ITU study on the assessment of digital accessibility policies in Serbia
Table of Contents
List of figures and videos
1 Introduction
2 Overview of digital inclusion and ICT accessibility in Serbia
3 Overview of national ICT policies, laws and programmes supporting the implementation of digital inclusion and ICT accessibility in Serbia
4 General recommendations
     4.1 Recommendations
     4.2 The ITU-G3ict Model ICT accessibility policy report
5 Current situation and recommendations by key area
     5.1 Internet access
     5.2 Web accessibility
     5.3 E-government
     5.4 Mobile Communications and devices
     5.5 Television and digital content accessibility
     5.6 Electronic kiosks
     5.7 Education
     5.8 Health care
     5.9 Emergency situation communications
     5.10 Access to assistive technologies
     5.11 Public procurement of ICT products and services
6 Resources
     6.1 ITU knowledge development/training courses
     6.2 ITU policies, strategies and guidelines
     6.3 ITU on awareness-raising and good practices
     6.4 ITU publications
     6.5 General ITU
     6.6 United Nations
     6.7 European Union
     6.8 Other