ICT accessibility overview: Assessment for the Africa region
Table of contents
List of tables and figures
1 Background
     1.1 Global and regional commitments
     1.2 Disability demographics in Africa
2 Digital transformation, digital inclusion and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
     2.1 ICT accessibility: The key to achieving digital inclusion
          2.1.1 Infrastructure
          2.1.2 Affordability
          2.1.3 ICT accessibility
          2.1.4 Adoption of policies and strategies
          2.1.5 Accessible ICT
          2.1.6 Adoption of technology and digital skills
     2.2 The use of technology and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
3 ICT accessibility overview report for the Africa region: Results
4 Key findings and good practices from the Africa region
     4.1 Commitment to ICT accessibility
          4.1.1 Law, regulation and policy
          4.1.2 Political buy-in
          4.1.3 Development and inclusion of standards as references
     4.2 Implementation capacity
          4.2.1 Public procurement
          4.2.2 Training
          4.2.3 Monitoring
          4.2.4 E-government
          4.2.5 Funding mechanisms
5 General recommendations to support ICT accessibility implementation
     5.1 Stakeholder roles
     5.2 General recommendations
Annex 1: Terms and definitions
Annex 2: International standards
     1 The web content accessibility standard
     2 The European Web Accessibility Directive
     3 The European ICT accessibility procurement standard
     4 Section 508 of the United States Rehabilitation Act
Annex 3: ITU resources to foster implementation of ICT accessibility
     1 Guidelines, toolkits and reports
     2 Training and knowledge development programmes
     3 Video tutorials