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 Workshop on "Radioactivity safety and security threats protection and telemedical support for irradiated people"
 Geneva, Switzerland, 30 August 2011 (P.M.) Contact:


Leonid Androuchko, ITU BDT, Rapporteur of Question 14 of ITU-D2

Professor Leonid ANDROUCHKO is a Rapporteur on eHealth and Telemedicine in the Telecommunication Development Sector Study Group 2 of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Geneva, from the year 2000. His responsibilities are to conduct a study on “Telecommunication for eHealth in Developing Countries” together with representatives and experts from many countries - ITU members. He is also Professor of Telecommunication in the International University in Geneva. He is also Guest Professor of the Institute of Medical Sciences in Tokai University, Japan.

Professor Leonid ANDROUCHKO was a staff member of the ITU for more then ten years and he was a coordinator of the ITU-D Study Groups. He was also in charge of all ITU telemedicine activities organizing training seminars/conferences and supervising the implementation of the pilot telemedicine projects in developing countries. He has visited many developing countries as an eHealth expert and presented the report and his recommendations. He organized and conducted the First International Symposium on Telemedicine for Developing Countries which was held in Portugal in 1997.

Prof. ANDROUCHKO has a degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Kiev Polytechnical Institute and obtained his PhD in Optical Fibre Technology from the Academy of Science of the former USSR. From September 1974 until July 1975, he studied Telecommunication in London University, Queen Mary College.
He is a member of the PHI BETA DELTA Honor Society for International Scholars.
François Bochud, Associate Professor of medical physics, Lausanne University Hospital

Prof. François Bochud (PhD) is the director of the institute of radiation physics in CHUV in Lausanne. He is a senior medical physicist, an expert in radiation protection and a member of the Swiss Federal Commission for radioprotection.
John Caras, USA

John Caras is a computational molecular biologist (MS-NYU) and an electrical engineer (BSEE-UF) specializing in applications related to telebiometrics for security, safety, and medicine in relation to telecommunications. He is also the founder and editor of reporting, supporting, and marketing, the latest ITU-T and IEC/ISO standards activities.
Zhanat Carr, Radiation Scientist, WHO (World Health Organization)

Dr Carr holds an M.D. in radiation oncology and MSc and PhD degrees in radiation biology. She has been trained as a post-doctoral fellow at the National Cancer Institute, NIH, USA in the filed of radiation epidemiology.

Since 2002, Dr Carr has been working at the WHO Department of Public Health and Environment and coordinating WHO global activities in the area of preparedness, response, and recovery after radionuclear accidents and emergencies. She coordinates two global WHO networks: REMPAN and BioDoseNet. Dr Carr has written and published more than 40 papers in various scientific journals and presented numerous lectures at meetings, conferences and workshops.
Paul Gérôme, ISO/TC12 Liaison to ITU-T SG 17 (Q9/17)

Paul Gérôme is a professional taxonomist trained in anthropology (Doctorat d'Etat de la Sorbonne), semiotics, general system theory and dermo-science. His expertise is in public safety and security. He contributes to the work of the following standards development organizations: ITU-T/SG 17 (Editor of security Recommendations X.1081 and X.1082); ISO/TC 12 (Convenor of WG 13); and IEC/TC 25 (Convenor of WG 5, Telebiometrics related to human physiology).
Arkadiy Kremer, ITU-T SG 17 Chairman

1970 - graduated from the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUCI)
1980 - Ph.D. on technical siences
1980 - 1994 - leader the set of projects in field of implementation the information and telecommunication technologies
from 1994 - chairman of Russian Association for Networks and Services (RANS)

Executive Committee
from 1997 - head of RANS department in MTUCI
from 2004 - vice chairman of the ITU-T SG 17
from 2008 - chairman of the ITU-T SG 17
John Larmouth, ITU-T SG 17 Rapporteur (Q12/17)

John Larmouth has a doctorate from Cambridge University and is a Professor Emeritus at Salford University, England. He has been active in international standardization for the last 33 years. He has worked as the Editor of many Standards of ISO/IEC and Recommendations of ITU-T, including IEC 80000-14, several Standards in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 37, Biometrics, and is the Convenor and Rapporteur of the joint work on ASN.1 in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 and ITU-T SG17.
Jean Paul Lemaire, ITU-T SG 17 Associate Rapporteur (Q9/17)

Jean-Paul Lemaire works in University Paris Diderot for the French National Research Center (CNRS) and is involved in networks and protocols since a long time. He participates to ASN.1 standardization (ITU-T SG 17 Q12 and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6/WG 9) since 1998. He is now also involved in Telebiometrics (ITU-T SG 17 Q9) and in Directory and public key/attribute certificates as Convener of the ISO/IEC/SC 6/WG 8.
Halima Naboulsi, ISO TC 12

I work in security and network protocols. I am also working with ASN.1 and had widely contributed to the definition of protocols and informational objects associated to Quantities and Units  
Koji Nakao, ITU-T SG 17 Vice-Chairman (WP1/17)

Koji NAKAO is the Information Security Fellow in KDDI, Japan. Since joining KDDI in 1979, Koji has been engaged in the research on multimedia communications, communication protocol, secure communicating system and information security technology for the telecommunications network.

In the IT standards arena, Koji has been involved in ISO and ITU-T activities for many years as for telematic services protocol and information security technology. He is currently a chairman of WG4/SC27 in Japan, focusing mainly on network/application security and cybersecurity standards development and implementation and he will be a Vice-Chairman of ITU-T SG17 (Security) for the next study period (2009-2012).

Koji is also an active member of Japan ISMS user group, which was established in the 1st Quarter of 2004. He is the board member of Japan Information Security Audit Association (JASA) and that of Telecom-ISAC Japan, and concurrently, a Technical Group Chairs (ICSS: information communication system security) of The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers.

Koji received the B.E. degree of Mathematics from Waseda University, in Japan, in 1979. He received the IPSJ Research Award in 1992, METI Ministry Award and KPMG Security Award in 2006, and Contribution Award (Japan ITU), NICT Research Award, Best Paper Award (JWIS) and MIC Bureau Award in 2007. He is a member of IPJS and IEICE. Koji has also been a part-time instructor in Waseda University since 2002.
Enrico Staderini, MD Biomedical Engineer, Western Switzerland University of Applied Science HEIG-VD

Professor Enrico M. Staderini teaches biomedical technologies and biomedical electronics at the Haute Ecole d'Ingénierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud (Western Switzerland University of Applied Sciences), Department of Industrial Technologies, Institute of Industrial Automation. In the past he served as researcher and medical consultant with the Norwegian Centre for Telemedicine (North Norway University Hospital, Tromsø, Norway) and as assistant professor of applied physics in medicine with the “Tor Vergata” University of Rome. He also served as visiting professor with the EMBRAPA Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, Instrumentação Agropecuária, São Carlos-SP, Brazil, with the CETEPE Centro de Tecnologia Educacional para Engenharia, Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos-SP, Brazil and the Bioengineering Centre of the Ohio State University, Columbus (Ohio, USA). He was also visiting professor at the College of Medical Physics in the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP-IAEA) in Trieste (Italy).

His very interdisciplinary career started with a medical doctor degree from “La Sapienza” University of Rome (integrated with a formal education in engineering), followed by a specialization in bioengineering, a PhD in cardiovascular physio-pathology and finally a specialization in assistive technologies for the handicapped and the elderly people from the University of Trieste (Italy). He is a certified medical professional in Italy and Norway and a European certified informatics professional (EUCIP). His present main research interests are in the fields of biomedical electronics, biomedical technologies, rehabilitation engineering, electromagnetic sensors for medicine (UWB radars in medicine) and regulatory issues in bioengineering, in which topics he published extensively.

He is a member of the Swiss Chapter of the IEEE, the IEEE EMBS, the SEREC (Swiss Electromagnetics Research & Engineering Centre) and the SSBE (Swiss Society for Biomedical Engineering). No surprise in his spare time he practices the radio-amateur activity as HB9EPK.
Heung Youl Youm, ITU-T SG 17 Vice-Chairman (WP2/17)

Heung Youl Youm is a Vice Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 17 and a candidate Chairman of Working Party 2 of ITU-T Study Group 17.

He is a Chairman of the Korea local Group for ITU-T Study Group 17 to the Korea Communications Commission.

He was a Rapporteur for the ITU-T Study Group 17 Question on “Secure Applications Service” since 2005. He was the Project Editor for many approved ITU-T Recommendations, such as ITU-T X.1111(Framework of security technologies for home network), ITU-T X.1034(Guideline on extensible authentication protocol based authentication and key management in a data communication network), X.1151(Guideline on secure password-based authentication protocol with key exchange), etc. He is the Project Editor for many ITU-T draft Recommendations under development such as ITU-T X.iptvsec-1(X.1191), X.usnsec-1, X.iptvsec-3,, etc.

He has worked as a professor for the Department of Information Security Engineering of Soonchunhyang University, Korea since 1990.

He has worked as a Project Manager to Information Security for the Ministry of Information and Communication and/or the Institute for Information Technology Advancement since 2006.

He worked for ETRI for 8 years as a Senior Member of Technical Staff since 1982 working on high speed transmission systems.

He has involved in many advisory committees in the area of Information Security to the Korea Communications Commission, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, and the National Information Service of Korea(Republic of).

He received a Bachelor degree in 1981, a Master degree in 1983, and a Ph.D degree in 1990, all in Electronics Engineering from Hanyang University, Korea.  


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