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ITU Regional Development Forum 2008:
"Bridging the ICT standardization gap in developing countries" for the Arab Region, 20 – 22 (a.m.) July 2008
ITU Regional Development Forum 2008, 20 - 22 July 2008  
Dr. Sherif GUINENA (ITU-T Study Group 2 Vice Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 2 Regional Group in the Arab region Chairman)

Dr. Sherif Guinena, Advisor to the Executive President of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority of Egypt (NTRA) for technical and regulatory affairs. He joined NTRA in 2002 as head of the technical affairs department and acted as Executive Vice president of NTRA from 2003 to 2006.

Dr. Guinena is the Vice Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 2 and Chairman of the SG2 Regional Group in the Arab region (SG2 RG-ARB); and recently elected as one of the four Vice Chairmen of the “Arab Working Group for Standardization”, July 2008.

At NTRA, Guinena was responsible for developing the telecom market in Egypt, encouraging the introduction of new technologies and services, designing auctions and granting licenses; most significantly was the successful auction for granting the 3rd 2G/3G mobile license in Egypt.

Meanwhile, Guinena represented Egypt in several ITU high level meetings, including WTDC-2002, PP-2002, Council 2002, WTSA-2004, TSAG 2008, and many other international, regional and preparatory meetings. He was one of the key players in the evolution of the Arab Regulators Network (ARNET) in 2004. He is co-author of the ITU Arab Book 2004.

Before joining NTRA, Guinena worked as an R&D engineer at the Technical Research Department of Egypt for more than 32 years. Guinena holds a Ph.D. in Electronics and Communication Engineering form Alexandria University, Egypt and is a certified Consultant by the Engineers Syndicate of Egypt. He has lectured as an Associate Professor at the “Higher Technological Institute” at the 10th of Ramadan city, Egypt for more than ten years.

Dr. Yury GRIN (Deputy Director, BDT)

Dr. Yury G. Grin is Deputy to the Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in Geneva, Switzerland. He joined ITU in 2006.

Prior to joining ITU, from 1994 to 2006, he worked in the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry for Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation, first as Deputy Director and then as Director of the Department.

From 1990 to 1994, Dr. Grin was Deputy Director of the R&D Institute of Economics and Composite Problems of Communications.

From 1977 to 1990, he worked at the Moscow Radiocommunications R&D Institute, first as Leading Engineer, then as Senior Scientist and Chief of Department.

In 1978, Dr. Grin obtained his PhD in physics and mathematics at Lomonosov Moscow State University, from which he had graduated in 1974.

Dr. Grin is the author of more than 80 scientific and technical publications and holds more than 20 copyrights on inventions in the field of communications and information technologies.

He has been awarded several high distinctions, such as:
  • Master of Communications
  • Medal of the Soviet Peace Fund in 1977
  • Prize in the field of Science and Technologies from the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR in 1990
  • Silver medal from the International Telecommunication Union in 2001
He is a member of the International Academy of Communications and a member of the Moscow Scientific Society.

Dr. Grin is married and has four children.

His interests include classical music and art.

He speaks Russian, Ukrainian, English and some French and Spanish.

Mr. Michael HARROP (ITU-T Study Group 17 Rapporteur)

Mike Harrop has many years experience in IT standards and international cooperative initiatives, particularly in the areas of IT security and on-line government. He currently serves as Rapporteur for the Communications Security Project of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU-T) Study Group 17, which has overall security coordination responsibility across all Study Groups of the ITU-T.

During his tenure with the Government of Canada (1971-1997) he served as convenor of the ISO/ITU Open Systems security work and led the development of the Open Systems Security Architecture and Security Frameworks. He also helped establish the G7 Government On-line (GOL) project in 1995 and served as co-chair. Since 1997 he has worked as a consultant focusing on strategies and standards for electronic government and IT security.

He holds a degree in mathematics and physics from the University of London and is a Chartered Engineer and Certified IT Professional.

Mr. Leo LEHMANN (OFCOM, Switzerland)

Dr. Leo Lehmann is working as Senior Expert for mobile and fix/mobile converged networks at the Federal Office of Communication (OFCOM) in Switzerland. Leo represents OFCOM within the Study Group 16 of ITU-T (Multimedia Services) as Rapporteur in the area of Multimedia Service Mobility Management (Q.29/16) Furthermore he acts as Liaison Officer of ITU-T Study Group 16 towards ITU Study Groups SG13 (NGN) as well as SG19 (Mobility, Fix/ Mobile Convergence). Leo has been working since 18 years in the telecommunication business being responsible as senior manager and expert for system and network design and engineering at mayor players of the telecommunication market like Phillips, Ericsson and Orange. As an expert on multimedia he also contributes as member respectively vice chair to several IEEE sponsored conferences like “International Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology (ICCGI)” or “International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS)”
Mr. Souheil Marine,  (Digital Bridge Manager, Alcatel-Lucent)

In 1986 Souheil MARINE earned his Ph.D degree in computer science from the National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble (France). Dr. Marine joined Alcatel in 1989 where he has held since several positions. As a research engineer, he worked for the development of new control platforms supporting the secure real-time applications of telecommunication switches. As a member of the technical staff, he contributed to the realization of several projects dealing with intelligent network applications, packet infrastructure for mobiles (GPRS) and the development of voice over packet within telephony switches. As a Product Strategy Manager he participated to the definition of Alcatel’s migration strategy from telephony networks towards next generation packet based networks.

Since 2003, Dr. Marine holds the position of Digital Bridge Manager. In this position he contributes to Alcatel-Lucent’s effort to bridge the Digital Divide through projects that bring Internet and Telephony connectivity to rural and isolated areas of developing countries and contribute to their social and economic development. Besides this activity Dr. Marine is rapporteur of Q19 of ITU-D Study Group 2 related to the establishment of NGN migration guidelines for developing countries and contributor to ITU related to NGN.
Mr. Arshey ODEDRA, (Counsellor, ITU/TSB)

Arshey Odedra is a member of professional staff in ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union, a Specialized Agency of the United Nations) since 1996.

  • He has worked in Telecoms and Standards for over the last 20 years in telecommunication networks strategy and standards, OSI (Open Systems Interconnection), Broadband/ATM, and Signalling in ITU-T (Formerly-CCITT), ETSI, & ATM Forum including writing and presenting contributions for UK telecom operator and the Administration at these meetings.
  • Prior to that he has extensive experience in innovations and design with several years in Systems Design & Development work including Software & Systems Design, Specification, Implementation, Testing and Commissioning of Control Systems for Flight Simulators (Boeing 747, 727, MD), Real-Time Aero/Naval defense systems of aircrafts, helicopters, submarines, ships and their weapons & defence systems, high speed trains as well as for Telecoms & Digital switching systems. He has also some years experience in Systems design, specification, tendering, contract supervision, acceptance testing and commissioning for Buildings and Environmental Systems (inc. power, air-conditioning, heating, lighting etc) of International Telecommunications Switching Centres.
  • He was ITU-T Rapporteur for AAL (ATM Adaptation Layer) Standardization (1992-1996) and led from initiation to completion the standardization of AAL-Type-5 in the ITU-T in addition to his many contributions to other AAL, and ATM standards
  • Since 1996 he is ITU-T Counsellor for ITU-T Study Group11 on Signalling Requirements & Protocols Standards work including (during last 5 years) Standardization work in ITU-T for NGN (Next Generation Networks).
Other Achievements
  • Among his university (1970-74) projects he also designed a hydrogen powered aircraft (hydrogen derived from water with environment friendly (green) combustion back to water); his designs also included a low-cost flights concept.
  • He also did experimental modelling and testing work for the design and development of the London Thames flood Barrier with British Hydro Mechanics Research Association.
Academic Qualifications:

Holds Upper 2nd B. Tech. Honours Degree in Aeronautical Engineering and Design, from Loughborough University of Technology, UK

Professional Qualifications held:
  • CEng (Chartered Engineer)
  • MBCS (Member of British Computer Society)
  • Eur. Ing. (European Engineer)
  • SMAIAA (Senior Member of American Inst Aeronautics & Astronautics)
  • AMRAeS (Assoc. Member Royal Aeronautical Society)
  • AMIMechE (Assoc. Member of Inst. Of Mechanical Engineers)
Languages: English, Spanish, Gujarati, Hindi, French, Swahili.

Has been a Presenter for several years at many International Conferences, Seminars and Workshops covering Standardization, Signalling, VoIP, NGN, Convergence and Security.

Dr. Kishik Park,  (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)

Dr. Kishik PARK was educated at Seoul National University, in the Rep. of Korea, where he obtained a first class honours degree of B.A. in 1982 and M.A. in 1984 respectively. And he got Ph.D. Degree in the field of Telecommunications Policy in 1995. In 2004, he has got another Ph.D. Degree majoring in Internet QoS, Computer Science at Paichai University.

He joined ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) in 1984, and he is currently working as a Principal Researcher of Technology Strategy Research Division. He has more than 20 year research experience in various divisions of ETRI including Info-Communications Technology Division, Telecom-munication Systems Division, Information & Telecommunications Technology Division, and Protocol Engineering Center, etc.

He has been currently serving as the Chairman of SG3 of ITU-T after the 8 year Vice-Chairmanship of ITU TSAG (Telecommunications Standardization Advisory Group) since 1996 internationally as well as serving as a Advisory Board Member of ASTAP (Asia-pacific STAndardization Program) regionally.

Dr. Park has been also acting as a member of National R&D Evaluation committee, Vice-Chairman of Technical Assembly of Telecommunication Technology Association(TTA) of Korea, a Member of National Telecom. Standardization Committee of Korea, and the manager of W3C Korean Office. In addition, he has also actively carried out some important roles recently such as the Chairman of the 9th GSC (Global Standards collaboration) meeting, the Secretary General of Asia IT Ministers’ Conference.
Mr. Riccardo Passerini,  (Head, Telecommunication Technologies and Network Development Division, Telecommunications Development Bureau (BDT), ITU)

At present he is working in International Telecommunication Union (ITU) – Geneva, as Senior Telecommunication Engineer (Networks and Services) in the Development Sector (BDT) , Technologies and Network Development Unit (TND)

He has been dealing with Telecommunication Networks since 1984 in Superior Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies (Italy) as chief of Networks and Services Department. There, he has been responsible for defining National Specifications, managing Type Approval Process (Homologation) of Equipment and Systems, co-ordinating International and National Committee activities like ITU and ETSI meeting.

He has been also involved in activities related to the regulatory aspects, like numbering and interconnection, of the liberalization process of Telecommunications in the European Countries.

He joined ITU at the beginning of 2001 as part of permanent staff, after having been collaborating with ITU since 1991 as Expert on Telecommunication Networks and Services, being responsible of Technical Specifications definition and Network Planning for ITU projects in a number of different Countries.

Mr. Passerini graduated in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering from University “La Sapienza ”Roma” with Magna cum Laude in 1981.
Mr. Roberto Pomponi, (ITU-T Study Group 5 Chairman)

Roberto Pomponi, earned a degree in Electrical Engineering from the Polytechnic of Turin (Italy) in 1972 and in the same year he joined TILAB (formerly CSELT, Centro Studi e Laboratori Telecomunicazioni in Turin, Italy).

He has carried out activities on protection of telecommunication installations against lightning, electromagnetic interference and safety.

He has been professor of EMC seminars at the Polytechnic of Turin, University of Ancona and at High School of the Telecom Italia Group.
He joined ITU-T Study Groups 5 and 6 in 1974 as delegate and then Rapporteur in both SGs till 1992. In the current Study Period he has been confirmed as chairman of SG 5.

He is author of more than 40 technical papers and many contributions to the standardization activities.
Mr. Sami TRABULSI, (Counsellor, ITU/TSB)

Sami Trabulsi has joined ITU in July 1990 and the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau of the ITU in February 1996. He is currently the head of Editing and Publication division, in charge of the publication of ITU-T Recommmendations and of the different TSB working and publication databases, and of the elctronic tools in support of the standardization daily work.

Before coming to ITU, Sami Trabulsi was working as an engineer in the field of expert systems and was the head of the CAT Systran system development team in Paris.
Mr. Alexandre VASSILIEV, (Study Group Counsellor, ITU-R)

Alexandre VASSILIEV has worked in the ITU since 1989 in Radiocommunication services and in the Study Group departments He was involved in development of Regional and Wold-wide Plans for terrestrial and space services and participated in many World and Regional Radiocommunication Conferences. He represented ITU at meetings of UN Agencies, Regional Groups and other international organizations. Mr. Vassiliev organized and actively participated in many ITU seminars/workshops on spectrum management and other radiocommunication issues.

Prior to joining ITU, Mr VASSILIEV worked as the Deputy Director of the Leningrad’s regional radio research and development institute (LONIIR). He was responsible for departments carrying out the studies in spectrum management and development of equipment for satellite and radio relay systems.


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