INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION RADIOCOMMUNICATION BUREAU (Direct Fax No. +41 22 730 57 85) Administrative Circular CA/6 9 March 1994 To Administrations of Members of the ITU and other members of the Radiocommunication Sector Subject: Treatment of regulatory/procedural matters in preparations for WRC-95 and WRC-97 Introduction The 1993 Radiocommunication Assembly by its Resolution ITU-R 2 decided that preparatory studies for a World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) associated with regulatory/procedural matters, shall be conducted by a Working Party of the CPM. The Working Party shall be chaired by a designated CPM Vice-Chairman who will organize and coordinate the procedural studies. Regulatory studies related to technical and operational matters will be undertaken by the appropriate Study Groups. Results of the first Conference Preparatory Meeting The first Conference Preparatory Meeting was held in Geneva from 15 to 17 February 1994. For the results see Administrative Circular CA/5 of 15 March 1994. The meeting designated Mr. R.N. Agarwal from India as the Vice-Chairman responsible for organization and coordination of procedural/regulatory studies in the Working Party of the CPM. His address is as follows: Mr. R.N. Agarwal Vice-Chairman, CPM Joint Wireless Advisor to Tel: + 91 11 375 5427 Goverment of India + 91 11 303 2882 Ministry of Communications Fax: + 91 11 371 61 11 Sardar Patel Bhavan Room No. 338, DAK Bhavan Parliament Street New Delhi 110 001 India The meeting also approved Document CPM94/24(Rev.1) which contains principles and guidelines for organization of preparatory studies associated with regulatory/procedural matters (see Annex). Programme of the work Based on inputs from the Rapporteur(s)/ Liaison Rapporteur(s) designated by Study Groups (Working Parties/Task Groups) and contributions from administrations, the Chairman of the Working Party in consultation with the Director will develop a work programme and schedule. In order to facilitate the work, the Chairman of the Working Party will circulate draft documentation to all members and develop a detailed agenda and work programme. Contributions and other documents shall be distributed to all Members of the ITU and to those members who have indicated a wish to participate in the the CPM Working Party on regulatory/procedural matters. Participation In order to make the necessary arrangements, Administrations of the Members of the ITU and other members of the Radiocommunication Sector wishing to take part in the work of the Working Party on regulatory/procedural matters are invited to advise anticipated participation, preferably by 8 April 1994. Richard C. Kirby Director Annex: 1 Distribution - Administrations of Members of the ITU - Other members of the Radiocommunication Sector (CV 238), including: - Recognized Operating Agencies, - Scientific and Industrial Organizations, - Regional and other International Telecommunication Organizations, - Intergovernmental Organizations Operating Satellite Systems, - UN and certain UN Specialized Agencies - Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Radiocommunication Study Groups - Secretary-General of the ITU, Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau _____ ANNEX INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION RADIOCOMMUNICATION SECTOR CONFERENCE PREPARATORY MEETING FOR WRC-95 & WRC-97 GENEVA, 15-17 FEBRUARY 1994 Revision 1 to Document CPM94/24-E 17 February 1994 Original: English CPM-94 STUDY OF REGULATORY/PROCEDURAL MATTERS IN PREPARATION FOR WRC-95 AND 97 Background The Additional Plenipotentiary Conference (APP, Geneva, 1992) revised the Study Groups terms of reference to specifically include procedural matters and preparatory studies for radiocommunication conferences (CV 156). The first Radiocommunication Assembly subsequent to the APP (Geneva, 1993) adopted Resolution ITU-R 2, establishing the basic framework and working methods for the Conference Preparatory Meeting. That Resolution provides for a Working Party of the CPM to carry out the studies related to regulatory/procedural matters, such as work related to the development of regulatory procedures for the notification and coordination of frequency assignments. Study of regulatory/ operational and regulatory/technical matters, which could include, respectively, such matters as the procedures affecting the operational discipline of the maritime-mobile service, as well as sharing and coordination criteria, calculation methods, trigger values of pfds, etc. would be done by the Study Groups. The development of the procedural framework of such regulatory/technical and regulatory/operational matters could be referred to the Working Party of the CPM, as appropriate. CPM related activities The agenda for CPM-94 includes "organization of preparatory studies associated with regulatory/procedural matters" (item 3), as well as development of a "proposed detailed structure of the report of the CPM to WRC-95" (item 5), ... "WRC-97" (item 7). To organize the preparatory studies of regulatory/procedural matters it is important to establish a framework within which the studies should be conducted. Principles and guidelines - Based on extensive preparatory work, the Radiocommunication Assembly (Geneva, 1993) established the Working Party of the CPM to address regulatory/procedural matters. CPM-94 will start preparations for WRC-95 and 97 and will address a number of important issues. To facilitate the efforts of the Working Party the following principles and guidelines should be used: 1) all work will be task oriented; 2) the initial source of tasking will be the CPM; 3) tasking shall be based on the agendas for both WRC-95 and 97 - 97 tasking should address long lead time items; 4) the Study Groups should identify those work products that may require a regulatory and procedural framework based on technical and operational preparatory tasks assigned to them and should communicate this to the Working Party as a matter of urgency; 5) where necessary Task Groups or Working Parties should assign a Rapporteur or liaison person to the Working Party of the CPM. This individual would provide information, via correspondence, to the Working Party Chairman regarding the scope and progress of preparatory work; 6) in conjunction with the Director and based on inputs from the designated Rapporteur(s) and contributions from administrations, the Chairman of the Working Party will develop a work programme and schedule; 7) to facilitate the work, the Chairman of the Working Party would circulate draft documentation to members and develop a detailed agenda and framework for the work. Tasking of the Working Party - The Working Party of the CPM would have to be "tasked" by the CPM and be responsive to projected requirements elaborated on by the Study Groups, relevant Task Groups, Working Parties or by administrations. Hence, work of a regulatory/procedural nature would occur when sufficient progress has been made on the technical and operational work in the relevant Task Groups or Working Parties. Although some work will be carried out normally by correspondence, it is anticipated that a majority of the regulatory/procedural work will occur during the meeting of CPM-95. Based on discussions at CPM-94 the following potential issues have been identified: 1) regulatory/procedural aspects of the use of the frequency allocations to the Earth exploration-satellite, space operation and space research services in the band 2 025 - 2 110 MHz (agenda item 2.2); 2) regulatory/procedural aspects of MSS feeder links (agenda item 2.1(c)); 3) regulatory/procedural matters in support of TG 2/2 activities; 4) development of a status report for submission to CPM-95. ________________