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 The Fully Networked Car Workshop
 PALEXPO, Geneva, 3 - 4 March 2010 Contact:  

The Fully Networked Car @ Geneva International Motor Show
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Nor Fadzilah Abdullah, (Centre for Communications Research, University of Bristol, UK)

Nor Fadzilah Abdullah received the M.Sc degree from University of Manchester, UK and B.Sc degree from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in Electrical and Electronics, in 2003 and 2001 respectively. She has worked with major telecommunication companies such as Ericsson Malaysia and Maxis Communications Berhad, Malaysia between 2003 to 2008. She is currently a PhD student at the Centre for Communications Research, University of Bristol. Her research interest includes IEEE 802.11p, VANET, MIMO, space time coding, channel modeling and estimation.
Adda Ali-Pacha, (University of Oran (USTO), Algeria and Institute of Telecom & Management, France)

Pr. Adda ALI-PACHA was born in Algeria; he graduated in Telecommunications Engineering in January 1986. He got a University degree in Mathematics in June 1986 and a Master in Signal Processing in November 1993. Later he obtained a Ph.D. in Safety Data in December 2004). He worked in the telecommunications administration (PTT Oran) in the position of Head of telephone traffic for two years (1986 -1988), since 1989 he is at the University of Sciences and Technology of Oran (U.S.T.O) Algeria, as a teacher/researcher in the Electronics Institute. The Telecommunication domains are his favorite interest fields’ research.
George W. Arnold, (National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA)

George Arnold was appointed National Coordinator for Smart Grid Interoperability at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in April 2009. He is responsible for leading the development of standards underpinning the nation’s Smart Grid. Dr. Arnold joined NIST in September 2006 as Deputy Director, Technology Services, after a 33-year career in the telecommunications and information technology industry.

Dr. Arnold served as Chairman of the Board of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), a private, non-profit organization that coordinates the U.S. voluntary standardization and conformity assessment system, from 2003 to 2005. He served as President of the IEEE Standards Association in 2007-2008 and is currently Vice President-Policy for the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) where he is responsible for guiding ISO’s strategic plan.

Dr. Arnold previously served as a Vice-President at Lucent Technologies Bell Laboratories where he directed the company’s global standards efforts. His organization played a leading role in the development of international standards for Intelligent Networks and IP-based Next Generation Networks. In previous assignments at AT&T Bell Laboratories he had responsibilities in network planning, systems engineering, and application of information technology to automate operations and maintenance of the nationwide telecommunications network.

Dr. Arnold received a Doctor of Engineering Science degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Columbia University in 1978. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE.
Kevin Borras, (H3B media Ltd, UK)

Kevin Borras is co-founder and publishing director of London-based multimedia specialists H3B Media Ltd, and editor-in-chief of its two flagship titles, Thinking Highways and ETC, etc: The International Tolling Review. Kevin acts as publisher for H3B’s other titles, Thinking Greener, Thinking Transit and The Thinking Highways Shortlist, a soon-to-be published products and services directory for the advanced transportation management industry. H3B Media have recently completed production of an EC-funded TV documentary, Thinking Cars, which will be broadcast towards the end of this year. Thinking Cars’ aim is to raise the public’s awareness of advanced driver assistance systems and a trailer for the programme can be seen on
Asghar Tabatabaei Balaei, (University of New South Wales, Australia)

Asghar Tabatabaei Balaei is currently a post doctoral research fellow in the School of Surveying & Spatial Information Systems, UNSW. He received his B.Sc in 1998 and an M.Sc in 2000, both in Electrical Engineering from the Sharif University of Technology, Iran. He gained his PhD from the UNSW, Sydney Australia in 2007. His current research activities are focused on Navigation and Positioning Technologies.
Norbert Balbierer, (Continental Automotive GmbH, Germany)

He received his engineering degree in 2009 at the University of Applied Sciences Regensburg. He is currently working towards his Ph.D. degree at the Institute for Communication Networks of the Technische Universität Ilmenau. He has been with the Continental Corporation since 2005.
Cyriacus Bleijs, (IEC/TC69 Chairman)

Technical Advisor for Electric Transportation at EDF Obtained his BE Hons at Adelaide University and did his PHD and postdoctoral research in Paris. During his engineering career he held the following positions Research at CNRS (French National Research) on machine design Independent Consultant engineer for industrial systems Professor at the NSW University – Australia for power electronics Technical director at Sotexi for the conception and manufacturing of industrial machines

He joined EDF in 1990 to as project leader for EV research and has worked on this subject with EDF since that time. He is presently the scientific manager and technical advisor for EDF for electric vehicles

Chairman of IEC TC69 Chairman of the French joint committee UTE / BNA for EV standardization Co coordinator for the IEC/ISO joint working group for electric vehicle communications.
Stefano Busanelli, (University of Parma/Italy, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand)

Stefano Busanelli received the ”Laurea” degree (3-year program) (summa cum laude) and the ”Laurea Specialistica” (3+2 year program) degree (summa cum laude) in Telecommunications Engineering on 2004 and 2007, respectively, from the University of Parma, Italy. He is currently a Ph.D. student in Information Technologies at the Information Engineering Department of the University of Parma, Italy. From June 2008 to October 2008, he was an intern at Thales Communications (Colombes, France), working on cooperative wireless communications. His main research interests include wireless sensor networks, vehicular ad-hoc networks and cooperative relaying protocols. Mr. Busanelli is a CNIT member and a GTTI student member.
Wai Chen, (Telcordia, USA, Toyota, Japan)

Wai Chen received his B.S.E.E. degree from Zhejiang University; M.S.E.E., M.Phil., and Ph.D. degrees from Columbia University in the City of New York. Currently, he is a Director and Chief Scientist at Applied Research, Telcordia Technologies Inc. (formerly known as Bellcore). Dr. Chen has been leading a vehicular communications research program in collaboration with a major automaker, since 2000, on automotive networking technologies for vehicle safety and information applications. He was Principal Investigator of several government funded projects on advanced networking technologies research. Dr. Chen is the Series Editor for Automotive Networking – Technology, Design, and Applications of the IEEE Communications Magazine, the General Co-Chair for the First IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (IEEE VNC 2009), a Guest Editor for Special Issue on Vehicular Communications and Networks for the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (IEEE JSAC, 2010), a Guest Editor for Special Issue on Wireless Vehicular Communications for the Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (2009), a Guest Editor for Special Issue on Delay Tolerant Networks for the Journal of Communications (2010), and the Track Chair for Vehicular Electronics and Telematics for the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC Spring 2010). He has also served as a Guest Editor for Special Issue on Inter Vehicular Communication (IVC) for the IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine (2006), the IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (2004-2006), the Co-Chair for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications Workshop (V2VCOM 2005–2008) co-located at IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, the Co-Chair for the IEEE Workshop on Automotive Networking and Applications (2006–2008) co-located with IEEE Globecom, and the Vice Chair of Technical Program Committee for Vehicular Communications of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC Spring 2009).
Robert Cone, (Chair, PIARC/FISITA Joint Task force for the connected vehicle)

Robert Cone has over 30 years experience of the application of computing and telecommunications to Road Network Operations, maintenance and management. He is an acknowledged expert in the field of intelligent transport systems, traffic management centres, tunnel systems, intelligent vehicles and associated applications. In 2009 Robert Cone retired as Director for Roads for Welsh Assembly Government. He continues in the industry as Chair of the PIARC/FISITA Joint Task force for the connected vehicle.
Paolo Coppo, (Loquendo, Italy)

Paolo Coppo, V.P. of Loquendo and Head of Marketing and Business Development, holds a degree in Electronic Engineering from the Politecnico di Torino, and a degree in strategic marketing from SDA Bocconi in Milan.

His extensive experience, gained at CSELT (now TILAB), the research arm of Telecom Italia, and Bellcore in New Jersey, ranges from broadband networks and services, through intelligent networks, to speech technologies.

He is the holder of 3 patents, of which two are in embedded speech technology.

Paolo joined Loquendo at its creation in 2001 as VP of Business Development, and successfully steered the company towards the development of its embedded speech technology product line. He's now responsible for overall marketing strategy.
Angela Doufexi, (Centre for Communications Research, University of Bristol, UK)

Angela Doufexi is currently Senior Lecturer in Wireless Networks at the University of Bristol. She graduated from the University of Athens with a B.Sc. in Physics in 1996. She received her M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering from Cardiff University in 1998. She then joined the Centre for Communications Research at the University of Bristol, where she received her Ph.D. in 2002. She has worked in a number of projects including the European IST projects SATURN, ROMANTIK, WCAM and ASTRALS. Her research interests include OFDM and OFDMA systems, multiuser diversity and resource allocation, wireless LANs and WiMax (PHY and MAC), space time coding and MIMO, LTE and 4th generation communications systems, cognitive radio and multimedia transmission. She has published over 90 journal and conference papers in these areas.
Bernard Dugerdil, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

Bernard Dugerdil is working in the Telecommunication Industry for more than 30 years and is currently responsible to Coordinate Standards within Freescale Semiconductor (Freescale became a publicly traded company in July 2004 after more than 50 years as part of Motorola, Inc).

Bernard is involved in Standards for more than 15 years. He is part of Broadband Forum Technical committee leadership team (and one of the founder of DSL Forum), member of HGI (Home Gateway Initiative) Board of Director and member of ETSI Board of Director.

Bernard is an active participant to ITU-T and first contact for Freescale Semiconductor.

Bernard is currently involved in the ETSI ITS (Intelligent Transport System) TC (Technical Committee) and in the M2M (Machine to Machine) TC.

Bernard is part of ITU-T “The Fully Networked Car” workshop steering committee.
Thierry Ernst, (Institut national de recherche en informatique et automatique (INRIA), France)

Currently working in the LaRA group, a joint research unit between INRIA (IMARA) and Ecole des Mines (CAOR), Thierry Ernst holds a PhD in computer sciences and leads research activities on networking protocols for infrastructure-based and infrastructure-less vehicular communications.

His PhD research results obtained in 2001 has served as the foundation of the IPv6 network mobility support field, better known as NEMO. After his PhD, he joined the WIDE organization in Japan in the Jun Murai Lab at Keio University for four years where he set up and led the Nautilus6 project which produced reference implementations of NEMO and other protocols. In the meantime, he also set up and chaired the IETF NEMO working group and the IETF MonAmi6 working group. The output of the former IETF NEMO working group now serves as the foundation for Internet-based communications in ITS architectures currently under specification at ISO TC204 WG16 (CALM), ETSI TC ITS, IETF (IPv6 mobility), COMeSafety and the Car-to-Car Communication Consortium.

Since he is back to INRIA in 2006, his research work is mostly applied to ITS. As such, he contributed to the definition of the Interned-based communication architecture in the CVIS project. He is also the technical coordinator of the GeoNet project (IPv6 geonetworking). Besides his research and standardization activities he also chairs since fall 2006 the IPv6 Task Force France which aims at IPv6 awareness and dissemination at the national level in line with European Commission guidelines (DG INFSO IPv6 action plan).
Gianluigi Ferrari, (University of Parma/Italy, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand)

Gianluigi Ferrari was born in Parma, Italy, in November 1974. He received the "Laurea" degree (five-year program) (summa cum laude) in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in Information Technologies from the University of Parma in 1998 and 2002, respectively. From 2000 to 2001, he was a Visiting Scholar at the Communication Sciences Institute, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Since 2002, he has been a Research Professor with the Department of Information Engineering, University of Parma, where he is now the coordinator of the Wireless Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN) Laboratory. Between 2002 and 2004, he visited several times, as a Research Associate, the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. In fall 2007 he visited, as a DUO-Thailand Fellow, the King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL), Bangkok, Thailand.

Dr. Ferrari has published more than 100 papers in leading international conferences and journals. He is coauthor of the books "Detection Algorithms for Wireless Communications, with Applications to Wired and Storage Systems" (Wiley: 2004), "Introduzione a Teoria della probabilità e variabili aleatorie con applicazioni all'ingegneria e alle scienze”, (Editrice Esculapio-Progetto Leonardo:2008), "Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: A Communication-Theoretic Perspective" (Wiley: 2006), and “LDPC Coded Modulations” (Springer: 2009). He edited the book "Sensor Networks: where Theory Meets Practice" (Springer: 2009). His research interests include digital communication systems analysis and design, wireless ad hoc and sensor networking, adaptive digital signal processing, and information theory.

Dr. Ferrari is a co-recipient of a best student paper award at the 2006 International Workshop on Wireless Ad hoc Networks (IWWAN'06). He acts as a frequent reviewer for many international journals and conferences. He acts also as a technical program member for many international conferences. He currently serves on the Editorial Boards of "The Open Electrical and Electronic Engineering (TOEEJ) Journal" (Bentham Publishers), the "International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications" (Taylor & Francis), and the “International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking” (SERSC: Science & Engineering Research Support Center).
Thomas Gallner, (Continental Automotive GmbH, Germany)

He is leading the vehicle E/E architecture activities at Conti and has a background in infotainment. In 2001/2002 actively involved in the series introduction of MOST and byteflight from the supplier side.
Daniele Gerundino, (ISO)

Gerundino is a member of the ISO Central Secretariat top management team and has contributed to improving ISO's performance in many areas, such as: strategy development, identification of new fields of work in innovative areas, process optimization, ISO computerization and development of new services to support ISO members from developing countries.

Since joining ISO in1998, Gerundino has been serving as Secretary of the ISO Council Standing Committee on Strategy and as Secretary of the ISO Information Technology Strategy Implementation Group.

Prior to joining ISO in 1997, Mr Gerundino was co-founder and Managing Director of a privately owned company providing decision support and strategic planning services on the European market. Mr. Gerundino is Doctor in Physics from the University of Milano, Italy (Specialization and thesis in Quantum Field Theory).
Hans Gierlich, Head Acoustics GmbH

H. W. Gierlich was born in 1957 in Bergisch Gladbach, FRG. In 1976 he graduated from high school and began his studies of electrotechnique at the university RWTH Aachen. In 1983 he received his diploma and from 1983 March to 1988 December he worked at the Institute for Communication Engineering at RWTH, Aachen. In 1988 February he received a Ph. D. in electrical engineering. Special topics of his work: Speech intelligibility aspects of telephones and hands-free telephony. In 1988 he was the leader of the acoustic research group at this institute. In 1989 he joined HEAD acoustics GmbH in Aachen where he is as vice president responsible for research and development. He is mainly involved in acoustics, specifically psychoacoustics, binaural simulation, measurement technology and speech transmission in telecommunication. His main activities are in the fields of speech intelligibility and speech quality especially in modern telecommunication systems, binaural signal processing especially binaural simulation
technology and digital signal processing. He is active in the international standardization organizations ITU-T, ISO and ETSI as well as in the national standardization DIN and ZVEI. Amongst other he is currently involved in various European projects.

He is author of more than 150 scientific papers in the field of binaural technology, telecommunication and signal processing published in various magazines and proceedings. H. W. Gierlich holds three patents in the field of telecommunication and two patents in binaural technology. He is member of DEGA and VDE and vice president of ETSI STQ.
Bruno Grandjean, (Pôle Véhicule du Futur, France)

Bruno Grandjean is in charge since 2006 of the « Mobility systems & Services » programs of the French cluster Pôle Véhicule du Futur, whose main goal is to build collaborative R&D projects in the fields of mobility and new vehicles. His activities cover a wide field from intermodal systems and flow management to integration of on-board electronics and ITS (vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications, geopositioning systems...). He graduated from Ecole Polytechnique in Paris and Ecole des Mines de Nancy. After holding various positions in the automotive industry, he took part in regional clustering efforts in 2001, which led to the national recognition of Pôle Véhicule du Futur as « pôle de compétitivité » in 2005.
Udo Haiber (SVOX, Germany)

Dr. Udo Haiber joined SVOX in September 2009 as Chief Operating Officer. Based in Ulm, Germany, Mr. Haiber also serves as a managing director of SVOX Deutschland GmbH. In the SVOX management team he is responsible for customer projects as well as further development of Speech Output and Speech Dialog technologies.

Mr. Haiber has come to SVOX from HarmanBecker Automotive Systems where he was most recently leading the Speech unit and prior to that the Speech Recognition group. Before HarmanBecker Mr. Haiber held various management positions at Daimler. He holds Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in Mathematics and Economics from the University of Ulm.
Christoph Huss, (International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies (FISITA)/BMW)

Christoph Huss has been Senior Vice President Science, Traffic, Vehicle Regulations of BMW Group in Munich since August 2007. He and his staff work on the topics Traffic Systems, Traffic Research, Traffic Infrastructure, Mobility, Environmental Aspects, Energy and Fuels and Science Policies.

From 1983 to 1985 Mr. Huss worked in the department of International Homologation. In 1985 he became Product Information Manager for Technology and from 1989 to 1991 he worked as Product Information Manager for BMW of North America. From 1991 to 1997 he was Manager Traffic/-Safety within the department Traffic and Environment. From 1997 to 2001 he served as Representative of the Board for Traffic and Environment. From 2001 until August 2007 he was Senior Vice President Science and Traffic Policy.

He is a member of several committees of national and international associations, member of the Advisory Board of the German Association for Research in Automotive Technology (FAT) and member of the European Council for Automotive Research and Development (EUCAR)

Since January 2006 he has been President of the “Society for Automotive and Traffic Systems Technology“ of the Association of German Engineers and Vice President Finance Committee “International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies” (FISITA)
Bernhard Jansen, (EDISON Project, IBM, Switzerland)

Bernhard Jansen is currently working at IBM Research - Zurich as Software Engineer in the Systems Management group. He graduated in 2004 with a Computer Science Degree from University of Applied Sciences Landshut, where he also did a post- graduate study in Systems Engineering. From 1999 to 2004 he worked part-time at a company called Transfer Data Test on software and hardware for network protocol converters and VPN Devices. In 2003, he completed his diploma thesis on audio transmission over Bluetooth with Texas Instruments. He joined the Privacy group of IBM Research – Zurich in 2005, working on Trusted Computing, including the European Commission funded Project OpenTC. In 2007, he moved to the Systems Management group, working on credential-less asset discovery in IP networks. Since 2009 he leads the architectural design integration work of the group in the framework of EDISON.
Juhani Jääskeläinen, (DG, European Commission, Europe)

Mr. Juhani Jääskeläinen holds currently the position of Head of Unit, ICT for Transport, at the European Commission, Directorate-General Information Society, in Brussels, Belgium. He has a M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland.

Mr. Jääskeläinen joined the European Commission in 1996 as a Principal Scientific Officer, working in the management of the Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development. In 1999 he was nominated Head of Sector, Mobility Services in the Directorate - General Information Society (INFSO), and in 2005 he became Deputy Head of Unit. In July 2009 he was nominated the Head of Unit, INFSO G4, ICT for Transport.

The Unit's main responsibility is planning and managing Community supported research in the area of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) applied to transportation, as well as managing the highly successful joint industry - public sector Intelligent Car and eSafety initiatives. As HoU, the Mr. Jääskeläinen is fully responsible for the research actions of the Unit, which cover safety, energy efficiency, logistics and mobility. Mr. Jääskeläinen has a leading role in the Intelligent Car Initiative and he is currently the chair of the eSafety Forum and its Steering Group, as well as the author of four Commission Communications on eSafety and in-vehicle emergency call (eCall) between 2003 and 2007.

Mr. Jääskeläinen has a thorough industrial experience, and he has worked in the management of Research and Development in various international companies that include Ericsson and Asea Brown Boweri. Before joining the Commission he worked for several years at the Finnish Technology Development Agency TEKES, first as a Research Manager for Space Technologies and later as the Director of Space Technologies.
Subrat Kar, (Bharti School of Telecommunication technology & Management, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India)

Prof. Subrat Kar heads the Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology and Management and the Airtel IT Delhi Centre of Excellence in Telecommunications (AICET) at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi), India. He is the Coordinator of the Optical Communication and Optoelectronics group and works on ultra-fast photonic networks, photonic switching, optical burst switched networks, ASONs, BPONS, embedded systems and protocols (specially 802.15.4 and 802.16). He also has a start-up company which has a portfolio of sensor network based prototypes and applications. He is on several standards bodies, the Bureau of Indian Standards and also on ECMA (TC32-TG14/TG17 and TG38-TG4).
Ryan D. Lamm, (Southwest Research Institute (SWRI), USA)

Mr. Lamm’s expertise is focused in the area of intelligent and unmanned ground vehicle systems, non-linear control theory, mobile robotics, and communication system design. He is currently managing the Intelligent Vehicle Systems Section at SwRI that designs and develops cooperative and autonomous mobile systems in support of commercial and defense applications. These systems include vehicle-to-infrastructure and vehicle-to-vehicle cooperative systems, active vehicle safety systems, multi-agent mobile robotic systems, vehicular autonomy, and unmanned systems. Mr. Lamm was the technical lead responsible for the system architecture of the full size fully autonomous vehicle developed on SwRI’s Mobile Autonomous Robotics Technology Initiative (MARTI).

Mr. Lamm has been involved in Intelligent Transportation Systems for over 12 years. He is currently involved in activities related to the USDOT IntelliDriveSM program, is participating in IEEE and ISO standards activities, is the US Expert on Forward Vehicle Collision Mitigation Systems for ISO, chairs the cooperative systems committee of the ITSA Safety Forum, and is a member of the organizing committee for the 2011 World Congress on Intelligent Transport to be held in Orlando, Florida.

Mr. Lamm has over twenty technical publications related to network systems, ITS, vehicular communications, and autonomous/unmanned systems. He is responsible for domestic and international collaboration and business development for intelligent vehicle systems R&D for SwRI, is a Senior Member of IEEE, and has a BS in Electrical Engineering and an MS in Management of Technology from the University of Texas at San Antonio.
Chae Sub Lee, Study Group13 (Future Networks) Chairman

Mr. Chae Sub LEE has been working in the telecoms standardisation field for over 20 years. He has been involved in ITU-T standards development for the ISDN, GII, IP-based networks, NGN and IPTV. He was mainly involved in ITU-T Study Group 13 as a rapporteur and working party chairman on Architecture and Interworking areas since 1988. He served ITU-T activity as a vice-chairman of SG13 from 2001 till 2008. He shared his role as a Vice-Chairman of ITU-T IPTV Focus Group since July 2006 and as a Chairman of NGN Focus Group from June 2004 till November 2005. He is now Chairman of ITU-T SG13 which is a lead group of standard development on NGN, IPTV, FMC and Future Networks for the study period 2009~ 2012. After a career of twenty years with KT as a senior researching engineer, he has been an invited researcher to ETRI.
Thomas D.C. Little, (University Roma Tre, Italy, Thales Alenia Space, Italy, Boston University, USA)

Thomas D.C. Little is a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Boston University. He is Associate Chair for Graduate Studies for the department and is director of the Multimedia Communications Lab where he is involved in the development of enabling technologies and applications for networked and distributed systems. Dr. Little is Associate Director of the Smart Lighting Engineering Research Center -- a collaboration of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, the University of New Mexico, and Boston University. His recent efforts include research in video sensor networks and streaming in wireless settings, ubiquitous optical networking with visible light, vehicle-to-vehicle/infrastructure (V2X) communications, and the application of wireless sensors in health monitoring.
Yushi Naito, Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 16, (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)

Yushi Naito was appointed to ITU-T SG16 Chairman at the WTSA-08 meeting held in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2008.

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation since April 2006. He joined Mitsubishi Electric Corporation in 1975, starting his carrier in the development of Satellite Communication Systems and extended his carrer in research and development of Speech Coding and Network Signal Processing. Now He is a Senior Technical Adviser at the Information Technology R & D Center of Mitsubishi Electric。

He started ITU-T activities in 1990 in SG15, and has also been collaborating with SG9, SG 11, SG12 and SG13. He first became the Rapporteur of SG15 in 1992, Working Party Chairman of SG15 in 2000. Together with the whole WP, he moved to SG16 and became a Vice-Chairman/WP1 Chairman in 2005.

He has also been actively participated in Focus Group activities in ITU-T on IPTV , From/In/To/Car Communication (FG-FITCAR) and FG-FITCAR II and FG-CarCOM.

From October 2008, he is in current position.
Michael Noblett, (ISO TC204 Chairman)

Michael Noblett is Business Solutions Professional, for IBM Global Business Services. Mr. Noblett is internationally recognized as an expert in automotive electronics, wireless communications and is a leader in the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) industry, having helped pioneer multinational activities to advance vehicle technology and transportation safety. He is responsible for advancing business development, automotive industry partnerships, and international standards to support the “Smarter Cities” initiatives for IBM. He served formerly with Connexis LLC as VP of Business Development and spent nearly 20 years with General Motors Corporation and its subsidiary OnStar and he served as Program Manager for the Automotive Multimedia Interface Collaboration (AMI-C).

Mr. Noblett is Chair of ISO/TC 204, the international standards committee for ITS, Chair of the FISITA/PIARC Joint Task Force, member of the ITS World Congress BOD, and was General Chair for the 15th Annual World Congress on ITS held in New York City 2008.
Yasuro Nakanomori, (OKI, Japan)

Yasuro Nakanomori joined the Transport System Division of Oki Electric Industry(OKI) in 1976. He has worked at Oki for 25 years in the development of products for the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), for Example Vehicle Information and Communication System (VICS), Electronic Toll Collection System (ETC) etc. Since 2007, he has been engaged as General Manager in the ITS solution development Division in Oki. He is currently Exective Vice-President and Specialist in the ITS Bsuiness Division.
Josef Noebauer, (Continental Automotive GmbH, Germany)

Before he moved to the Systems & Technology Automotive group in 2006 he was responsible for the networking architecture of infotainment systems. He is an expert for the cross divisional usage of automotive network technologies like MOST, Ethernet, Flexray within Continental.
Steven Jeremy Ntambi, (Vehicle Design Summit, Africa)

Though single and 25 years old, Steven Jeremy Ntambi from Uganda-Africa is a very innovative, igneous and dynamic electrical engineer with good leadership and marketing skills. He is currently studying Systems Development Engineering with application to Space Exploration, Product development and marketing in Italy, France, Germany and Netherlands. Prior to this, while an undergraduate student at Makerere University Kampala-Uganda, he spent two years working on an International Project at with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T), U.S.A., called Vehicle Design Summit (VDS), in which he was the African Team Leader. The project aimed at developing a prototype of an Environmentally Friendly Vehicle code-named Vision200 which was a Plug-In Series hybrid Electric Vehicle, with a case study of the Indian market for potential consumption. For his final year thesis, he developed the Buck Converter that for the Vision200. This prototype was showcased in November, 2009 at the 2009 World Design Capital in Turin, Italy, called The Torino Esposizione.

While on VDS project, his team was commissioned with the development of the Low Power Electronics and the Data Networking Structure of the prototype. Upon good impression in delivery of results, his team was further tasked to take charge of the development of the entire power-train of prototype of the Vision-200, as well as the Vehicle Assembly. This was delivered successfully by his team.

Jeremy has also participated at core level in other project in Collaboration with M.I.T such as the iLabs Project at Makerere which was concerned with net-sharing of physical resources between the two Universities. He also developed a wave propagation model for Coastal West Africa while at the University

Before starting his current Post-graduate Program in Europe, Jeremy , had been working for one of the biggest media house in East Africa known as the Vision Group in Uganda, where he was an Electrical Engineer, a position he help immediately after school. While at the Vision Group, he worked on multi-million Dollar projects, such as Setting up of a Television Station, and also the setting up of the biggest Printing Presses in East Africa at preliminary stage together with Engineers from GOSS International, England and Muller Martini, Switzerland.
Marc Osajda, Freescale, Semiconductor, Inc.

Marc Osajda is Global Automotive Strategy Manager for Freescale Semiconductor, the global leader in embedded processing solutions.

Marc joined Motorola's European semiconductor business, now Freescale, in 1992 as a mechanical design engineer.

From 1995 to 2001, Marc was involved with the European Automotive industry, respectively as application engineer and then as European automotive marketer for sensor products.

Between 2001 and 2004 Marc occupied the position of program manager in charge of new automotive product development.

In 2005 Marc moved to Munich and joined the Automotive Global Sales & Marketing organization. He is now in charge of global automotive strategy.

Marc holds several patents in the field of automotive sensors and has published numerous articles on automotive electronics.

Marc holds an engineering degree in mechanics and electronics from the French “Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Arts et Metiers” in Paris. He resides in Munich, Germany.
Sooksan Panichpapiboon, (University of Parma/Italy, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand)

Sooksan Panichpapiboon is currently a lecturer in the Faculty of Information Technology, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok, Thailand. He received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, in 2000, 2002, and 2006, respectively, all in electrical and computer engineering. In 2007, he was awarded the ASEM DUO-Thailand Fellowship. In April 2008, he worked as a visiting researcher in the Department of Information Engineering, University of Parma, Italy. His current research interests include vehicular ad hoc networks, intelligent transportation systems, radio frequency identification (RFID) systems, and performance modeling.
Ziva Patir, (Better Place, Israel)

Ziva Patir leads international standardization efforts for Better Place, defining technical standards and ensuring compliance with requirements set by international standards organizations and regulatory bodies. In this role, she oversees collaboration with Better Place partners on existing and future standards to promote the industry-wide consensus necessary for mass deployment of electric vehicles and ensure the public safety and environment interests are well served.

Prior to joining Better Place, Patir held the position of director general of the Standard Institution of Israel (SII) for over a decade. SII, which employs close to 1,000 staff, including hundreds of engineers and scientists, manages the biggest civil laboratories in the country and oversees certification activities in all areas of Israeli life. Patir also served as Vice President Technical of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), chairing the Technical Management Board, 2004- 2008. She was the first woman to be elected as an officer position in ISO. Patir still leads the Strategic Alliance and Regulatory group (CASCO STAR) to develop strategy for cooperation between the various stakeholders involved in Conformity Assessment. She served as the president of the Israel Quality Society and the president of the International Women Forum [IWF] in Israel. She also serves as Chair of the Board of the Road Safety Authority (RSA) in Israel.
Robert Piechocki, (Centre for Communications Research, University of Bristol, UK)

Dr Robert Piechocki is an RCUK Senior Research Fellow at the University of Bristol. He received an MSc degree from the Technical University of Wroclaw Poland in 1997, and a PhD from the University of Bristol in 2002. His research interests span the areas of signal processing, information and communication theory, with the emphasis on wireless communications. He has led and participated in a number of industrial (e.g. Toshiba, IHP, QinetiQ, Fujitsu, EADS), UK and EU funded projects. He has authored and co-authored over 60 international journal and conference papers and holds 12 patents.
Jack Pokrzywa, (SAE, International, USA)

Jack Pokrzywa is a Director of SAE Ground Vehicle Standards program which consists of over 500 technical committees, 7,800 participating experts and over 2,000 existing standards. He is responsible for the overall performance of the SAE Ground Vehicle Standards support system as well as new business development, international standards harmonization, and liaison with other standards development organizations.

In the international arena, he is US TAG Co-Chairman to ISO TC22 (Road Vehicles), representing the US based auto and truck standardization activities in the ISO TC22 Strategic Planning group.

He is a voting member of the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) in the US. Prior to joining SAE International, Pokrzywa was with the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG), where he managed various projects for the global OEMs and major automotive suppliers.

Before joining AIAG, Jack held management positions in the US, Germany and the UK with Octal, a Silicon Valley engineering software developer, where he was responsible for initial start-up, daily operation, sales and marketing in Europe.
V. Pramod, (Bharti School of Telecommunication technology & Management, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India)

Pramod V graduated with Honours in Electrical and Communication Engineering from Dr MGR Educational and Research Institute, Chennai in 2009.He is currently pursuing MS(Research) from Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology and Management, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi. His research areas are in embedded systems, automotive networks and RTOS.
Raymond Resendes, (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, USA)

Ray is the Chief of the Intelligent Technologies Research Division at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. He is the technical manager of the Intellidrive Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications for Safety Program and manages the selection of advanced safety technologies for the U.S. New Car Assessment Program (NCAP). He has twenty years experience developing, testing and evaluating advanced automotive safety systems and vehicle controls. Before coming to U.S. DOT he managed the test and evaluation programs for unmanned vehicle systems at the U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command.

B.S. Electrical Engineering from State University of New York at Buffalo
M.S. Administration, Central Michigan University
James Rosenstein, (ITS Consultant)

Currently an External Affairs and Marketing consultant, based in New York, specializing in the automotive, ICT and ITS sectors. Previous positions include: Global Director of External Affairs at Bentley Motors, Ltd; SVP Marketing and External Affairs at Ygomi, LLC; Vice President, External Affairs at Toyota Motor Europe; Director of Communications at the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) and Chief Press and Public Affairs Officer at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Educated at Harvard College and La Sorbonne in Paris, with Masters degrees in Language and Anthropology.
Shelley Row, (U.S. Department of Transportation Systems Joint Program Office, RITA, USA)

Shelley J. Row is Director of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Joint Program Office (JPO), a position she has held since January 2007. As JPO Director, Ms. Row manages a $110 million annual budget to advance research and deployment of ITS, in support of the Transportation Department’s goals of reducing congestion and improving safety and productivity.

Ms. Row’s federal career began in 1987 when she joined the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), working in its division offices in California, Arizona, and North Carolina. After a stint in FHWA’s Headquarters managing ITS Early Deployment Planning and Outreach, Shelley returned to the field as Engineering Systems Manager in the Georgia Division office, where she was responsible for ITS project implementation in preparation for the 1996 Summer Olympics. Shelley’s accomplishments in Georgia won her the Secretary of Transportation’s Team Award and the Secretary’s Gold Medal.

Shelley holds Bachelor degrees in Civil Engineering and Architecture from Texas Tech University and an MBA in management from Virginia Tech. She is a registered professional engineer and professional transportation operations engineer.
Alastair Ruddle, (MIRA Ltd., UK)

Alastair Ruddle has carried out industrial research in a wide range of disciplines and application areas. Since joining MIRA in 1996 he has been concerned primarily with the development of electromagnetic field modelling techniques for automotive applications (EMC, antennas and human field exposure) and the analysis of related measurement issues. He coordinates the UK collaborative research project SEFERE ( and previously coordinated the EU project GEMCAR ( Other activities during this period have included formal methods for modelling safety-critical automotive computational systems (EU project EASIS,, as well as approaches for analysing potential security risks associated with on-board vehicle networks (EU project EVITA,
Sed Saad, (Waseda University, Japan)

Dr Sed SAAD is a senior strategy consultant in Telecommunication (Mobile Internet), Telematics and Intelligent Transport System (ITS). Education: He got his PhD on ITS from Waseda University (Japan), a MBA from MIT and MPA from Harvard University. Interest: convergence of Telecom, Transport, Vehicle and Energy sectors from a multidisciplinary (Technology, Policy, Business and System) perspectives.
Eric Sampson, UK

Eric is a Fellow of the Transport Research Foundation and a Visiting Professor at Newcastle University and City University London. He was elected Chairman of ITS-UK in May 2007 and was appointed CBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2007.

Eric worked in the UK public sector for for 39 years, retiring in November 2006. At the Department for Transport he worked in the Marine, Highways, Rail and Safety Directorates, as well as The Coastguard Agency. In 1997 Eric was appointed the first Director of Road User Charging Research and in 2000 set up the Transport Technology and Standards Division working on information systems, road user charging, smart cards, vehicle safety and innovative transport technologies.

He was a founder member of the international study group that led to the formation of ERTICO and has been a member and Chairman of its Supervisory Board.
Reinhard Scholl, (ITU-T)

Reinhard Scholl is Deputy to the Director of the ITU-T Secretariat (TSB) since September 2002. Previously he has been with Siemens in Munich, Germany and with ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute). He received a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Illinois, USA.
David Schutt, (SAE International, USA)

David Schutt, PhD, is SAE International’s Chief Executive Officer. He is responsible for overseeing SAE International’s global management and operations, as well as ensuring excellence in the organization’s performance, including fiscal stability and strategic direction. He serves as President of the Performance Review Institute and is a non-voting member of SAE International’s Board of Directors. Schutt serves on a variety of not-for-profit boards, national commissions and local organizations. He is Vice President-America on the International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies’ (FISITA) Executive Board and is a member of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Finance Committee. He was appointed Commissioner, U.S. National Commission for the United National Education and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) by the U.S. Secretary of State. Prior to joining SAE International in 2007, Schutt worked at the American Chemical Society (ACS) and served in several capacities, including Chief Strategy Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and Director of External Affairs. Schutt holds a doctorate in physical chemistry from Princeton University and a bachelor’s degree from Calvin College. He also earned an M.B.A. from Johns Hopkins University. SAE International is a 501(c)(3) non-for-profit educational and scientific organization dedicated to advancing mobility technology to better serve humanity. Its 121,000—engineers, business executives, educators, and students from more than 100 countries—develop technical standards, publish authoritative literature, and share information and exchange ideas for advancing the engineering of mobility systems. SAE is the world’s resource for designing, building, maintaining, and operating self-propelled vehicles for use on land or sea, in air or space. Performance Review Institute is a 501(c)(6) not-for-profit organization that advances the interests of the mobility and related industries through development of performance standards and administration of quality assurance, accreditation, and certification programs as well as related activities for the benefit of industry, government, and the general public.
Gérard Ségarra, (TC ITS/WP1 Chairman)

Gérard Ségarra graduated with a Engineer diploma from the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (France) and with a Master in mathematics from the university of Paris 6. He joined Renault in 1984 to deploy telecommunication systems. He is currently expert in telematics in Renault Engineering division, representing Renault in C2C-CC Steering Committee and Chairman of ETSI TC ITS WG1 dedicated to ITS applications requirements and services.
Russell Shields, (Ygomi, USA)

T. Russell Shields is founder and Chair of Ygomi LLC. Mr. Shields has a 40-year track record of creating and developing businesses that define new industries, including software engineering, business services, wireless communications, and intelligent transportation systems (ITS). In 2008, he received the Distinguished Alumni Award in the category of Entrepreneurship from the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business. Mr. Shields is a Board Member of the ITS World Congress, a former Officer and founding Board Member of the Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America), former chair of the Communications Committee of the Transportation Research Board (National Research Council), and Convener of the Working Group developing international standards for wireless communications for ITS (ISO/TC204/WG16). He received the 1998 SAE Delco Electronics Intelligent Transportation Systems Award for distinguished service to the ITS industry, was named an SAE Fellow in 2007, and was inducted into the inaugural class of ITS America’s ITS Hall of Fame in 2008. Mr. Shields holds a BA in mathematics from Wichita State University and two degrees (an MA in history and an MBA) from the University of Chicago.
Robert Steele, ISO Secretary-General, on behalf of World Standards Cooperation (ITU, ISO, IEC)

Rob Steele took up the post of ISO Secretary-General on 1 January 2009. He was the Chief Executive Officer of Standards New Zealand (SNZ) until 2007. He is a Chartered Accountant, a member of the New Zealand Institute of Directors, and a Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Management. Rob was also Secretary of the Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC) from 2002 to April 2007. Prior to joining SNZ Rob was Chief Executive of an electricity distribution company in New Zealand for eight years; and worked in New Zealand and Canada in financial audit and advisory services for an international accounting firm for 18 years.
Takahiko Yamada, (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)

Takahiko Yamada received B.E and M.E. degrees in electronics engineering in 1967 and 1969, respectively and the D.E. degree in 1989 from Kyoto University. Since 1969, he had been engaged in the research and development of electronic and digital switching systems and public network applications in NTT communication laboratories for 25years. He has been a professor of Department of Computer Science and VLSI System Design at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, Japan since 1994. He has been studying VLSI-based communication systems and networks both for fixed networks and mobile networks to popularize multimedia communications over the general public, and the network to integrate the public network and the Internet.
Anna Maria Vegni, (University Roma Tre, Italy, Thales Alenia Space, Italy, Boston University, USA)

Anna Maria Vegni is actually a Ph. D. student in Biomedical Engineering, Electromagnetics and Telecommunications at the Department of Applied Electronics, University of Roma TRE, Rome, Italy. She received the 1st and 2nd level Laurea Degrees cum laude in Electronics Engineering at University of Roma TRE, in July 2004, and 2006, respectively. From May 2009 to October 2009, she was a visiting scholar in the Multimedia Communication Laboratory, at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Boston University, Boston MA.

Her main research activities are mobility and connectivity management in heterogeneous network environments (handover), localization techniques (indoor and outdoor), wireless and vehicular communications.
Claudio Vegni, (University Roma Tre, Italy, Thales Alenia Space, Italy, Boston University, USA)

Claudio Vegni is System Navigation Engineer in the Navigation & Integrated Communications Business Unit of Thales Alenia Space- Italia (TAS-I) S.p.A. He is a graduated Engineer from University of Roma Tre in 1998. He worked at “Alenia Spazio Antenna Department” from 1999 to 2003. In 2003 he joined TAS-I, working in the frame of “GIOVE-B” satellite verification activities, “Galileo” space segment design and verification, “Galileo” project planning activities, “Galileo - Search & Rescue” system and Payload definition. Since 2007 he is responsible for TAS-I of the Galileo Search & Rescue performance and verification activities as part of System Integration and Verification contract of Galileo C/D/E1 Phase. He is also space segment technical responsible of “Egnos 2nd Generation Payload phase A”, and “Feature” projects as part of “GNSS evolution” ESA programs.
Paul J.Vorster, (Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) South Africa, South Africa)

Paul Vorster is CEO of ITS South Africa and Managing Director of Corporate Communication (Pty) Ltd and is responsible for servicing clients such as the Automotive Industry Development Centre (AIDC), the Maputo Development Corridor and the Gautrain Rapid Rail Link. Paul is currently working as strategic communication and marketing advisor on the 2010 FIFA World Cup Transport Operational Plan for the City of Durban, as well as for the Consortium designing and implementing the Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) project on open road tolling. As CEO of ITS South Africa he is active in lobbying locally and internationally to grow the ITS industry and to support projects that will make transport operations more efficient, safer and more environmentally friendly and people-oriented.

Paul is the vice-president of the International Benefits, Evaluation and Cost (IBEC) Working Group (IBEC-ITS); a member of the Steering Committee of the ITS World Forum; a member of the Network of National ITS Associations as well as the Institute of Directors of South Africa. He holds Honours degrees in Communication as well as Strategic Studies and a PhD in Communication.
Jean-François Weber, (GreenGT SA, Switzerland)

Founding partner of GreenGT. Engineer from EPFL and MB from HEC, Jean-François was CEO of Mader Racing Engines, subsidiary of the Mecachrome Group. He has solid backgrounds in motor racing and race engine development. Among those is the engineering of a hybrid gearbox for the GP2 series. I was also, during 15 years, a consultant in strategy and Management for International Consulting firms (PwC, Ernst & Young).
Helge Zinner, (Continental Automotive GmbH, Germany)

He is currently working towards the Ph.D. degree at the Institute for Communication Networks, University Ilmenau. He has been with Continental Automotive GmbH as a development engineer for infotainment systems since 2004.
ITU: International Telecommunication Union (
ISO: International Organization for Standardization (
IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission (


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