Output Report on ITU-D Question 1/2 Creating smart cities and society: Employing information and communication technologies for sustainable social and economic development Study period 2018-2021
Table of contents
List of tables, box and figures
Executive summary
Chapter 1 – Introduction
     1.1 Objectives of the Question
     1.2 Expected outputs and outcomes
     1.3 Methodology
     1.4 Smart cities and society concept
          1.4.1 Concept of smartness
          1.4.2 Definitions of smart cities and society
Chapter 2 – Concept design of smart cities and communities
     2.1 Fundamental architecture of a smart city
          2.1.1 Data collection
          2.1.2 Networking
          2.1.3 Platforms
          2.1.4 Analytics
     2.2 Design concept considerations
          2.2.1 Top-down versus bottom-up design
          2.2.2 Enabling infrastructure
          2.2.3 Sharing
          2.2.4 Innovation
          2.2.5 Intelligent governance
          2.2.6 Smart lifestyle
          2.2.7 Standardization and interoperability
          2.2.8 Skills development
          2.2.9 Community participation
          2.2.10 Effective business models (sustainability)
     2.3 Infrastructure and connectivity
          2.3.1 Optical distribution network
     2.4 Best practices and case studies
          2.4.1 Differentiated approaches to cities at different development stages – Republic of Korea
          2.4.2 Practical cases for command and control centre and city operation centre – Egypt
          2.4.3 Practical cases for building a smart society – China
          2.4.4 Use case for “Digital India”
Chapter 3 – Business models and policy approaches
     3.1 Business models
          3.1.1 Collaboration of different stakeholders
          3.1.2 Cost of smart services
          3.1.3 Funding for digital identity
     3.2 Policy approaches
          3.2.1 Fostering investment and innovation
          3.2.2 Smart villages and communities
Chapter 4 – Smart applications, safety and trust
     4.1 Smart applications
          4.1.1 The city as a development platform
          4.1.2 Smart utilities
          4.1.3 Smart transportation
          4.1.4 Smart agriculture
          4.1.5 Energy
          4.1.6 Smart poles
          4.1.7 Learning
          4.1.8 Digital government
          4.1.9 Smart devices
     4.2 Safety and trust
          4.2.1 Building trust first
          4.2.2 Infrastructure risk management
          4.2.3 Confidentiality of personal and proprietary data
          4.2.4 Trust in IoT peripherals
          4.2.5 Case studies and practices
Chapter 5 – Key performance indicators for sustainable cities and communities
     5.1 Introduction
     5.2 U4SSC initiative and KPIs
     5.3 ISO/IEC KPIs
     5.4 EasyPark index
     5.5 Example of KPI-based evaluation of a smart city: China's new smart-city evaluation index system
Chapter 6 – Conclusion
     Annex 1: Case studies - success cases
     Annex 2: List of contributions and liaison statements received on Question 1/2