Ernesto Faubel-Cubells
Head of Smart City Office, Municipality of Valencia, Spain

Ernesto is a Computer Engineer with a Master’s in CAD/CAM/CIM from Universitat Politècnica de València. His educational achievements include a diploma in ‘Advanced Course in Local Government’. Ernesto has served as a part-time teacher at UPV for 22 years.

In his professional career, he has largely split his time between municipal service and academia in Valencia. Starting as a Senior Computer Technician, he now leads as the Head of the Smart City Service since September 2022.

Since 2017, Ernesto has been pivotal in major projects including the coordination of the European MAtchUP project until September 2023, managing the southern supernode of the Artificial Intelligence project from January 2023, and chairing the EDIC of Local Digital Twins toward CitiVERSE from June 2023. He also co-chairs the U4SSC Working Group on City Platforms and coordinates a working group within the Spanish Network of Smart Cities (RECI).

Beyond his roles, Ernesto serves on the Advisory Board of SmartCityWorld and has spoken at over 100 national and international events. He holds CISA, ITIL, and PRINCE2 certifications, and is Vice-President of the Professional Board of Computer Engineers in the Valencian Region.


Municipality of Valencia, Spain


Head of Smart City Office

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