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 ITU Workshop on Standards and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Issues
 New Delhi, India, 19-20 December 2011 Contact:
Utsab Banerjee

Utsab Banerjee joined TCS in 2010 and was one of the founding members of the corporate IPR cell in the company. A bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication engineering (2006) and a LL.B. in Intellectual Property Laws from Indian Institute of technology Kharagpur (2010), Utsab has prior working experience in Companies like Cognizant Technology Solutions and Samsung. Utsab is also a qualified Indian Patent Agent and is a registered member of West Bengal Bar Council. Currently he is into the IPR negotiations and policy framing for TCS. He is also working ardently for IPR awareness in and outside the organization.
Brad Biddle

Brad Biddle is an Adjunct Professor at Arizona State University’s Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, where he teaches a course on technology standards, and serves as a Research Fellow at ASU’s Center for Law, Science and Innovation. He is also Standards Counsel for Intel Corporation, where he coordinates the worldwide legal team focused on technology standards development efforts and other related industry collaborations; previously he led Intel’s engagement with the World Intellectual Property Organization and the Internet Governance Forum. Brad was a non-residential Fellow at Stanford Law School's Center for Internet and Society from 2007-2010.
Asok Chatterjee

Asok Chatterjee received his Master’s degree in Radio Physics and Electronics from University of Calcutta, India, and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Ottawa, Canada. Dr. Chatterjee has nearly 30 years of experience in various branches of the telecommunications industry. Dr. Chatterjee is currently the Vice President of Industry Relations with Ericsson and serves as Co-Chairman of WP1, SG13, ITU-T for the 2009-2012 Study Period and is a member of US Delegation to ITU-R SG5 WP5D [working on IMT-Adv standardization]. Dr. Chatterjee is one of the founders of 3GPP, currently serving as the Chairman of 3GPP Project Coordination Group and is a member of the ATIS Delegation to Global Standards Collaboration meetings and was a member of the US Delegations to WTSA 2008 in Johannesburg and WTDC 2010 in Hyderabad.
Antoine Dore

Antoine Dore is a Canadian lawyer who joined ITU over ten years ago; he is a Senior Legal Officer of the Legal Affairs Unit of the ITU. Frequently called on to provide legal advice on policy questions involving IPR issues, notably in the context of ITU's standardization activities, his advice is also regularly sought on issues related to the licensing activities of the ITU. Mr. Dore is a member of the WSC Task Force responsible for the elaboration of the common patent policy for ITU/ISO/IEC and its related guidelines. He also acts as secretary to ITU's Ad Hoc Group on Intellectual Property Rights which is a forum for the exchange of views between IP experts. Mr. Dore is a frequent speaker on IPR and standardization issues. Prior to working as in-house counsel for ITU, Mr. Dore worked in a large Canadian law firm specializing in commercial and corporate law and litigation.
Stephan Gauch

Stephan Gauch studied social science with a focus on empirical social research and statistics at the University of Mannheim. Between 2004 and 2008 Stephan Gauch was a researcher in the department of Innovation Systems and Policy at Fraunhofer ISI. Since 2009 he has been working at Technische Universität Berlin at the chair of Innovation Economics under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Knut Blind.

He is active in standardization research and innovation indicator analysis focusing on topics relating to standardization and innovation such as technology convergence in standardization and the use of standards as indicators for diffusion and coordination of innovation activities. Stephan Gauch holds a PhD in economics. His thesis addresses the interaction of research and standardisation and the division of labor in ICT standardization.
Michel Goudelis

Michel Goudelis was born in Athens in 1954.

After an Electrical Engineering degree from the National Technical University in Athens, Greece in 1977, followed by a Telecommunications Engineer degree and a PhD from the ENST in Paris, France in 1981, he worked both in the Telecommunications industry and Telecommunications operators.

He joined the European Patent Office (EPO) in 1989 as an examiner in Telecommunications. Since 2003 he is a Director in Telecommunications, his Directorate being entrusted with patent examination primarily in the field of Wireless Networks.

His further responsibilities in the EPO Joint Cluster Telecommunications include Documentation, Search and Examination Tools, as well as Trend Watching and External Relations.

He is the coordinator of the EPO ICT Standards group and designated EPO coordinator and contact person in the Cooperation Agreements with Standardisation Organisations, ETSI, ITU and IEEE-SA.
Monica Goyal

Monica Goyal is a Toronto-based lawyer and a softwarenology entrepreneur who founded My Legal Briefcase, an online legal service firm focused on small claims court cases. After graduating from her undergraduate degree from the University of Waterloo, where she was a Dean's List Scholar, Monica attended Stanford University, where she earned her Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering. Monica also holds a law degree from the University of Toronto.

Monica has extensive industry experience as an electrical engineer. She was employed in the United States and Canada in research and development with several major telecommunications and semiconductor companies. After the completion of her law degree, she worked with a top Canadian IP firm.

Monica's volunteer work with organizations such as Griffin Centre, Adventure Place, Downtown Legal Services, and Pro Bono Law Canada has given her insight into the accessibility and affordability of legal needs for the marginalized. She developed My Legal Briefcase to empower individuals going to court.
Yukio Hiramatsu

Yukio Hiramatsu is Professor, Graduate School of Intellectual Property, Osaka Institute of Technology (OIT). He is currently engaged in research and education on relationship between standards and IPR. Before joining the OIT in April, 2005, he had been with NTT Laboratories for 27 years, being responsible for R&D and standardization regarding packet communications in public networks. From 1985 to 2008, he had been an active participant in ITU-T, and served as Chairman of Study Group 11 (Signalling requirements and protocols) for the period of 2001 to 2008. He is currently serving as Chairman of the IPR Committee meeting of TTC, Japan.

He was born in Tokyo in 1953 and received his B. E. and M. E. degrees from Yokohama National University in 1976 and 1978, respectively. He is a member of the IEEE, the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers of Japan, Information Processing Society of Japan, and Intellectual Property Association of Japan. In 2009 the ITU Association of Japan awarded him for his contribution to the ITU.
Anne Lehouck

Anne Lehouck is the Policy Coordinator for ICT Standardization for the European Commission—Directorate General Enterprise. During the first part of her career, Ms. Lehouck was active as a technical officer who was responsible for Electrotechnical standardization at the Belgian Electrotechnical Committee.

Ms. Lehouck joined the European Commission in 1986 and has been active in the ICT standardization domain, first as a technical officer in charge of specific ICT standardization activities. Presently, she is responsible for the ICT standardisation policy in the context of the overall European Commission (EU) standardization policy. She started the ICT standardisation policy review in 2006 , chaired the ICT standardisation policy steering committee since its creation and prepared the new regulatory proposals covering the ICT domain as presented in the standardisation legal review.

Ms. Lehouck is a graduate from the Politechnical School at the University of Brussels.
Hung Ling

Hung Ling is currently with the Corporate Standards group in Alcatel-Lucent. While he is based in the USA, one of his responsibilities is to manage IPR issues related to standards globally. In this role, he provides advice to product divisions and represents Alcatel-Lucent in various Standards and IPR policy committees. He has participated in many discussions in ITU, ETSI, ANSI, ATIS, TIA, IEEE, etc and is also responsible for membership in standards organizations globally. Besides active committee participation, he is the Rapporteur for the Marks Guidelines issues in the ITU TSB Director’s Ad Hoc Group on IPR and a member of the IEEE Standards Association Standards Board. Prior to joining the Standards team, he led R&D groups in Bell Laboratories in diverse technology areas such as optical subsystems, electronic assembly and advanced manufacturing.

Hung has a Doctor of Science degree in Material Science and a B.S. degree in Physics, both from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the USA.
Tomoko Miyamoto
Patent Law Section
Patents and Innovation Division
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

Tomoko Miyamoto is a Head of the Patent Law Section, Patents and Innovation Division, in the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Tomoko’s current activities involve various issues with respect to patent policy, law and practices, including the development of international patent system and promotion of patent-related treaties. She also belongs to a team of Secretariat serving for the WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP), within which issues relating to patents and technical standards has been discussed. Tomoko started her career as a patent examiner at the Japan Patent Office, and later worked in the International Affairs Division. She has a M. Eng in Electronics Engineering and an LL.M on IP law and management.
Serge Raes

Dr. Ir. Serge RAES was educated at the State University of Liège, Montefiore Institute, Belgium, where he obtained his Electrical (Electronics) Engineering degree in 1985 and a Ph. D. in the field of high frequency microstrips in 1993. From 1985 to 1997, he was Professor in Radiocommunications within the Telecom Department.

He joined Alcatel (now Alcatel-Lucent) in 1991 where he worked on TETRA (TErrestrial Trunked RAdio) and GSM: he holds 3 patents. Then, he became Standardization Programme Manager (1997-2000) at the HeadQuarter: during this period, he launched the UMTS IPR Working Group, UMTS Intellectual Property Association and the 3G Patent Platform Partnership (3G3P), now a Patent Pool for W-CDMA essential patents under Sipro Lab Telecom. From 2001 to 2003, he was Licensing Business Development Manager.

He was seconded to ETSI in 1993-1994 as a Project Team Expert then Leader on TETRA, and in 2000-2001 to 3G3P as Business Development Director.

In 2003, he joined France Telecom where he is in charge of the co-ordination between Intellectual Property and Standardization, which includes the approval of the IPR Policy of all standards bodies where France Telecom is a member and the patent essentiality evaluations and declarations.

Since 2004, he has been serving as Rapporteur on Patent issues to the ITU Telecommunication Standardisation and to the Radiocommunications Sectors. He invested into the formation of the Common IPR Policy for ITU, ISO and IEC, and is involved in the on-going IPR Policy discussions among many standards bodies (e.g. ETSI, where he is Vice-Chair of the IPR Committee).
Dinesh Chand Sharma

Dinesh Chand Sharma has been associated with Telecom Industry since 1992 and with Ericsson since 1997.

He is presently working in the capacity of Director – Regulatory Affairs & Industry Relations in Communication & Business Development Group. Prior to this, he has worked in Customer Unit - Government Operators as “Head – Account Management” , in Commercial Management, Technical Solutions, 3G Programs in India and After Sale Support capacities within Ericsson Group. He also posses a 4 years international experience in North American Market with T-Mobile Account in the capacity of Service Delivery Manager.

Dinesh began his career in Customer support in year 1992 and has a cumulative 18 years of experience in Telecom Industry.

He has a Bachelors degree in Electronics from Pune University in India, Diploma with highest honour in Business Management from Stratford Institute, WDC, USA and SUN certification from USA.
Stéphane Tronchon

Stéphane Tronchon is the Director of IPR Policy at QUALCOMM Incorporated, an internationally recognised leader in developing and delivering innovative digital wireless communications products and services. QUALCOMM participates in almost 100 standardization bodies worldwide and licenses its industry-leading wireless technology to third parties all around the world to design, manufacture and sell products to help build the wireless ecosystem.

Mr. Tronchon current responsibilities include management of standards development strategic policy issues including IPR international and regional activities, and other regulatory initiatives related to Qualcomm standards activities.

Mr. Tronchon represents QUALCOMM and addresses relevant IPR issues in different venues throughout the world including the IPR Working Groups of ETSI, Digital Europe the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

Previously, as Legal Director in the European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI), he was seen as being instrumental in guiding ETSI members on the management of their IPRs in a standards making process and in delivering advice on IPR matters to ETSI General Assembly and Board. His responsibilities included the drafting and completion for the ETSI Guide on IPRs which is modelled throughout the ICT industry.
Phil Wadsworth

Mr. Wadsworth has been practicing in all aspects of IP law since 1978. At the beginning of his career, he was in private practice for approximately 5 years. This included an assignment in Tokyo, Japan where he worked closely with Toshiba on procuring US patents for their most important inventions. In 1983, he joined Motorola Corporation at their Paging and Portable Products facility in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, primarily focusing on patent prosecution. In 1985, Mr. Wadsworth joined IBM at their Boca Raton, Florida PC Division where he worked on all of the IP issues associated with bringing the PS/2 to market. He worked at IBM for fifteen years, taking on progressively increasing responsibilities, and gaining extensive experience in patent and technology licensing, infringement and invalidity analysis, patent prosecution, patent litigation and managing large patent departments, as well as all aspects of trademark, copyright and trade secret law. This culminated with him reaching the executive level in 1995. Mr. Wadsworth joined Qualcomm in 1999, as Chief Patent Counsel and over the course of his seven year stay in that position grew the patent department from thirty employees to well over a hundred. He is presently concentrating his efforts on global IP legislative activities and leads a team of in-house attorneys that focus on open source software issues.

Mr. Wadsworth is co-chair of the IP subcommittee of the US Semiconductor Industry Association and a member of the IP Task Force of the World Semiconductor Council. He is also a member of the California, New York and Florida bars, the American Intellectual Property Association and the Intellectual Property Owners Association, including the Asian Practice Committee.

Mr. Wadsworth has a B.S.E.E. from Clarkson University, a Masters in Public Administration from Pepperdine University, and a J.D. from the University of Miami School of Law.
Dirk Weiler

Dirk Weiler is Head of Standards Management in Nokia Siemens Networks, responsible for standardization policy, membership portfolio, type approval and various other topics.

He is Chairman of the ETSI General Assembly and the ETSI IPR Special Committee, Vice Chairman of the BITKOM Working Group Standardization and member of the European Commission’s ICT Standardisation Policy Steering Committee.

Until 2006 he has held various management positions in the areas of development, research, intellectual property, standardization and marketing in Siemens. Since 1988 he has been working actively in standardization on technical as well as board level in ETSI, ITU, OMA and various other bodies.

He joined Siemens in 1985, starting in the development of the Mobile Communication System C450, after his graduation in Physics from the University of Cologne and the Institute of Nuclear research in Jülich, Germany


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