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 Regional ITU Consultation on Conformance Assessment and Interoperability for the Asia-Pacific Region
 Sydney, Australia, 16 - 17 September 2010 Contact:

Draft Programme

 Day 1, Thursday, 16 September 2010
09:00 - 09:30 Opening Ceremony

Master of Ceremony: Fred Christopher – Manager, PITA

Welcome address: Jim Clarke – TELSTRA International

Welcome address: Paolo Rosa, Head, Workshops & Promotion Division, ITU/TSB
09:30 - 10:30 Session 1: Introductory notes on Conformity & Interoperability, WTSA Res 76/WTDC Res 47

Objectives: This session will review the WTSA-08 Resolution 76 and the action lines endorsed by the Council 2009. It will show the ITU programme for conformity assessment and interoperability including an overview on the ITU Conformity Pilot Database.
  • Paolo Rosa, Head, Workshops & Promotion Division, ITU/TSB: The ITU-T activities for Conformity Assessment and Interoperability
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 Session 2: Conformity assessment, and Certification, Views from end-users and regulators, a view on the best practice adopted worldwide. Reports and results of ITU regional consultation meetings as advice to go forward. Capacity Building and regional test centers

Objectives: During this session, participants will review the global system for conformity assessment (ISO/CASCO) as the tool internationally agreed to create a certified testing environment. The session will give a summary of the contributions received so far, on views from end-users and regulators. Problems faced by end users and regulators due to lack of conformity/interoperability and of the results of the previous consultations in Americas and Africa where enhancement of the ITU-T efforts, to improve the functionality and effectiveness of the ITU-T pilot conformity database and to create capacity building opportunities and test labs in the region were strongly requested.
  • Adrian O'Connell, General Manager Operations, Standards Australia: ISO/IEC Toolbox for Conformity Assessment
  • Annette Dever, ILAC & IAF: The role of ILAC and IAF and the benefits of the ILAC MRA & IAF MLA
  • Paolo Rosa, Head, Workshops & Promotion Division, ITU/TSB: Highlights from the consultation events For the Americas and the African regions
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:00 Session 3: Conformity assessment, and Certification. Some results from the studies of TSB, Views from the industry

Objectives: Views from Developing County industry and vendors shall be presented as well as their position about the importance of conformity assessment testing, interoperability events, the certification, the accreditation, financial and market aspects, Industry view on the innovation and life cycle of new technologies.
  • Paolo Rosa, Head, Workshops & Promotion Division, ITU/TSB: Approaches from other SDOs to Conformity and Interoperability, conformance databases
  • Siva Ramamoorthy, Vice President, Genband Inc., India: Industry View on Innovation and Life Cycle of New Technologies from a perspective of the Industry and a Developing Nation
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break
15:30 - 17:00 Session 4: Conformity Assessment, Testing and Mutual Recognition Agreements and Arrangements

Objectives: Global best practices on conformity assessment and testing; the role of national and international Accreditation bodies (e.g. ILAC and IAF) and National Regulatory Authorities; Review of views from the DCs and the Industry on Certification and Mutual Recognition Agreements and Arrangements, the Supplier's Declaration of Conformity, The Accredited Certification bodies; Measures that need to be taken to set up test laboratories in the DC Regions; Identification of possibly applicable global best practices and its adaptation in meeting the requirements of DC operators, regulators, customers as well as the industry.
  • Monica Li FU, Manager of Marketing Department, CTTL, China: Chinese Telecom Conformity Assessment & CTTL
  • Colin Payne, A/g Manager, Standards and International Engagement Section, ACMA, Australia: Australia arrangements for conformity assessment of products and interoperability
17:00 - 17:30 Discussions
 Day 2, Friday, 17 September 2010
09:00 - 10:30 Session 5: Interoperability events in the interest of all the stakeholders

Objectives: Review the main concerns of vendors and suppliers on technical and commercial issues pertinent to interoperability requirements requested by the developing countries. This session will give opportunity to identify the problems and helps in bridging the gap and what is done in the world in terms of interoperability testing the ITU role in facilitating such test events; The need of ITU to study standards also forms the testing and interoperability points of views; Role of policy makers, regulators and the industry towards an increased confidence in interoperability philosophy.
  • Nguyen Van Vinh, Deputy Director of R&D Center, Viettel Group, Vietnam: Conformity Assessment and Interoperability, Developing Country point of view
  • Yushi Naito, Mitsubishi Electric, Japan: Putting to the test ITU's IPTV Standards: ITU's First ever Interop event on IPTV (20-23 July 2010) and future plans
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 Closing Session: Panel Discussion addressing possible way-forward and conclusions

Chair: Ivan Fong, President, PITA

Objectives: Improving the implementation of the ITU conformity and interoperability programme and the way-forward taking into account views and concerns of the developing countries as well as of the industry as also reported from the previous consultation events in the Americas and Africa. It is intended to provide views on participation in the ITU C&I programme, the ITU conformity database and the ITU proposal on a step-by-step approach and in the organization of capacity building opportunities and in creating test centres in the Asia Pacific region.
Conclusions and closing ceremony


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Updated : 2010-11-30