High-Level Segment (HLS) of Council 2008

Geneva, 12-13 November 2008


Biography of H.E. Mr. Muhammad Nuh,
Minister of Communication and Information Technology,
Republic of Indonesia
Name : Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad NUH, DEA

Position : Minister of Communication and Information Technology

Place / Date of Birth : Surabaya, 17 June 1959

Education :
  1. Degree, Electronic Engineering, Technology Institute of Surabaya, 1978-1983
  2. Master Degree, Signaux et System, Universite Science et Technique du Languedoc (USTL), Montpellier, Perancis, 1986-1987
  3. Doctor, Signaux et System, Universite Science et Technique du Languedoc (USTL), Montpellier, Perancis, 1987-1990
  4. Expertise: Control System -Biomedical System Engineering

Job's Experience :

  1. 1984-Now : Lecture at Technology Institute of Surabaya
  2. 1991-1992 : Secretary of Electronic Engineering Diploma, ITS
  3. 1992-1993 : Head of Electronic Engineering Study, Polytechnic School , ITS.
  4. 1993-1997 : Deputy Director, Polytechnic School , ITS.
  5. 1997-2003 : Director, Polytechnic School , ITS.
  6. 2003-2007 : President of Technology Instutute of Surabaya
  7. 2007- Now : Minister of Communication and Information Technology.