C++. M3G (JSR 184) is a high-level 3D API for mobile Java that can be implemented on top of OpenGL ES. Collada is a content interchange format and API that allows combining digital content creation tools and exporting the results to different run-time systems, including OpenGL ES and M3G. Two new 2D vector graphics APIs reflect the relations of OpenGL ES and M3G: OpenVG is a low-level API for C/C++ that can be used as a building block for a high-level mobile Java API JSR 226.
Session 1: Real-time conferencing / conversation
Speaker: Istvan Sebestyen, Siemens; Dave Lindbergh, Polycom 
Title of Presentation: Status of the "H.325 Project"

This presentation provides an update to the ITU-T SG16 "H.325 Project". This project is still in its "exploration" phase. It aims to clarify whether it is worthwhile to define a 3rd generation of ITU-T defined multimedia systems and terminals. By doing so it suggest some design criteria and ideas for investigation and discussion.
Speaker: Mr. Paul E. Jones, Cisco Systems, Inc. 
Title of Presentation: H.325 – Third Generation Multimedia System

This presentation starts with a historical view of the current systems (SIP and H.323, specifically), highlights some of the limitations of those systems, and discusses some of the consequences that result from those limitations. The presentation then presents a couple of views of H.325 under consideration, along with some design ideas for the new system.
Speaker: Mr. Stefan Wenger, Nokia 
Title of Presentation: H.325 as a chance to converge SIP-based terminal design

Undoubtedly, the world converges on SIP as the call control protocol. The IETF SIP-based standardization does not see it as their main goal to specify terminals. So far, already numerous standardized and non-standardized Sip-based terminal architectures exist, which are often not compatible to each other. The talk advocates the need for a specification summing up the commonalities of these architectures, in the hopes that at least minimal interoperability could be achieved.
Speaker: Mr. Richard Brennan, Vice-Chair ETSI TISPAN 
Title of Presentation: TISPAN update

Since it’s inception in September 2003, the ETSI Technical Committee TISPAN has been developing a set of standards that can be used as a foundation for Next Generation Networks (NGN). TISPAN works in cooperation with other organizations in planning for the convergence between the traditional public switched telephone networks (PSTN) and new IP-based mobile and fixed networks. TISPAN has focused on the re-purposing of the IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) core developed by 3GPP, for use in various fixed network implementations.
Speaker: Mr. Tyler Miller Johnson,  Director of Telecommunications Research and Development, Acting
Information Technology Services, University of North Carolina
Title of Presentation: Internet2 project and H.325

This presentation discusses perspectives developed in the educational research networks that current protocols are not sufficient for the developing application space and work should commence on a new, distributed multimedia communication system.
Speaker: Mr. Peter Saint-Andre, Jabber Software Foundation (JSF) 
Title of Presentation: Jingle: Jabber Does Multimedia

Jingle is an emerging technology for multimedia session management, built on the foundation of the open Jabber/XMPP protocols, which were standardized through the IETF in 2004. This talk will describe the pluggable Jingle framework, Jingle transports for RTP and IAX, Jingle media formats for audio and video, interoperability with existing technologies, coming support in Google Talk and Asterisk, and future plans for Jingle.
Speaker: Ms. Andrea J Saks, Independent Accessibility Consultant 
Title of Presentation: Accessibility in New Emerging Networks and Services

It is important for new emerging networks and services to consider accessibility from the very beginning. When planning, developing, designing, and distributing telecommunications equipment and services, developers should consider people with special requirements to ensure that they can use such equipment and services as much as possible. “Designing For All” from the very beginning to include accessibility aspects will reduce the cost of having to redesign or add costly amendments later. By enabling the elderly and disabled populations to not only maintain present access, you enable and facilitate the migration to new services. The point is imperative to have the largest population of people have continuous access to ICT in a communication world that is constantly changing by new technological innovations. The reason is simple: the target market will be larger. The largest aging population is becoming the biggest market emerging now from the post World War II baby boom and increased life expectancy.

The inclusion of accessibility aspects in the past has proven to be useful to mainstream society as in the example of the inclusion of captions for television transmission. The same application will apply to IPTV. The concept of Total Conversation, which includes real time text, video and audio, should be implemented to include everyone in video telephony. Worldwide compatibility and interoperability is not only important for mainstream communication, but to accessibility. Accessibility and mainstream applications in Networks and Services should be regarding in the same light from the beginning.
Speaker: Dr. Yoichi Kato, NTT-IT Corp. 
Title of Presentation: A Web Conference System Architecture for the Broadband Era

The presentation discusses the design concept and architecture of a successful Web Conference System for the broadband era. The basic requirements include abilities for multi-user sessions (i.e., sessions with more than 20 locations), rich document sharing support and optimized video and audio communication systems. We need to combine these requirements with the contemporary networks where the IP architecture unifies various network elements with different and time-varying bandwidth. Unfortunately the existing H.32x series specifications are not suitable for these requirements and therefore many ‘Web Conference’ systems do not utilize these standards.

The traditional standardization basically specifies the ability of terminals and other units (such as ‘gateways’) and the protocols needed between them. There was an implicit assumption that the ‘terminals’ were expensive, and therefore the terminal equipment made by different manufacturers should be able to communicate with each other. But assuming that one uses a PCs (or other personal computer), an IP-based network, and the terminal function is replaced by licensed software, you download and use anytime you participate to a conference. In this scenario, standardizing the protocol between ‘terminals’ is not necessity. The Internet and PCs become the new standard. The presenter shows his view on what is really necessary for standardization.
Session 2: IMTC Award
Speaker: Dr. Joan l. Mitchell, IBM Printing Systems Division 
Title of Presentation: Jump-Starting a New Standard & Other Non-Standard Topics

In the last three decades there have been some dramatic changes in the world of standards. More and more of industry is now embracing open standards rather than proprietary, go-it-alone solutions. Companies are recognizing that they can still differentiate products and add value while adhering to standards that allow them to communicate across company boundaries. More and more standards are being set in anticipation of a need rather than blessing existing de facto standards. It is frustrating to work on a standard and then have no one adopt it. Sometimes even good standards never take off. This talk will focus on the speaker's experiences in standards and her suggestions for how to jump-start a new standard.

In addition, she will share two of her current activities, “Moving People Up the Value-Chain” and “Girls Leaving Math and Science”.
Session 3: New Developments on Media Codecs
Speaker: Mr. Ajay Luthra, Motorola 
Title of Presentation: AVC/H.264 Digital Video Compression Standard and its Applications

MPEG-4 Advanced Video Coding (AVC) standard, also known as ITU-T H.264, is the latest video coding standard being developed by the Joint Video Team (JVT) consisting of experts from ISO (MPEG) and ITU-T (VCEG). It includes the most advanced video coding tools providing the coding efficiency that is significantly better than that of the most widely deployed standard today - MPEG-2. It allows distribution of high quality video with lot less bandwidth and/or storage requirements.

In this presentation, a brief introduction to the history and the technology behind AVC will be given. Its performance with some of the existing standards, like MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 Advanced Simple Profiles will be compared. Its impact on the IPTV, distribution of TV over DSL, Home Networking, digital TV (SDTV and HDTV), DVD, video telephony & conferencing and streaming video will also be discussed.
Speaker: Claude Lamblin, France Telecom 
Title of Presentation: New Audio/Speech Coding Developments in ITU-T

In order to provide a Universal Multimedia Access to users, various networks and terminals are interconnected with different access technologies. To cope with this heterogeneity, audio coding development has been driven by three objectives: quality enhancement, flexibility improvement and increase of robustness. After decades of bit rate lowering, there is now a clear evolution toward more bandwidth for a higher Quality of Service. A major flexibility improvement is brought by scalable codecs capable to interoperate at multiple bit rates and frequency ranges. Besides, robustness to channel errors is required to cope with packet losses. Robustness to input signal characteristics is also needed.

This presentation shows how the recent ITU-T Audio/Speech Coding works intent to answer these needs either by offering super wideband multirate standard (ITU-T G.722.1 C) or highly flexible fine bit rate granularity narrow band and wideband standard (ITU-T G.729.1). The under study works concerning another embedded speech coding scheme with multiple rates and bandwidths (G.VBR) and a multimedia convergence coder (G.MMCC) follows these trends. Meanwhile, the work on development of additional features (Voice Activity Detector, Packet Loss Concealment procedure, Software Tools Library) necessary to accommodate current coders to new application requirements has continued.
Speaker: Imre Varga and Cristophe Beaugeant, Siemens 
Title of Presentation: The G.729EV Codec

The wish for more comfortable new services offering better quality implies among others the introduction of wideband speech telephony operating at 16 kHz sampling frequency instead of the commonly used narrowband telephony service. In order to keep compatibility with existing implementations and to avoid a complete redesign of the network infrastructure when using a new codec, ITU-T SG 16 completed the standardization of a scalable wideband codec whose core part is compatible with G.729. This new codec targets mainly Voice over IP applications. Scalability provides advanced features as for example better control of network congestions and possible complexity adjustment of the codec to provide flexibility for its integration on different terminals (from low-end to high-end devices).
Speaker: Dr. Joan L. Mitchell, IBM Printing Systems Division 
Title of Presentation: Time to Enhance JPEG-1

The original JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) still image data compression standard was frozen in the early 90s. This widely used standard was the effort of a joint committee sponsored by ISO/IEC and ITU-T (formerly CCITT). The original committee ISO/IEC JCT1/SC29/WG1 moved on and created several more incompatible joint and non-joint standards. The ITU-T parent was receptive to building enhancements into its first JPEG standard. The first ITU-only upgrade (T.851) came out in September 2005. It added an additional (fee-free) arithmetic coder, extended the allowed DCT input precision, and created an alternative baseline coder. The committee is exploring addition enhancements. Others are invited to participate.
Speaker: Ms. Susie Wee, HP Labs 
Title of Presentation: JPSEC: Security for Digital Imagery in JPEG 2000

JPEG 2000 Security (JPSEC), part 8 of the JPEG 2000 family of standards, is an emerging standard that provides security services for JPEG 2000 images. These security services include confidentiality, integrity verification, source authentication, conditional access, and secure scalable streaming and secure transcoding. JPSEC provides these security services in a manner that maintains the inherent features of JPEG 2000 such as scalability and access to various spatial areas, resolution levels, color components, and quality layers, while providing security services on these elements. This presentation will give an overview of the emerging JPSEC standard and describe various applications and use cases.
Session 4: IPTV
Speaker: Mr. Ralf Schäfer, Thomson 
Title of Presentation: DVB-IP Standardization

The Digital Video Broadcasting Project (DVB, has been working for many years in the digital audio/video distribution world. Some of its recent activities are focusing on integration of IP infrastructure within the digital audio/video domain. The DVB’s phase 3 vision is ‘to build a content environment that combines the stability and interoperability of the world of broadcast with the vigour, innovation and multiplicity of services of the world of the Internet’.

The work inside DVB is carried out in commercial and technical subgroups. This presentation with the title “DVB-IP Standardization” gives an overview of the contents of the already released DVB-IP specifications and the work currently being carried out in the technical groups. Furthermore it gives information on the roadmap of DVB-IP, showing how the standard will evolve.
Speaker: Mr. Noel Matthews, TANDBERG Television 
Title of Presentation: Enabling technologies to launch advanced IPTV services

In the past five years the consumer has changed. The availability of increasingly sophisticated personal media services has created a new generation of digital savvy consumers. With devices such as digital cameras and video phones, MP3 players, personal video players and gaming consoles that use WiFi to connect to the internet, the consumer is becoming more and more accustomed to living in a world where he or she can access content anytime, anywhere

New content delivery methods such as IPTV and HDTV are creating opportunities for content owners and platform operators, as are enhanced service features such as on-demand, interactive and mobile TV.

Time shifted viewing is having a significant impact on the way entertainment, information and advertising are seen by the consumer and this change in consumption is having a direct impact on the way that content is delivered to the consumer.

The TV industry has changed significantly over the last decade, but it must change further and more rapidly if it is to face these new challenges and remain the primary method of delivery of media content to the consumer.

The challenge facing the new IPTV and existing platform operators and broadcasters is the task of packing as much consumer-grabbing video entertainment and information as possible into limited bandwidth. What’s more, the need to build today’s offerings on non-proprietary, open standards is key if operators, broadcasters and content owners want to ensure they are not locked into technology that is expensive to scale and adapt.

The paper will look at step changes happening in the world of media delivery and will examine the commercial and technical challenges IPTV operators face over the next 3 years.
Speaker: Ms. Orit Levin, Microsoft Corporation  
Title of Presentation: IPTV Standards Perspective

This presentation will provide an overview of the IPTV scope and state as currently perceived by the industry. IPTV relation to NGN and IMS architectures will be described. The presentation will also describe the IPTV delivery chain with the roles, functions, and the objectives of each component in the chain. Finally, the presentation will show how existing and new standardization activities map into the presented picture.
Speaker: Mr. Yoshinori Goto, NTT 
Title of Presentation: Emulating TV broadcasting over IP network

This presentation provides the recent progress of IPTV, particularly focusing on the emulation of conventional broadcasting services. The emulation of conventional TV broadcasting on IP network seems to be less fashionable, but recently obvious necessity is being recognized. Also, the emulation is expected to encourage the smooth exchange of contents between the conventional broadcast media and IPTV industry.

When we consider the emulation technique, some special items derived from the requirements of stake holders and the regulatory frameworks are required to be considered. In other word, if we only consider the technical aspect of IPTV, some IPTV operators will probably face with a severe response from stake holders.

Japanese organization started the standardization activity for this type of IPTV in 2004. Since then, it has published a technical report containing some requirements and technical solutions. This activity is also reflected in ITU-T activity.
Speaker: Mr. Kaynam Hedayat, Brix Networks 
Title of Presentation: IPTV Service Assurance: Challenges And Approaches For A Comprehensive Solution

The emergence of IPTV has introduced new performance requirements on Next Generation Networks and new operating challenges for service providers. What are video’s QoS requirements and how can providers manage the service quality to assure customer satisfaction? The presentation provides an overview of IPTV service assurance challenges with an overview of a distributed performance management system architecture that is addressing service providers’ needs today.
Session 5: Mobile Multimedia Technologies
Speaker: Dr. Marwan Jabri, Founder & CTO, Dilithium Networks 
Title of Presentation: Multimedia Technologies for Convergent Networks

This presentation provides an overview of the critical technologies required for delivering multimedia applications and services across converged networks. Convergence in this context means interoperability between Broadband IP, 3G UMTS and WLAN/WiMAX networks. Critical issues are explored that relate to the quality of the customer experience and the take-up of new video applications and services. Multiple existing and new technologies are explored for solving network and customer quality challenges.
Speaker: Dr. Leo Lehmann, Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM) Switzerland 
Title of Presentation: ITU-T Standardization of Multimedia Service Mobility: Current Status and Future Directions for Telecommunication Networks

Service Mobility defines the ability of a user to access the particular (Multimedia-) services, which he/she has subscribed to, irrespective of the location of the user and the terminal that is used for that purpose. In the first part of the presentation an overview is given on the actual status of ITU-T standardization with regard to Mobility Management for Multimedia Systems, considering the H.5xx Standard and its extension to enable mobile H.323 based Multimedia services to be offered by IMT2000 based telecommunication networks. Within its second part the presentation identifies the possibilities to deploy service mobility with regard to the provisioning of Multimedia Services within a future H.325 context by an underlying fix/ mobile converged network architecture such as defined by the ITU for the Next Generation Network (NGN). Beside the capability analysis of existing protocols with regard to their ability to support service mobility for multimedia applications the presentation shows also different variants for handling the service control in a roaming case (home centric control versus visited centric control). Furthermore the basic requirements with regard to realization of both variants are determined.
Speaker: Mr. Jeff Cortley, Director-Applications Product Management, Lucent Technologies 
Title of Presentation: Infrastructure of a Ubiquitous Society

Rapid advances in network technology and IP multimedia applications are stimulating customers’ appetite for the potential of next generation services to support their increasingly hectic lifestyles and faster paced work environment. Today the challenge facing the telecommunications market is no longer the deployment of technology but rather the consumer adoption of this technology and the unleashing of Value over IPTM . This presentation examines the opportunities and challenges facing the industry in bringing next generation, multimedia services to market in a simple, seamless, secure, personal and portable context
Speaker: Mr. Deepak Kamlani, President and CEO of Global Inventures, Inc. 
Title of Presentation: Emerging Quad Play initiatives and implications in the public and home networks

With the ongoing penetration of wired and wireless broadband connectivity and in-home networks. Internet access, and networked devices, operators and vendors alike have to date focused on 'triple play' strategies to drive bundles of voice, data, and video services to consumers. But the environment is changing rapidly. The emergence of the mobile device opens new supply and demand scenarios and suggests that the future will more accurately render 'quad play' opportunities, where the mobile device and network is at the epicenter of a convergence paradigm. Mobile based streaming, television, commerce, command and control, and telematics are key applications sets.

This presentation will examine the triple play and quad play environment, highlight the key trends, and offer perspective on the new opportunities and implications for the value chain- from the network clouds through to devices.
Speaker: Mr. Ralph Neff, PacketVideo Corp. 
Title of Presentation: H.324 Call Setup Acceleration: An Introduction to MONA

Millions of people in Europe and Asia are proud owners of 3G mobile phones with built in 3G-324m videophone functionality, and the market is growing. However, there is general agreement that the call setup time for video calls is too long to provide a good experience to the user.

This presentation provides an overview on recent work in ITU-T and other bodies to develop a solution to this problem. In particular, several technology proposals in ITU-T SG16 Question 1 were recently combined into a common call setup acceleration framework called MONA, which is on track to become a new annex of the H.324 specification. The presentation provides an introduction to MONA, explains how the contributing technologies fit together, and discusses the performance under various typical call scenarios. The next steps for standardization, testing and deployment are also discussed.


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