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Workshop on "End-to-End Quality of Service. What is it? How do we get it?"
Geneva, 1-3 October 2003

Workshop Programme and presentations

  Day 1, 1 October 2003 Day 2, 2 October 2003 Day 3, 3 October 2003
AM Opening Session 3 Session 5
Session 1 Session 3 Session 5
PM Session 2 Session 4 Session 6
Session 2
Session 4 Closing

Day 1, Wednesday, 1-3 October 2003
09:30-10:30 Opening Session (AM):

Opening addresses
: ITU-T – Mr H. Zhao, Director of TSB

Keynote addresses

Workshop purpose & scope, Overview and Objectives
Mr J-Y. Monfort, ITU-T SG12 Chairman, France Telecom
Break 10:30-11:00
11:00-12:30 Session 1: Session on economic impacts and stakes of the QoS [audio]

Objectives: Highlight the impact of the telecommunication services’ quality on macro and micro economy; explain the current economic situation and the globalisation and their impact on the quality of telecommunication services. Analyse the impact of Risk Management and Revenue Assurance activities on quality of service; the use of SLAs and the impact on the quality.
  • Presentation 1
    Quality differentiation and economic efficiency [Abstract]
    Mr R. Jacob, Brighthaul, CTO
  • Presentation 2
    QoS & Revenue Assurance: from post-event (post-mortem) analysis to real-time business improvement [Abstract]
    Mr M. Leber, Deputy Marketing Director, Strategy, STELEUS
  • Presentation 3
    Aligning Customers’ Viewpoint Data With Organization Internal Indicators [Abstract]
    Mr A. Al Najjar
    Manager Quality & Business Processes, Bahrain Telecommunications Company, Batelco
  • Presentation 4
    Service Level Agreements - What are we really trying to achieve [Abstract]
    Mr A. Clark, participant/ editor/ contributor in ITU SG12, IETF and TIA, CEO of Telchemy
Session Chair: Mr L. Cardoso, QSDG Chairman, Portugal Telecom
Lunch 12:30-14:00
14:00-15:30 Session 2: User experience (Part I)  [audio]

Objectives: Highlight the importance of satisfying end-user expectations for QoS – introduce the concept of Quality of Experience (QoE). Provide guidance on end-user performance requirements for various types of applications. Provide examples of real-life operational experience of end-user QoE. Identify further work required in understanding end-user requirements, and the standards makers and other bodies that need to be involved. Session Chair: Mr P. Coverdale ITU-T SG 12 WP 3/12 Chairman, Nortel Networks
Break 15:30-16:00
16:00-17:30 Session 2: User experience (Part II)
  • Presentation 4
    Communication problems for a travelling businessman [Abstract]
    Mr L Cardoso, QSDG
  • Presentation 5
    Can We Get There From Here? - The impact of the evolving PSTN on the user's perception of QoS [Abstract]
    Mr N. Ireland, Mr D. Mustill, BT
Session Chair: Mr P. Coverdale ITU-T SG 12 WP 3/12 Chairman, Nortel Networks
[ Top ]

Day 2, Thursday, 2 October 2003
09:00-10:30 Session 3: QoS in the different standardization bodies (Part I) [Introduction] [audio]

Objectives: Define the fields covered by different the respective standard bodies, including type of products and working methods. Summarize the main results obtained, focusing on the main issues to be solved, and the main objectives for the coming  years, define methods of cooperation expected with the other bodies.
  • Presentation 1
    End-to-end QoS in the user's point of view
    Mr P-Y. Hébert, User Group
  • Presentation 2
    QSDG perspective
    Mr L. Cardoso, QSDG Chairman, Portugal Telecom
  • Presentation 3
    ITU-T perspective
    Mr C. Dvorak
    ITU-T SG 12 Vice-Chairman, AT&T
  • Presentation 4
    ETSI perspective
    Mr J. Pomy, [bio]; ETSI, STQVice Chair; Mr J. Horroks, ETSI, DTI
Session Chair: Mr J-Y. Monfort, ITU-T SG 12 Chairman, France Telecom / Mr J. Loughney, IETF, Nokia
Break 10:30-11:00
11:00-12:30 Session 3: QoS in the different standardization bodies (Part II)
  • Presentation 5
    Quality of Service at the Internet Engineering Task Force
    Mr Robert Hancock; Siemens, Roke Manor Reseach
    Mr J. Loughney, Nokia; NSIS w.g. chair
  • Presentation 6
    3GPP perspective (on wireless part) [Abstract]
    Mr A. Sultan, ETSI
  • Presentation 7
    T1A1 perspective
    Mr R. Wohlert, Chairman T1A1
  • Panel discussion
Session Chair: Mr J-Y. Monfort, ITU-T SG 12 Chairman, France Telecom / Mr J. Loughney, IETF, Nokia
Lunch 12:30-14:00
14:00-15:30 Session 4: Performance Metrics and Measurement Techniques (Part I) [Introduction] [audio]

Objectives: Introduce and define the key performance parameters which are important for characterising end-user experience and service acceptability. Describe suitable techniques (active and passive) that can be used for measuring these parameters. Highlight on-going work in standards makers and other bodies in this area and identify further work required in understanding performance metrics and developing associated measurement techniques.
  • Presentation 1
    IP Performance Metrics: Definitions and Implementation Examples [Abstract]
    Mr Al Morton, AT&T 
  • Presentation 2
    IPPM REPORTING MIB & ISP measurement infrastructure [Abstract]
    Mr E. Stephan, France Telecom
  • Presentation 3
    Are existing IP Performance Metrics enough to infer real time application performance? [Abstract]
    Mr A. Clark, participant/ editor/ contributor in ITU SG12, IETF and TIA, CEO of Telchemy
Session Chair: Mr A. Clark, Telchemy
Break 15:30-16:00
16:00-17:30 Session 4: Performance Metrics and Measurement Techniques (Part II)
  • Presentation 4
    Non-intrusive evaluation of voice quality in IP environments [Abstract]
    Mr V. Barriac (Rapporteur for Question 16/12) and Mr J-Y. Le Saout, France Telecom
  • Presentation 5
    Internet Telephony: Performance gains through use of Synchronized Time [Abstract]
    Mr H. Melvin, National University of Ireland, Galway, Mr Murphy, University College Dublin
Session Chair: Mr A. Clark, Telchemy
[ Top ]

Day 3, Friday, 3 October 2003
09:00-10:30 Session 5: Specification and Signalling of IP QoS  (Part I) [Introduction] [audio]

Objectives: Define (QOS) requirements for IP-based networks supporting telephony in addition to traditional Internet applications, and explore how those requirements will be communicated and supported in a multi-provider environment.
  • Presentation 1
    Recommendations Y.1541 and Y.1221 – A basis for IP network QoS control and traffic management [Abstract]
    Mr N. Seitz, ITU-T SG 13 Vice-Chairman, US Dept. of Commerce NTIA/ITS.N
  • Presentation 2
    Signalling Requirements for End-to-End IP QoS [Abstract]
    Mr M. Dolly & Mr A. Morton, AT&T
  • Presentation 3
    IP QoS Signaling in the IETF: Past, Present and Future [Abstract]
    M. J. Loughney, Nokia
Session Chair: Mr N. Seitz, ITU-T SG 13 Vice-Chairman, US Dept. of Commerce NTIA/ITS.N
Break 10:30-11:00
11:00-12:30 Session 5: Specification and Signalling of IP QoS Classes (Part II)
  • Presentation 4
    QoS concepts and architecture in 3GPP [Abstract]
    Mr M. Schramm, Siemens
  • Presentation 5
    Network service classes for deploying QoS-enabled services [Abstract]
    Mr R. Santitoro, Nortel Networks
  • Presentation 6
    A common set of VoIP performance metrics for QoS signaling [Abstract]
    Mr A. Clark, participant/ editor/ contributor in ITU SG12, IETF and TIA, CEO of Telchemy
Session Chair: Mr N. Seitz, ITU-T SG 13 Vice-Chairman, US Dept. of Commerce NTIA/ITS.N
Lunch 12:30-14:00
14:00-15:30 Session 6: Overall Panel Discussions and Conclusions. Future perspectives [audio]

Objectives: Session chairmen and key contributors will summarize session results in order to identify the outstanding QoS issues, with a focus on identifying the major obstacles to achieving end-to-end QoS. After the session chairmen give their presentations, an open discussion of all workshop participants will take place in order to prioritize the needed actions.

Topics Session Chair: Mr C. Dvorak, ITU-T SG 12 Vice-Chairman, AT&T
Break 15:30-16:00
16:00-16:30 Workshop Conclusions & Recommendations
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