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Home : ITU-T Home : Workshops and Seminars : Standardization : Kigali, Rwanda
 ITU Forum “Bridging the ICT standardization and development gap between developed and developing countries”
 Kigali, Rwanda, 2-4 October 2007 Contact: 


Day before the event, 01 October 2007 

Supported by: Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency — (RURA)
Day 1, 02 October 2007 
0930 — 1000 OPENING REMARKS: Welcome and Keynote addresses

Master of Ceremonies:

George MULAMULA (ICT Expert & Advisor Ministry of Infrastructure)

Chairman of the Forum:

Diogène MUDENGE (Director General, Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency — RURA) Chairman of the Forum:
  • Welcome address: Malcolm JOHNSON (TSB Director)
  • Welcome address: Diogène MUDENGE (Director General, Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency — RURA)
  • Keynote Address: "Rwanda 2020 vision regarding ICT implementation": Hon. Minister Albert BUTARE (Minister of State in charge of Energy and Communications)
1000 — 1030 COFFEE BREAK
1030 — 1230 Opening session: Assessing needs and opportunities: standardization and ICT development in Africa

Session Chairman: Silas LWAKABAMBA (Chairman of Board of Rwanda Information Technology Authority — RITA & Rector of National University of Rwanda)   


This session will assess the impact of ICT standardization on African countries and will present ICT development experiences and opportunities in Africa.
  • Potential of ICT standards in an emerging innovative ICT environment: Case of Rwanda: George MULAMULA (ICT Expert & Advisor Ministry of Infrastructure)
  • The creation of an inclusive information society: Jeffrey SPAGNOLA (Vice President, Worldwide Service Provider Marketing Cisco Systems, Inc.)
  • One Laptop Per Child and “Connect the World”: John VISSER (on behalf of Bilel JAMOUSSI, CTO — Strategic Standards, Nortel)
  • Provision of Open Standards: Wilfried LANGE (Federal Network Agency Germany)
1230 — 1400 LUNCH
1400 — 1530 SESSION 1: Overview of ITU activities: how to participate in ITU standardization work and address global connectivity

Session Chairman: Hon. Minister Romain MURENZI, Minister of state in charge of Science and Technologies    


This session will provide an overview of ITU-T standardization activities relevant to African countries. It will highlight decisions taken by the 2006 Plenipotentiary Conference concerning bridging the standardization gap (Resolution 123) and will look at some of the “hot topics” and preparations for the coming World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA). It will also present actions being taken by ITU-D to bridge the development gap including the “Connect Africa” project and the implementation of the Doha action plan from the 2006 World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC)
  • ITU-T Overview Part A: Bridging the Standardization Gap: Tim KELLY (ITU/TSB)
  • ITU-D Overview: Doha Action Plan (WTDC-06), addressing the digital divide, Connect Africa: Chali TUMELO (ITU/BDT)
  • ITU-T Overview Part B: Overview of PP-06 outcomes and WTSA-08 preparations: Tim KELLY (ITU/TSB)
1530 — 1545 COFFEE BREAK
1545 – 1700 SESSION 2 PART I: Current ITU standardization topics

Session Chairman: Tim KELLY (ITU/TSB)   


This session addresses current standardization topics in ITU-T, presenting each topic from various perspectives: technological evolution, market trends, current and future studies, new services and applications arising from standardization work and, in particular, focusing on how they could serve the African region. This first part includes NGN (architecture, service requirements, network capabilities, and migration), mobility and fixed-mobile convergence, and Optical Transport Networks.
  • NGN: Arshey ODEDRA (ITU/TSB)
  • Optical Transport Networks: Pierre-André PROBST on behalf of Dave FAULKNER (ITU-T Q.2/15)
  • Mobility and fixed-mobile convergence as integral aspects of NGN: John VISSER (Chairman ITU-T Study Group 19)

Supported by: Cisco
Day 2, 03 October 2007 
0900 — 1030 SESSION 2 PART II: Current ITU standardization topics

Session Chairman: John VISSER (Chairman ITU-T Study Group 19)   


Continuation of the previous session; presenting topics related to ITU-T Signalling Protocols, Emergency Communications, Multimedia, and Internet Protocol Television (IPTV).
  • ITU-T Signalling Protocols Standards work: Arshey ODEDRA (ITU/TSB)
  • Developments in Emergency Telecommunications: Wilfried LANGE (Federal Network Agency Germany)
  • FG IPTV: leading the way towards a harmonized IPTV Global Standard: John VISSER (Chairman ITU-T Study Group 19)
  • Multimedia: Pierre-André PROBST (Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 16)
1030 — 1045 COFFEE BREAK
1045 — 1215 SESSION 3 PART I: African development issues and ICT implementation

Session Chairman: David MELLOR (UKTA)   


This session will focus on ITU activities to assist ICT development and implementation in developing countries. Topics will include ICT applications and network development, an introduction to ITU-SNO (Service and Network Operations Group) Africa and its recent achievements, Standardization and QoS, ITU-D Study Group 2 activities especially Questions 19 and 20, and the activities of the ITU-D Regional offices.
  • ICT application and network development (e-services): Chali TUMELO (ITU/BDT)
  • Vision 2020 and the Implementation of the NICI II Plan: Nkubito BAKURAMUTSA (ED, Rwanda Information Technology Authority — RITA)
  • Telecommunications Standardization and Quality of Service in the SADC Region: John KIMBE (SATA)
  • The ITU Service and Network Operations Group: Theo HESS (Telekom South Africa)
1215 — 1345 Lunch
1345 — 1515 SESSION 3 PART II: African development issues and ICT implementation

Session Chairman: Chali TUMELO (ITU/BDT)   


This session will focus on ICT development and implementation in developing countries. Topics will include ICT applications and network development, the link between ICT Standardization and development and broadband deployment in Africa.
  • ICT Backbone Implementation for Broadband Access in Tanzania: Peter ULANGA (Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority)
  • Making Sense of the Linkage Between ICT Standardization and Development: The Case of Developing Countries: Thomas SENAJI (Telkom Kenya)
  • Communication Sector Reform: Liberalization, Law and Regulation and Universal Service Policy in Rwanda: Diogène MUDENGE (Director General, Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency — RURA)
1515 — 1530 COFFEE BREAK
1530 — 1700 SESSION 4: Security and Regulatory issues

Session Chairman: Diogène MUDENGE (Director General, Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency — RURA)


This session will provide an overview of security standards and current standardization work in this field. Topics covered include cybersecurity broadly defined, including combating spam, Identity Management etc. It will assess whether developing countries and countries with economies in transition have any special security needs that are not already being addressed by the current studies. This session will be complemented by case study/experiences from developing countries
  • Security and Regulatory Issues Related to Electronic Communication in Cameroon: Cornelius Fotindong FONZOUK (Cameroon)
  • Cybersecurity, Combating Spam and Identity Management: Tim KELLY (ITU/TSB)
  • Network aspects of Identification Systems (NID): Pierre-André PROBST (Convener ITU-T JCA-NID)
  • Challenges of Developing a NGN Regulatory Body: David MELLOR (UKTA)

Supported by: Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency (RURA)
Day 3, 04 October 2007 
1030 — 1045 COFFEE BREAK
1045 — 1230 Session 5: International cooperation

Session Chairman: Marie-Claire MUKASINE (Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency — RURA)

This session will address the importance of international cooperation to build secure, reliable communications, accessible to all. Presentations will cover ITU cooperation initiatives and the work of various international bodies including ISOC, IEEE and 3GPP.
  • IEEE Standards Development and IEEE Cooperation with the ITU: John VISSER (on behalf of Bilel JAMOUSSI, IEEE)
  • IETF and Internet Standardization: Dawit BEKELE (ISOC)
  • 3GPP and ITU-T cooperation and IMS as a core element of NGN: John VISSER (Nortel)
  • Regulation of Network Interconnection and Customer Protection: Wilfried LANGE (Federal Network Agency Germany)
1230 — 1400 LUNCH
1400 — 1600 Panel session: ITU for Africa

Session Chairman: Chali TUMELO (ITU/BDT)


This session will discuss on how to enhance the working methods in order to create opportunities for the African regions to increase contributions and participation into ITU activities. Creation of regional groups and other ways to go forward will be discussed. How to help ITU-T’s sector members to commit to input resources into the “Connect Africa initiative”

Panellists: Session Chairs from earlier sessions and invited experts
1600 — 1615 Coffee break
1615 — 1700 Wrap-up session: Future initiatives, next steps and conclusions

Session Chairman: Diogène MUDENGE (Director General, Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency — RURA)

  • Wrap-up and conclusion: John VISSER (Chairman ITU-T Study Group 19)
  • Closing remark on behalf of ITU: Tim KELLY (ITU/TSB)
  • Forum Closing speech: Marie-Claire MUKASINE (Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency — RURA)


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Updated : 2007-10-24