Giga: Empowering communities in Asia and the Pacific through school connectivity
Table of contents
List of tables and figures
Executive summary
Abbreviations and acronyms
1 Introduction
     1.1 Leaving no one behind: Broadband and the Sustainable Development Goals
     1.2 The digital divide and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
     1.3 Giga: Connecting schools
          1.3.1 Giga’s role as convenor
          1.3.2 Giga’s achievements to date
     1.4 Giga in Asia and the Pacific
          1.4.1 Report structure
2 Map
     2.1 The purpose of school connectivity mapping
     2.2 Mapping challenges
     2.3 Mapping methods
          2.3.1 Data for mapping school connectivity
          2.3.2 School locations and ITU broadband maps
          2.3.3 Multistakeholder engagement
     2.4 School connectivity mapping study in Thailand
     2.5 Data management and sharing
          2.5.1 Child data protection
3 Connect
     3.1 Last-mile connectivity solutions
          3.1.1 Toolkits for last-mile connectivity
     3.2 Technology solutions for connecting schools
          3.2.1 Public Wi-Fi to increase access in underserved areas
          3.2.2 TV white space
          3.2.3 High-Altitude IMT Base Stations (HIBS)
          3.2.4 Li-Fi
          3.2.5 Open RAN
     3.3 Policy approaches for supporting school connectivity
          3.3.1 Licence obligations
          3.3.2 Infrastructure sharing
          3.3.3 Government incentives for school connectivity
     3.4 Whole-of-government approach
4 Finance
     4.1 Matching financing mechanisms with the challenge
          4.1.1 Universal Funds
          4.1.2 Multilateral grants and loans
          4.1.3 Bilateral funding
          4.1.4 Bonds
     4.2 Blended finance for school connectivity
          4.2.1 Advanced Market Commitments
          4.2.2 Impact bonds
          4.2.3 Social success notes
          4.2.4 Challenges to blended finance
     4.3 Financial sustainability
          4.3.1 Business models for sustainable Internet service provision
          4.3.2 Revenue sharing models
          4.3.3 Community networks
          4.3.4 In-kind support
5 Empower
     5.1 Amplifying the impact of connectivity
     5.2 Empowering learners
          5.2.1 E-learning platforms and content
          5.2.2 Providing devices
          5.2.3 Capacity building for teachers
          5.2.4 Integrating ICT into education policy
          5.2.5 Child protection
     5.3 Community empowerment
          5.3.1 Community digital skills
          5.3.2 Finance
          5.3.3 Agriculture
          5.3.4 Health
          5.3.5 E-government
          5.3.6 Smart villages
6 The way forward
7 Overview of potential Giga countries
     7.1 Bhutan
     7.2 Mongolia
     7.3 Pakistan
     7.4 Papua New Guinea
     7.5 Vanuatu
8 Appendix
     Data availability survey
List of references