Digital competition policy and regulation in the Africa and Arab States regions – June 2021
Table of contents
List of figures, tables and boxes
Executive summary
1 Introduction
     1.1 The need for effective ICT regulation
     1.2 General overview of the Africa and Arab States regions
     1.3 An overview of recent ICT history and development in the region
     1.4 Regulatory challenges in emerging markets
     1.5 Technology trends impacting regulatory approaches
     1.6 The rise of digital platforms
2 Traditional regulatory issues and approaches and impacts of digital transformation
     2.1 Context
     2.2 Regulatory market analysis
     2.3 Access and interconnection
     2.4 Infrastructure sharing
     2.5 Price regulation
     2.6 Licensing
3 Assessing regulatory development
     3.1 Regional benchmarks for competition policy and regulation
     3.2 Methodology
     3.3 Regional case studies
4 Digital platforms and OTT services: characteristics and regulatory challenges
     4.1 The importance of the digital economy
     4.2 Competition between digital platform services and traditional ICT
     4.3 The impact of digital platforms on traditional regulatory issues
     4.4 Positive and negative impacts from the rise of digital platforms
     4.5 Challenges in regulating digital platforms
     4.6 Financial impacts of digital platforms on operators
     4.7 Emerging consensus on the need to regulate digital platforms
5 Taxation: levelling the playing field
     5.1 Introduction
     5.2 The OECD and base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS)
     5.3 Taxing digital services
     5.4 Exemplar global approaches
     5.5 Current approaches in the Africa and Arab States regions
     5.6 Proposed regional approach: ATAF
     5.7 Conclusions: ensuring a fair and equitable digital services market
6 The regulatory road ahead
     6.1 Introduction
     6.2 New technologies and regulatory impacts
     6.3 New challenges in market definition and collaborative regulation
     6.4 Checklist for emerging regulatory priorities
7 Conclusions and recommendations
     7.1 The key issues for regulators in the Africa and Arab States regions
     7.2 Recommendations
Appendix I: Benchmark of ICT regulation in the Arab States region
Appendix II: Benchmark of ICT regulation in the Africa region
Glossary of acronyms