Collaborative regulation for digital transformation in Kenya: A country review
Table of contents
1 Institutional set-up of the ICT sector and across economic sectors
     1.1 State of ICT markets
2 Key ICT sector policies
     2.1 Digital Economy Blueprint
     2.2 National ICT Policy Guidelines
     2.3 Digital Economy Strategy
     2.4 National Broadband Strategy 2018 – 2023
3 Key cross-sectoral policies
     3.1 Strategic plan for data protection and privacy
     3.2 Blockchain policies to promote digital innovation
4 Collaborative practices across institutions
     4.1 Bilateral collaboration arrangements
     4.2 Multisector collaboration mechanisms
5 Regulatory tools to promote the digital economy and transformation
     5.1 Agile regulatory tools
     5.2 Incentive-based regulatory tools
     5.3 Innovation-based regulatory tools
6 Level of regulatory maturity and policy implementation
     6.1 From regulatory silos to cross-sectoral regulatory collaboration
     6.2 From ICT to digital regulation
7 Conclusion