التزام بتوصيل العالم

أحداث الاحتفال باليوم العالمي للفتيات في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات لعام 2016

​​​​​​YWCA Burundi​

Burundi, 2016, April 28​​

YWCA Burundi and ICT

On the International Day of "Girls in Information Technology and Communication", which took place on April 28, 2016, the YWCA of Burundi organized an all-day event to stimulate interest in communication technologies among girls and young women.​​​​​​

Fretwell Ntavyohanyuma, a member of YWCA Burundi and former journalist, gave an introduction reminding everyone about the purpose of this day and sharing her passion for the topic. The introduction was followed by an interactive Q&A.

The group visited the National Telecommunications Office (ONATEL) and focused on the departments headed by women; the Data Logging Service, Maintenance Service and Fixed Telephony. Mrs. Evangeline, cables and lines specialist lead the tour.

Youth from the YWCA got the opportunity to discuss in great length with several successful women in the field of Telecommunications. Nadine is a computer engineer and she strongly recommended to her visitors to study computer science since this area is central to all others.

After the visit, the young girls from YWCA expressed the following recommendations:
- The YWCA of Burundi should continue to educate young people so that they can be incited to study Information and Communication Technologies.
- Since Burundi has no School of Telecommunication, the association should support those who need a scholarship in this field.
- The YWCA needs a space where girls can learn to use computers and navigate the internet.​