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ITU Regional Development Forum 2008:
"Bridging the ICT standardization gap in developing countries for the Africa Region", 26 – 28 May 2008

The ITU Africa region WTSA-08 Preparatory Meeting, 29 – 30 May 2008
ITU Regional Development Forum 2008, 26 - 28 May 2008  
Vince Affleck (Network Competition Manager, OFCOM, UK)

Dec 2003 - Present
Director of International, Ofcom responsible for coordination with global international organisations. In particular:
- Head of UK delegation for ITU-T

- Chair of OECD Communications Infrastructure and Services Policy Working Party
2001 - 2003
Deputy Director International, Oftel

1994 - 2001
Network Competition Manager, Oftel

Post Graduate Diploma in Advanced Competition Policy (Nottingham University, 2000).
Photo: Akossi Akossi Akossi (Secretary General of the African Telecommunications Union (ATU))

Mr Akossi AKOSSI is the current Secretary General of the African Telecommunications Union (ATU) since January, 2004, a Continental body entrusted with building consensus within African countries and coordinating African Common proposals in international fora.

Mr. Akossi is a national of Cote d’Ivoire. He is a degree holder in Computer Science and Management and Systems and Communications Engineering from Ecole Centrale De Lille and Ecole Nationale Superieure Des Telecommunications De Paris in France respectively.

He was the Technical Advisor to the Minister and Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of P&T from 1981-1984 and 1986-1990 respectively. He successfully steered the liberalization process of the telecommunication Sector in Cote d’Ivoire when he was the Managing Director of Agence Des Telecommunication De Cote d’Ivoire.

In his 28 years as a Telecommunication expert and IT professional, he has grown through the ranks in both private and public sector where he has acquired a wide experience in managing the intricacies of decision making processes both locally and internationally and has contributed immensely to the implementation of sectorial policies and innovative investment projects in several African Countries.
Joseph Kwabena  Amoako (Ghana Atomic Energy Commission)

Mr Amoako graduated from University of Cape Coast with Bsc(Hons) in Physics and Diploma in Education in 1988.

He obtained M.Phil degree in Physics from the University Ghana in 1995 and Post graduate Diploma in Radiation Protection from University of Witwatersrand, South Africa in 1999.

Mr Amoako has since been working with the Radiation Protection Institute of the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission as a Research Scientist. He has attended a number of international conferences and is currently Ghana’s representative on The Radiation Safety Committee of the IAEA and Acting Head of Regulatory Control Department of the Radiation Protection Institute.
 Jude Arthur (Chairman of the Board of the National Communications Authority (NCA), Ghana)

Mr Jude Arthur the Managing Director of First Atlantic Merchant Bank Ltd. graduated from the Business School University of Ghana in 1976 with a B.Sc Admin 2nd Class Upper degree.

He commenced his Banking career in 1978 and has had an extensive and successful Banking career spanning twenty seven years. He worked at Merchant Bank (GH) Ltd. from 1978 to 1994 where he rose to be the head of the Bank’s Corporate Finance Division.

In 1994 he joined a group of investors with a shared vision to set up First Atlantic Merchant Bank Limited (FAMBL). He has been the Managing Director since its inception. Mr. Arthur has had extensive Executive training in Strategic Management and Leadership in such prestigious institutions as Ashridge Management College, INSEAD in France, Wharton University of Pennsylvania, Templeton College Oxford University and a joint programme organised by Stanford University and the National University of Singapore (NUS).

He has also attended the flagship programme in Corporate Governance – Making Corporate Boards more Effective in Harvard Business School, US. He was a member of the Study Group that set up the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) and a joint lead Manager for the Ghana portion of the Ashanti Goldfields Company (AGC) share offer which resulted in the listing of the then AGC on the GSE, and the London Stock Exchange (LSE). Mr. Arthur is the current President of the GHANA ASSOCIATION OF BANKERS, an Honorary Fellow of the CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF BANKERS and the Chairman of the NATIONAL COMMUNICATION AUTHORITY since 2003.

In 2003, the President of the Republic appointed Mr. Arthur as the Chairperson of the Governing Council, The Board of Directors, of the National Communications Authority. During his tenure the Authority has benefited immensely from his the Authority has benefited immensely from his excellent management and corporate financial skills and experiences; said experiences that has contributed in no small measure in the Authority’s re-orientation to capacity development, focus on the customer and above all measured and high yield balancing of the Authority’s multiple stakeholder: Consumers, Government, Operators and Investors.
Photo: Badiel Ali Drissa Badiel (ITU/BDT)


Ali Drissa BADIEL, a national from Burkina Faso, is a graduate engineer from the National Institute of Telecommunications (INT) of Evry (France) in 1996, specialized in computing and networking. Before that training, he received a master in Physics at the University of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) in 1993.

Work experience:

Since 1996, he served as a telecommunication engineer at the National Telco (ONATEL) of Burkina Faso within the team who set up the national Internet backbone of Burkina Faso (FasoNet) in 1996; in 1999, he was nominated head of the systems and maintenance service and one year later, he passed head of the ICT department until 2007 with, among others, the duties of conducting IP networks and ICT applications projects, extending and developing the the FasoNet backbone, developing new types of networks such as VSAT and ADSL, and studying the feasibility of IP NGNs and IP over MPLS networks for ONATEL.

In addition to those activities, he worked as a free lance teacher in IP networking at four(4) high schools in Burkina Faso (ISIG, IST, ENT, ISGE) and run some consultancies in IP networking and ICT applications for both the Africa Union and the ITU from 2004 to 2007. He was also a member of the French Task Force at ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) until 2007.

Since November 2007, he joined the ITU as a senior advisor for IP-based networks and ICT applications, at the Regional Office for Africa in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia).
Photo: Bassavé Seydoux B. Bassavé (ITU/BDT)

Mr Seydoux B. Bassavé is a graduate Engineer from the 100th promotion of the Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal in 1976 and holds a BSC in Applied Science at the University of Montreal, Canada. He also holds a certificate of specialization in satellite communication, British Telecom in 1977.

Professional background

At National level

From 1978 to 1987, Mr. Bassavé was appointed at different increasing levels of responsibilities within the Office des Postes et Telecommunications (OPT) and the Office National des Telecommunications (ONATEL) of Burkina Faso. Hence, he successively held the following functions:
- Project manager and manager of the first earth station in the country
- Director of Studies and Planning, P&T
- Deputy Director General of P&T in charge of telecommunication,
- Director General of Post and Telecommunication cooperation,
- Technical Director of ONATEL newly created after the separation of Posts and Telecommunications cooperation into two entities.

Distinction: decorated « Chevalier de l'Ordre National » of Burkina Faso.
At African and international level
- Alternate Governor and then Governor of the 2nd African Regional Group (GRAF II) Board of Governors of Intelsat (1981-1982);
- Expert of the Pan-African Telecommunications Union (PATU - current ATU), in satellite systems for AFROSAT project and in Guinea for the technical receipt testes of the earth station of Wonkifon (1980);
- ITU Expert in network planning for feasibility studies of RASCOM project (1987-1991);
- Since March 1991, ITU Area officer for Network Management & Development with duty station at Dakar, Senegal.
Photo: Froson Bernard Forson (Director General, National Communications Authority (NCA), Ghana)

Mr. Bernard Aidoo Forson, Jr. is a Telecommunication Management Executive with about 25 years of training, exposure and experience in telecommunications, in the areas of: strategic planning, corporate & business development and investment finance.

He is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton Graduate Business School (MBA 1982), and the University of Ghana (B.Sc. Econ, 1977). In addition, he pursued non-degree advanced studies in Economics and Technology Management Programs at Boston University and The Haas School, University of California, Berkeley. He has also attended a number of telecommunications related programs at InterConnect Communications facility, at Bath, United Kingdom.

He has accrued highly relevant and significant private sector and regulatory management experience working with a number of US organizations such as Avon Products Inc, New York City, New York; SNET Telecommunications, New Haven, Connecticut; (Now part of AT&T) Pitney Bowes, Stamford, Connecticut and the erstwhile Edgix Corporation, New York City, New York.

His accomplishments, particularly in the business of wireless communications and in the development of an effective regulatory framework, have been outstanding. His experience brings to the table a unique dual perspective of both developed and developing markets, stable markets as well as ones under flux.

On August 1st, 2007, he was promoted to the position of Director General of the National Communications Authority. Prior to this appointment Bernard served as the Deputy Director General from January 1st, 2002 to July 31st, 2007. As the Deputy Director General, his primary responsibility was to: conceptualize, formulate, develop and manage the implementation of strategies and tactical initiatives to enhance the competitiveness of the communications industry in Ghana.

In his new role as the Director General he will be expected to continue to provide intellectual, strategic and tactical leadership in a number of key areas to enable the Authority achieve its stated objectives.
Bruce A. Gracie (Industry Canada)

Having completed a Ph.D. in 1976, Bruce Gracie has worked in a variety of capacities in the Canadian federal government responsible for telecommunications and information technology matters. He also participated in an exchange programme with the Australian Department of Communications over a period of 2 years. His current duties include chairmanships of various government/industry committees focused on the preparations for ITU conferences and assemblies (such as the 2010 Plenipotentiary Conference, the 2010 World Telecommunication Development Conference, WRC-2011, and the 2008 World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly). Among his recent responsibilities at ITU were the following: Chairman of the Finance and Administration Committee at the 2002 Plenipotentiary Conference, Chairman of the 2006 Council, Chairman of the Radiocommunication Advisory Group from 2000 to 2007, and Chairman of the 2007 Radiocommunication Assembly.

His current responsibilities include serving as ITU Councillor for Canada, as well as Chairman of the Commonwealth ITU Group, Chairman of the Council Group on the Financial Regulations and Chairman of the Council Tripartite Group on Human Resources Management. He has been a member of the Council Troika since 2005.
Paul Inglesby (Telekom South Africa)

Paul is currently responsible for Standards Coordination and Innovation projects in Telkom’s Technology Strategy and Integration section in Pretoria Head Office. The key strategic Standards Development Organisations (SDOs) and Fora that Paul is involved in includes, but is not limited to, ETSI TISPAN (fixed network NGN/IMS technical specifications), 3GPP (mobile network and “Common IMS” technical specifications), ITU-T Study Groups 13/19 and the Fixed Mobile Convergence Alliance (FMCA). Paul has actively contributed towards the FMCA’s workstream work items and served as an executive board member of the FMCA.

Paul’s responsibilities includes Telkom’s Technology Strategy involving specifically new creative and innovative projects on Next Generation Networks (NGN), IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS), Service Delivery Platforms (SDP), future networks and mobility. Paul has been actively involved with many strategic projects since the early 90’s e.g. strategic planning for the introduction of GSM technology into South Africa in 1992 to 1994, Telkom’s NGN/PMA (Packet Mode Architecture) project in 2000 and Telkom/Vodacom fixed mobile convergence (FMC) synergy project management in 2003.

Paul spent 20 months overseas in 1979/1980 in an optical fibre cable research and development laboratory in Basildon, UK and was responsible for the network design, engineering and installation of the first optical fibre transmission system that was installed in South Africa between Witpoortjie and Roodepoort in 1981.

Paul holds a Bachelor’s (with honours) and Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Cape Town.
Photo: Karyabwite Désiré Karyabwite (ITU/BDT)

Mr. Désiré KARYABWITE is the IP (Internet Protocol) Coordinator of the E-Strategy Unit at the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT). Since 1989, he has played a leading role in the field of technology transfer and in the Introduction of Internet/Intranet in High Technologies Enterprises in Switzerland and in several African countries. In 1997, he started to work with the ITU as Expert in Telecommunication Management Information Systems and IP-based Networks.

Now, he is managing IP activities and assisting developing countries in setting up their IP-based networks and VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology, policies and strategies. He has published several handbooks and documents on strategies relating to communication systems and access technologies, has participated in international panels and organized IP Telephony, e-services - applications and related events worldwide.

Before joining ITU, he was a member and President of IDM (Ingénieurs du Monde, Sector member of ITU in Switzerland), Internet Coordinator at Synergies Africa in Geneva, Switzerland. He also worked with Northrop Grumman, Maryland, USA, as Coordinator of “Air Traffic Management System and Radio Access project” for Rwanda, and after that as Chief Executive Officer a.i. for RITA (Rwanda Information Technology Authority) and Permanent Representative of Rwanda in ITU.

He was born in Rwanda in December 1963. He has a M.Sc (master of science). in Electrical Engineering from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland.

He graduated from EPFL- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland Federal Institute of Technology) as Electrical and Communication Engineer and he is also qualified in “Management of High Technologies” from EPFL.
Photo: Kelly Tim Kelly (ITU/TSB)

Dr Tim Kelly is Head of the Standardization Policy Division of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), where he has worked since 1993. Before joining ITU he spent five years as a Communications Policy Analyst with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and three years with Logica Consultancy Ltd. He has an MA (Hons) degree in Geography and a Ph.D in industrial economics from Cambridge University.

Over the last twenty years, Dr Kelly has specialised in the economics of the telecommunications industry. He has written or co-authored more than 30 books on the subject including the ITU's “Internet Reports” and “World Information Society Reports”. He was in charge of the “content team” for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), which concluded in November 2005. He is a visiting scholar at the business school of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Photo: Kimbe John Saidi Kimbe (Manager, Technology & Policy, South Africa Telecommunications Association (SATA))

Holder of a Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Electronic Engineering and Communications from South Australian Institute of Technology. Has been in the ICTs sector for over 27 years with 22 years working for Tanzania Telecommunications Company Limited. Moved to join SATA, the SADC’s Telecom Operation Wing in 2001 as a Programme Manager coordinating and managing the SADC Region Information Infrastructure Project aimed at interconnecting the region.

Mr. Kimbe is currently the Manager of Technology and Policy matters at SATA responsible for ICTs projects coordination and policy initiations and development.

Mr. Kimbe is a registered engineer with the Engineers’ Registration Board of Tanzania (R.Eng), Member of the Institute of Engineers in Tanzania (MIET), Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers in Australia (MIEEE), SADC Qualified Assessor of Telecommunications Training Institutes in the Region (SQA) and a Fellow of Telecommunications Executive Management Institute of Canada (F-TEMIC).
Photo: Landji Jean-Jacques  Massima-Landji (ATU)

A- Formation:

Ingénieur diplômé en Radioélectricité en Electronique et en Informatique.(EFREI 1983)
Diplôme d’anglais de la SPLEF(1983) et UN English Proficiency (2002)

B- Fonctions Occupées:

1-OPT(Office des Postes et Télécommunications)

Chef de service des réseaux de teleinformatique et de télématique (1984-1988)
Directeur des Etudes et Projets informatiques, (1988-1990)
Directeur central des telecommunications Nationales(1990-1994)
Directeur Général adjoint de l’OPT,chargé des Télécommunications et
Directeur Général de la Société des Télécommunications Internationales gabonaises(TIG) 1994-1998

2-ICO Global Communications

Directeur régional pour l’Afrique centrale 1998 –1999

3- UIT

Haut Fonctionnaire international, Coordonnateur de Projet BDT ,Avril2000-Avril 2004

4-Agence de Régulation des Télécommunications du Gabon

Président du Conseil de Régulation 2001-2002 (Mise en place de l’organe de régulation)

5- Ministère des Postes et Técommunications. ARTEL Gabon

Représentant Permanent de GABON TELECOM de Avril 2004 à Juin 2007 puis de l’ARTEL auprès de l’UIT, Genève de Juin 2007 à ce jour.

C- Expérience internationale

Bonne connaissance de l’UIT et du système des Nations Unies et des organisations internationales et régionales de Télécommunications.

-Délegué aux réunions techniques et aux conférences de l’UIT, y compris les conférences régionales de développement et les réunions des organisations sous régionales CAPTAC, COPTAC, CAPTEF
-membre de la commission de haut niveau pour la réforme de l’UIT
-Chef de délégation adjoint à la conférence plénipotentiaire additionnelle
-administrateur de RASCOM 1992 à 1994
-Président du Conseil d’Administration de RASCOM 1995-1996
-Représentant du Gabon aux assemblées des parties d’INTELSAT,(représentant au GRAF2 )et d’INMARSAT et de RASCOM

-Participation active aux CMDT, CMR , Plenipotentiaires
-Chef de delegation pour l’ AMNT 04 Florianopolis
-Chef de délégation adjoint pour la Conférence Régionale Radio, Genève 2004
-President le Conference regionale Radio , RR06Rev GE89,
-President du GT 5B de la Commission 5 ,CMR07

D-Responsabilités permanentes actuelles:

Vice président de la CE 12 UIT-T, et Vice président du GCDT

Disponibilité :
Assiste à toutes les réunions programmées à Genève et selon le besoin, participe aux autres réunions importantes de Télécommunications en dehors de Genève.
Phot: * Reynold Mfungahema (Tanzania)

Rayonld Crispin Mfungahema is serving as the Director, Consumer and Industry Affairs with the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA); responsible for licensing and enforcement, consumer protection issues, industry analysis and tariff regulation.

He is a certified regulatory expert and an Economist with a long and wide working experience. He has served in various capacities as an Economist with the government of Tanzania, a Chief Economic and Financial Analyst and as a Director of Economic Regulation with the defunct Tanzania Communications Commission (TCC).

His areas of expertise include regulatory impact assessment, costing and pricing, tariff analysis, interconnection analysis, market analysis, macro and micro economics, economic and financial analysis, econometrics and statistics, economic and operational research, Regional and rural planning science.

Dr. Mfungahema holds Ph.D. (1998) and MSc (1994) in Regional Planning Science from Kyoto University- Japan and B.A (Hons.) in Industrial Economics (1985) degree from University of Dar Es Salaam – Tanzania.

He has attended a number of post graduate short courses and specialized training mainly in Utilities Regulation as part of Continued education. He is a regular participant and keen follower of ITU- T Study Group 3 , Expert Group on ITR’s and TAF activities since year 2000. He was part of the Tanzanian delegation to the WTSA-04 in Florianópolis, Brazil.
Phot: Leite Fabio Leite, (Deputy Director, Radiocommunication Bureau (BR), ITU)

FABIO LEITE is Deputy-Director and Chief, Informatics, Administration and Publications Department (IAP) of the Radiocommunication Bureau, International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

Since starting his career in ITU in 1987, Mr. Leite has held different positions as satellite communications engineer, Counsellor for mobile radio services and for fixed wireless systems, and Project Manager, International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT 2000). He also served as technical secretary in several World Radiocommunication Conferences.

Before joining the ITU, Mr. Leite worked for EMBRATEL, Brazil, responsible for the communications system engineering unit of the first Brazilian domestic satellite system, BRAZILSAT. Since 1980, he participated in many ITU Radiocommuncation conferences and meetings as member of Brazilian delegations, responsible for technical and regulatory issues. He was elected Vice-Chairman of ITU Radiocommunication Study Group 4 (fixed-satellite service) in 1986.

Mr. Leite has Bachelor and Master of Applied Science degrees in Electrical Engineering with specialization in telecommunications.
Massimo Migliuolo (Vice President Emerging Markets Theatre, Cisco)

Massimo Migliuolo is Vice President of the Service Provider business for the Emerging Markets Theatre at Cisco Systems Inc., the worldwide leader in networking, transforming how people connect, communicate and collaborate.

Massimo has led the Service Provider organisation since August 2006, which currently accounts for more than 35% of Cisco’s Emerging Markets business (by segment). Cisco’s Emerging Markets Theatre covers four key regions: Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (RCIS), Latin America (LATAM) and Middle East, Africa (MEA).

Key engagements for Cisco include advising country and service provider leaders about their Information and Communication technology (ICT) and broadband strategy, enabling the built-out of Digital Cities across the Middle East, in addition to the creation of a Public and Safety Virtual Service Provider (VSP) in Latin America.

Recognised as an innovator and thought leader in Cisco, Massimo is focused on creating new business models and developing new solutions to help Service Providers, as well as Governments, continue their transformational broadband build-out in the Emerging Markets. In particular, Massimo is leading Cisco’s vision of a Virtual Service Provider (VSP), enabled through his passion for and knowledge of linking market segments to create greater opportunity for Cisco’s customers.

Previously, Massimo was responsible for developing Cisco’s global mobile strategy and implementing the company’s vision for mobile Service Providers. Under Massimo’s leadership, Cisco’s mobility business tripled and his team enabled Cisco’s sales force with revenue-generating and cost-reducing solutions to accelerate growth. Massimo also focused on creating new markets and business models to continuously generate value in the form of new services to end-users. Massimo was able to significantly drive growth for Cisco by brokering key mobile alliances and partnerships to help scale the business.

Massimo joined Cisco eight years ago from Lucent Technologies and previously worked at AT&T, where he was engaged in the development of their mobile market.

Having graduated from the Bocconi University in Milan, with a degree in Business Economics, Massimo spent three years in the Oil Industry, before joining the telecommunications industry.
Photo: Ndaro Matano Ndaro (Kenya)

Mr. Matano Ndaro is an Assistant Director responsible for Market Analysis and Tariffs in the Department of Competition, Tariffs and Market Analysis of the Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK), where he has been working since 1999 when the Commission was created. Prior to joining CCK, he spent seven years as an Assistant Telecoms Controller and later Strategic Planning Officer with the defunct Kenya Posts and Telecommunications Corporation (KPTC). Mr. Ndaro is the vice-chairman of ITU-T Study Group 3 where he also doubles as the Study Group’s Liaison and Coordination Officer on developing countries issues, prior to which he was chairman of ITU-T SG3 Tariff Group for Africa (TAF) during the study period 2000 – 2004. He has been a member of the TSAG and the African Group to WTSA-00 and WTSA-04 respectively. He has been representing Kenya at all SG3 meetings since 1999 and was also a member of his country’s delegation to the WTDC-06. Mr. Ndaro has been a member of the Steering Committee for the preparation of the ITU Regional Development Forum and African Region WTSA-08.

He is a member of Kenya’s national ICT Working Group, national committee on WTO, Trade in Services and Task Force on Negotiations for the East African Community Common Market Protocol.

He holds a degree in Economics from the University of Nairobi, Kenya and has post graduate training in Telecommunications Regulation from the University of Westminster, UK. He also has extensive training in ICT, competition, universal access, technologies and regulation and is currently enrolled for an advanced degree in ICT Policy & Regulation at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology in Kenya.
Photo: Ouchuodho Shem Ochuodho (Chairman, Africa Regional Computing Centre, Kenya)

Dr Ochuodho is the Executive Chairman of the African Regional Centre for Computing (ARCC) and a Grand Jury Member of the World Summit Awards. For three years, he served as a Special ICT Advisor to the Ministry of Infrastructure, Government of Rwanda, part of which he was the Executive Director of the Rwanda Information Technology Authority (RITA).

He was recipient of the 2007 Kenya Community Abroad (KCA) Excellence Award for his role in pioneering Internet and ICTs in Kenya, Rwanda and the East African generally. He has more than 20 years of experience in the ICT field, in private sector, civil society, academia and public service. He previously worked as Managing Director and CEO of the Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC). Earlier, he worked as a Senior Lecturer at Kenyatta and Nairobi Universities in Kenya, and served as External Examiner in Computer Science for the University of Zimbabwe.

In 2005, he received the AfricaOnline’s “Industry Pioneers Award” for Internet development and promotion in Sub-Saharan Africa. He has published extensively in reputable journals and has presented his works at numerous national, regional and international professional fora. He holds an MSc in Electrical Engineering from the University of Nairobi, a PhD in Software Engineering from the University of York, UK, and a Honorary LLD from Marlboro College, Vermont, USA for “Entrepreneurship development, politics and innovation”. He is a past recipient of Fellowships from the German Academic Exchange Programme (DAAD), the British Overseas Development Agency (now Department for International Development – DfID), and the American Maths Society (AMS – for a Post-doctoral program at the University of California, Berkeley, USA).

His major area of current interest is policy design for ICT for development (ICT4D) especially in employment creation and poverty reduction (ICT4PVR). He is particularly keen on broadband infrastructure development and e-applications deployment strategies, especially in agriculture, food security, education, health, commerce and emergency relief services.
Photo: Probst Pierre-André Probst (Chairman ITU-T SG 16, ITU)

Mr. Pierre-André Probst started his professional career as a Research assistant at the High Frequency Institute of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (research work and tutor) in the early seventies. He progressed through jobs up to Executive Vice President of Swisscom, Member of the Management Board with responsibility for the Network Services Division (strategy, planning and implementation of Swisscom network platforms). He was also Head of External Relations (1999-2000), relations with international organizations (UIT, ETNO, ETSI, etc.) and the Swiss political and economical bodies and now acts as an Independent consultant in the area of ICT. He has participated in the standardization work in ITU-T for many years, as Rapporteur, Working Party Chairman, and Study Group Chair. For the last 8 years, he has been the chair of ITU-T Study Group 16, "Multimedia Systems, Services and Terminals".
Photo: Senaji Eng. Thomas A. Senaji (Telecom Kenya)

Eng. Thomas Senaji holds a Masters degree in Business Administration specializing in strategic management and a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering with extensive training in ICT planning, engineering, operations, maintenance and management spanning over 17 years; with qualifications in Marketing. He is enrolled for doctoral (PhD) studies.

He has served on many expert ICT Taskforces and Committees including the East African Internet Exchange point (EAIXP), the Committee on Interconnection Guidelines among East African Community Partner states; and as chairman of the Telecommunication Working Committee (TWC) of the East African Regulatory Posts and Telecommunication Organization, EARPTO.

He has served as Head of Data Services and Assistant General Manager in Telkom Kenya where he managed relations with all ICT stakeholders in Kenya and in East African Region; as Head of Regulatory and Government relations portfolio in addition to many other engineering and management functions. He has worked on signaling systems, NGN, GSM and CDMA and carried out service provision and supervision of operation and maintenance; and quality of service assurance.

He served as a Director and Board member of Jambo Telkom limited, an ISP and is a member of the Institution of Engineers of Kenya; and a registered engineer with the Engineers Registration Board of Kenya. He is a Fellow of Telecommunication Executive Management Institute of Canada, F.TEMIC. He participates in the network of the African Economic Research Consortium, AERC

He is currently Group General Manager and Managing Consultant for the Wells Group of Companies dealing in water, energy and environment; and a Management and ICT consultant. He is also a lecturer at both Kenyatta University (School of Pure and Applied Sciences); and in Kenya Methodist University (Business Administration and Entrepreneurship) in Kenya.

His current interests are in access to ICTs for holistic human development; and human capacity building.
Photo: Tanaka Saburo Tanaka (ITU/TSB)

Saburo TANAKA is Chief of Services Department in the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau – ITU, a post he has filled since 2006. In the Services Department, he coordinates the activities of Telecommunication Standardization Bureau. From 1991 to 2005, he was Counsellor responsible for the organization and the conduct of telecommunication tariff and policy related meetings in the ITU. He was in charge of analyzing the evolution of tariff and policy related activities in the world and provided advice for the elaboration of tariff related Recommendations.

Before joining ITU, he spent twenty years with KDD, Japanese international telecommunication operator, where he held a number of senior positions in the regulatory and policy related fields, in the international relations department as well as in the sales and marketing department.

He has an advanced degree in Econometrics from Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Geneva.
Photo: Tandoh John Tandoh (Ghana)

Major John J.R.K Tandoh (Rtd) was enlisted into the Ghana Armed Forces as Officer Cadet at the Ghana Military Academy, Teshie, and Accra from October 1969 to October 1971 when he graduated as Second Lieutenant.

He was commissioned into the Corps of Signals, Ghana Army where he served in various appointments until he was seconded to the Civil Service from the Ghana Armed Forces to serve at the Office of the President, 1982 to 1986 as the Chief Executive of the Ghana Frequency Registration and Control Board.

He retired honourably from the Ghana Armed Forces in July 1986 and set up his own Private Communication Consultancy Services known as Communication Research and Development Consultancy as the Managing Consultant.

He was appointed Executive Chairman of the Ghana Frequency, Registration, and Control Board in April 1993.

From July 2001 to July 2007 he was the Acting Director-General & CEO of the National Communications Authority (NCA) of Ghana. NCA is the Government Agency that regulates communications by wire, cable, radio, television, satellite and similar means of technology for the orderly development and operation of efficient communications services in Ghana.

Major Tandoh is a graduate from Military College of Signals, Pakistan in addition he has pursued Masters Degree Programme in Communications Policy and Regulations at the University of Westminster in the UK and holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Telecommunication Strategic Planning and Management from University of Colorado, Boulders, in the USA.

In November 1998, he was unanimously elected by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Plenipotentiary Conference held in Minneapolis, in the United States as a member of the ITU Radio Regulations Board (RRB). He represented Africa with two other colleagues from Cote d’Ivoire and Morocco from February 1999 to February 2003.

He represented Ghana on the ITU Council as a Councillor from February 2003 to February 2007.

Major Tandoh was also appointed in November 2003 as Chairman, African Regulators Network.

In addition he has held the following appointments among others:

i) Chairman, Ghana Civil Aviation Computer Centre
ii) Member, Board of Directors, Ghana Civil Aviation Authority

Major Tandoh has several publications on Telecommunication and related regulatory issues to his credit. He has travelled extensively to give lectures at seminars and workshops at various International fora in several countries including, United States; U.K; France; Sweden; Japan, Malaysia; Australia; South Africa, Norway etc.

He is currently Chairman and CEO John Tandoh and Associates Ltd and Member of The Board of Trustees International Institute of Communications with its Headquarters in London , UK.
Photo: Tumelo Chali Tumelo (ITU/BDT)

BSc (Hons) ELECTRONIC AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, Manchester University, England July 1985.

MEIZ (Member of Engineering Institute of Zambia), Certificates in Business Planning, Marketing, Finance and Management skills.

Certificates in various courses attended in International Telecommunications Training Institutes in the areas of design, management, administration and operations of all Network Elements and Subsystems of a Cellular Network, other Wireless Systems and 3G Technologies.

Currently, ITU Senior Advisor for Network Management and Development for Eastern and Southern Africa for the past six and a half years.

Previously, Project Manager for study and design of remote wireless communications solutions, GSM D900 Cellular Network Administration, Maintenance and Operations Manager - Zamcell, CDMA Cellular Network Systems and Radio Engineer - Telecel, International Computers Field Services Computer Engineer - ICL , Radio and Transmission Planning Telecommunications Engineer - ZAMTEL

Thorough knowledge of the world’s telecommunications trends, convergence, 3G technologies and of general environment of telecommunications in Africa.

Participation in the Ministry of Science and Technology activities in Zambia as a Role Model and active participation in the Communications industry in Zambia.
Photo: Visser Mr. John Visser (Chairman, ITU-T SG 19, ITU)

John Visser earned a Bachelor of Applied Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada in 1973. After gaining practical experience in divers areas within military communications as an officer in the Canadian Armed Forces, John joined Bell-Northern Research, then the R&D arm of Nortel Networks, in 1978. Since then, he has been involved in many key network standards, systems engineering, planning, product design, and product line management support activities for many years. He has an extensive background in SS7, ISDN, Intelligent Networks and mobile networks, and has held a series of positions of increasing responsibility, both internally and within standards bodies, in these areas over his career with Nortel Networks. Together with prior activities in ANSI T1, TIA, and other areas in ITU T, and the 3G Partnership Projects, John is very active in International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT 2000) standardization work in ITU T. In October 2000, John was appointed Chairman of the ITU T Special Study Group (SSG) on "IMT 2000 and Beyond." In October 2004, he was appointed Chairman of the successor to ITU T Special Study Group SG 19 “Mobile Telecommunication Networks”. The SSG/SG 19 has been successfully globalizing the 3GPP and 3GPP2 specifications as adopted by their partner organizations, and progressing the vision and requirements for the core network infrastructure of next generation mobile systems. The latter includes inter-system mobility management, and the convergence of fixed and mobile networks. John is a member of the Advisory Board of the Advanced Software Engineering Research and Training (ASERT) Laboratories at the University of Ottawa and Carleton University. He is also a guest lecturer at Carleton University and a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars. John is a Registered Professional Engineer in the province of Ontario and a member of IEEE.
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