التزام بتوصيل العالم

ITU-D Regional Economic and Financial Forum of Telecommunications/ICTs for Asia and Pacific - Yangon, Myanmar, 1-2 September 2014

The Telecommunication Development Bureau (ITU-D) is organizing the Regional Economic and Financial Forum of Telecommunications/ICTs for Asia and Pacific in collaboration with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.  The Forum will be held at the Taw Win Garden Hotel, Yangon, Myanmar, from 1 to 2 (morning) September 2014.  The Regional Meeting of the Study Group 3 Regional Group for Asia and Oceania (SG3RG-AO) organized by the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB) will be held just after the Forum, from the afternoon of 2 to 3 September 2014.

This year, the Forum will focus, among other interesting subjects, on the evolution of Internet market offers, convergence and service bundling in Asia and Pacific, licensing regimes in a converged digital environment in the region, strategic costing for broadband services,  the impact of Internet development and OTT in the voice service, as well as setting broadband key performance indicators for monitoring the implementation of national broadband plans, all this subjects by emphasizing on the economic and regulatory aspects.  Delegates are invited to participate as panellists to present the situation in their countries on these issues, in order to promote dialogue and exchange of experiences. Those who are interested can contact carmen.prado[at]itu.int.

Forum and SG3RG-AO meeting Details

  • Date Forum:  1-2 September 2014
  • SG3RG-AO Meeting: 3-4 September 2014
  • Location:    Taw Win Garden Hotel
    Address:      No.45, Pyay Road, Dagon Township, 
                        Yangon, Myanmar
    Tel:              + 95-1-8600080
    Website:     www.tawwingardenhotel.com
  • The contact person in MCIT Myanmar:
    Mr. Win Min Aung
    Posts and Telecommunications Department
    Mobile : +95 9 4480 000 98
    Fax      : +95 67 407 216 
    E-mail: winminaung01[at]gmail.com


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SG3RG-AO Meeting information