Connect2Recover: A methodology for identifying connectivity gaps and strengthening resilience in the new normal
Table of contents
List of tables and figures
1 Introduction and overview
2 Data collection
     2.1 Definitions and benchmarks
     2.2 Coverage or availability and capacity (supply-side)
     2.3 Adoption and usage (demand-side)
     2.4 Community anchor locations
     2.5 Historically marginalized groups
3 Stress-testing operator networks
4 Assessing resilience of operators during the COVID-19 pandemic
     4.1 Assessment of Internet resilience during COVID-19
     4.2 Resilience framework for networks
5 Digital technologies that mitigate the impact of future pandemics
     5.1 Connectivity technologies
     5.2 Devices
     5.3 Services and applications
6 Efforts to increase availability, adoption, and resilience
7 Policies and regulations to prepare for future pandemics
     7.1 Reinvigorating national broadband plans
     7.2 Practising good governance
     7.3 Developing clear definitions and targets
     7.4 A multistakeholder approach to assessing availability and adoption
     7.5 Supply-side interventions to increase availability
          7.5.1 Clear and enforceable competition policies
          7.5.2 Opening up spectrum
          7.5.3 Investment in infrastructure
          7.5.4 Explore community-based network operators
          7.5.5 Digital inclusion
     7.6 Demand stimulation activities
          7.6.1 Addressing affordability
          7.6.2 Digital skills
          7.6.3 Local content
     7.7 Effective monitoring and evaluation programmes
     7.8 Emergency preparedness
8 Conclusion
Appendix A. Current available data sources on broadband
     1 Data sources that are used for current ITU reporting
          1.1 ITU-D ICT Statistics Division
          1.2 ITU broadband maps
          1.3 Project Giga
     2 Complementary data sources on availability, adoption, and usage
          2.1 Opensignal
          2.2 OpenCellID
          2.3 Ookla
          2.4 Nokia Deepfield
          2.5 GSMA mobile coverage maps
          2.6 Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)
          2.7 Alexa Internet
          2.8 World Bank World Development Indicators
          2.9 Facebook
          2.10 Google
          2.11 Cisco
Appendix B. ITU telecommunication/ICT indicators and questionaries