INTELLIGENT  TRANSPORTSYSTEMS Handbook on Land Mobile (including Wireless Access) Volume 4 (2021 edition)
Chapter 1   Introduction
     1.1 Purpose and scope of the Handbook on Land Mobile
     1.2 Organization and use of Volume 4
Chapter 2   ITS Application
     2.1 Introduction
     2.2 ITS Service Types
          2.2.1 Electronic Toll Collection
          2.2.2 Vehicle and Road Safety
          2.2.3 Emergency call
          2.2.4 Traffic Information Service
          2.2.5 Automated driving
     2.3 Cooperative ITS service
          2.3.1 P2X based services
          2.3.2 V2X based services
Chapter 3   ITS System and Communication Architecture
     3.1 ITS System Architecture
          3.1.1 Enterprise view
          3.1.2 Functional view
          3.1.3 Physical view
          3.1.4 Communications view
     3.2 ITS communication architecture
          3.2.1 ITS communication system
     3.2.2 ITS communication network
Chapter 4   Radio technologies for ITS systems
     4.1 Dedicated short range communication (DSRC)
          4.1.1 Introduction
          4.1.2 System configuration
          4.1.3 Technical characteristics
      European Passive DSRC
      America DSRC
      Japanese Active DSRC
      China DSRC
      Active DSRC in Korea
          4.1.4 DSRC Radio propagation characteristics
     4.2 Advanced ITS radio communication
          4.2.1 Introduction
          4.2.2 System configuration
          4.2.3 Technical characteristics
      European ITS G5
      North America WAVE
      Japan ITS connect
      V2X communication technology in Korea
      ITS in Brazil
          4.2.4 Radio propagation characteristics
     4.3 Cellular V2X communication
          4.3.1 Introduction
          4.3.2 System configuration
          4.3.3 Technical characteristics
      LTE-based V2X
          4.3.4 Radio propagation characteristics
     4.4 Wide Area Broadcasting
          4.4.1 Introduction
          4.4.2 System configuration
          4.4.3 Technical characteristics
          4.4.4 Radio propagation characteristics
     4.5 Millimetre-wave communication
          4.5.1 Introduction
          4.5.2 System configuration
          4.5.3 Technical characteristics
          4.5.4 Radio propagation characteristics
     4.6 Millimetre-wave vehicle and road radar
          4.6.1 Introduction
          4.6.2 System configuration
          4.6.3  Technical characteristics
          4.6.4 Radio propagation characteristics
Chapter 5  Standards
     5.1 DSRC standard
          5.1.1 Global standard on DSRC
          5.1.2 DSRC Standard in Region 1
          5.1.3 DSRC Standard in Region 2
          5.1.4 DSRC Standard in Region 3
     5.2 Advanced ITS Radiocommunication Standard
          5.2.1 ITS G5 Standard in Region 1
          5.2.2 WAVE Standard in Region 2
          5.2.3 Advanced ITS Radiocommunication Standard in Region 3
     5.3 Cellular V2X Standards
     5.4 Broadcasting Standards
     5.5 Millimetre wave communication and radar
          5.5.1 Millimetre wave automotive radar Standards in ITU
          5.5.2 Millimetre wave automotive radar Standards in Region 1
          5.5.3 Millimetre wave automotive radar Standards in Region 2
          5.5.4 Millimetre wave automotive radar Standards in Region 3
Chapter 6   Frequency usage for ITS applications
     6.1 Frequency usage of DSRC
     6.2 Frequency usage of Advanced ITS radiocommunication
     6.3 Frequency usage of cellular networks
     6.4 Frequency usage of broadcasting
     6.5 Frequency usage of millimetre wave vehicle and road radar
Annex A  Acronym list
Annex B  The usage of ITS in some countries
Annex C  Publications on ITS
     1 Overview
     2 ITU publications
          2.1 WRC Recommendation
          2.2 ITU-R Recommendations
          2.3 ITU-R Reports
     3 Other ITS references