1     Introduction  2
 2     Summary  2
 3     Conclusions  3
Appendix 1  Regarding study and measurement of FM modulator devices  operating in the FM broadcast band     4
 1     Introduction  4
2     FCC Part 15 operation  4
3     Part 15 label requirements  4
 4     Antenna requirements of Part 15  5
 5     Devices under test 5
6     Description of test setup  6
7     Measurement results  8
8     Additional measurements  10
9     Modulation capability  12
10     Digital (HD) radio impact 14
11     Conclusions  15
Appendix 2  Supplemental tests of FM modulator devices operating in the FM broadcast band     15
1     Introduction  15
2     Description of test setup  15
3     Measurement results  16
4     Conclusions  17
Appendix 3  FM modulator usage and emission levels in the United States     17
 1     Introduction  17
 2     Measurement technique  18
 3     Prevalence of FM modulators  22
 4     Summary and conclusions  23
Appendix 4  Low-power FM modulators in Europe  The need for efficient enforcement of the European Standard and Recommendation. Status: Statement & Recommendations EBU – R120-2007     23
Annex 1 to Appendix 4  Risk of interference to broadcasting from low-power FM modulators     25