High-Level Segment (HLS) of Council 2008

Geneva, 12-13 November 2008


Photo: H.E. Mr. Siddhartha Behura, Secretary of the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, IndiaBiography of H.E. Mr. Siddhartha Behura,
Secretary of the Department of Telecommunications (DoT),
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology,
Name : Mr. Siddhartha Behura, IAS
Secretary Telecom &
Chairman Telecom Commission
Government of India

Office Address: Department of Telecommunications,
Ministry of Communications & IT
Government of India
Sanchar Bhawan, Government of India
20 Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001
Tel No. 23719898 (O)

Educational Qualifications :

  • University of Birmingham, United Kingdom (1986-87)
  • Post Graduate Diploma, Development Finance – Birmingham Chambers of Commerce Award for Best Student of the Course
  • University of Delhi, India (1969-71)
  • M.Sc. Physics- Delhi University Merit Scholarship Holder

Professional Experience

Telecommunications – I joined as Secretary Telecom and Chairman Telecom Commission, Government of India in January 2008 and have been taking various initiatives not only to sustain the growth rate of ever growing Indian telecom sectors but also to introduce newer and newer telecom services in India. Prior to my joining as Secretary DOT, I had been working in various Departments of Government of India in various capacities, which are indicated briefly herein below:

  1. Environment (2005-2007)

    Special Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India

    My responsibilities, inter-alia included

    i) Work relating to bilateral and multilateral assistance and cooperation
    ii) Impact Assessment, Sustainable Development issues
    iii) Enfironment Policy and Law
    iv) Cooperatioin of Global Environment Faciolity (GEF)
    v) environmental education and media related issues
  2.  Industrial Development ( 10 years continuously in various capacities in the Super-time scale)

    a) Director/Joint Secretary, Department of Industrial Development, Government of India( 1989-1994)

    I began as Director in the Department of Industrial Development in Government of India in May 1989 and became Joint Secretary in the same department in 1991 where I worked till the end of 1994. I was the focal point of liberalization of the industrial sector in India as I was involved in the formulation and implementation of the New Industrial Policy, 1991.

    During this period, the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) was set up and I was its ex-officio Secretary. The FIPB was responsible for formulating policies for entry of foreign investors into India as well as attracting foreign investment into the country. This was an ideal platform for me to interact with CEOs and senior managers of the Indian industry as well as Multinationals and other foreign investors. During this period, I regularly participated in seminars and conferences, both in India and abroad, speaking to a select audience regarding economic reforms in India and the advantages of India as a destination for foreign investment.

    b) Managing Director, PICUP (State owned Development Financial Institutions)

    I was responsible for appraisal financing and monitoring of industrial projects, recovery of dues and raising of funds from the market. This assignment gave me an opportunity tonget intimately asociatged with entrepreneurs in their projects as well as in forums such as Chambers of Commerce to convince industrialistgs to invest in the state. PICUP participated in the equirty of several companies where I was either the Chairman or a Director on the Board as a nominee of PICUP

    c) Secretary, Sugar Industries, Govt. fo Uttar Pradesh

    Sugar industry is the most important industry in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Unfortunately, sugal is still regulated industry in India and my effort was to liberalize, privatize and provide policy inducement for modernization of the industry in the state. I was a member of the High Power Committee set up by the Government of India for recommending deregulation of the sugar industry in the country.

    d) Chief Executive Office, New Okhla Industrial Development Authority (NOIDA)

    Responsible for macro and micro management of a satellite township of Delhi, with a population of over half a million (fast growing), with a view to provide adequate infrastructure for industrialization of the area. It, inter-alia, involved the management/administration of all the municipal functions of the town One pioneering work during the period was construction of a Toll Bridge (8 kilometers) between Delhi and NOIDA on BOT basis. Another was a 22 kilometer Expressway between NOIDA and Greater NOIDA (another satellite town of Delhi).

  3. Finance

    Joint Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance (Aug 1999-May 2003)

    Bilateral relations with Japan and Australia, primarily, ODA for projects (Japan being the largest bilateral donor for India). This involved continuous dealings and negotiations with the two Governments and their various agencies such as JBIC, JICA, JETRO, NEDO etc. and AUSAID as well as their embassies in India for allocation of funds to various projects, ranging from large infrastructure projects like the Delhi Metro Rail from JBIC (Japan) to small capacity building projects in sectors such as AIDS/HIV prevention, healthcare and education from AUSAID. Monitoring and evaluation of these externally aided projects alongwith the official from the aid agencies was an important function. I was nodal point in the Ministry of Finance for all UN agencies in India

  4. Personnel and General Administration

    Secretary Appointments, Personnel, Administrative Reforms and Training (July 1987-May 1989) and Staff Officer to Chief Secretary (December 1985-Septemebr 1986)

    These two posts are crucial in the Government of Uttar Pradesh. Secretary, Appointments position involved formulation of HRD policies and personnel management of senior government officials including recruitment, appointment, training etc. Responsible for assisting the Chief Secretary, in administration of State.

  5. Consultancies with International organizations

    i) World Bank (March 1995-Decmeber 1995)
    Preparation of a comprehensive and authoritative statement of policies, laws, regulations and procedures governing Foreign Direct Investment in India, to be set out in a user friendly public document of international production standards. This was carried out in collaboration with Price Waterhouse Coopers, London.

    ii) ESCAP
    Four short-term consultancies ranging from 2-6 weeks each on harmonization of Industrial and FDI policies in the Asia and Pacific region as well as development of environment friendly technologies in the same region.