1     Introduction
 2     Summary of reported interference cases and corresponding solutions
        2.1     Adjacent channel interference cases
        2.2     Co-channel interference cases
                  2.2.1     Interference from DTT to LTE uplink
                  2.2.2     Interference from LTE downlink to DTT
                  2.2.3     Summary of reported co-channel interference situations
Annex 1  Field report on the applied methodology used by Germany to protect the broadcast service when implementing  the IMT service in the 800 MHz band
       A1.1     Background
       A1.2     Frequency engineering and regulatory framework and key assumptions
       A1.3     Steps for a computer-assisted standard procedure for determining compatibility between LTE and broadcasting in specific cases before setting the site-related usage parameters for an LTE base station
       A1.4     Compatibility with broadcast service in neighboring countries
       A1.5     Conclusion
Annex 2  Interim national field report on the introduction of IMT downlinks in the 700 and 800 MHz bands with co-primary allocation to the broadcasting and the mobile services in France
       A2.1     Introduction
       A2.2     Adjacent channel interference situation
                  A2.2.1     Background
                  A2.2.2     Summary of adjacent channel interference situation
                  A2.2.3     Interference mitigation
                  A2.2.4     Other considerations
                  A2.2.5     Limits to the analysis
       A2.3     Summary of co-channel interference situations
                  A2.3.1     Preventive actions taken to avoid or minimize co-channel interference situations
                  A2.3.2     Interference from DTT to LTE uplink
                  A2.3.3     Interference from LTE downlink to DTT
       A2.4     Conclusions
Annex 3   Interim national field report on the LTE rollout in the 800 MHz band in the Netherlands
Annex 4  Field report on interference to 800 MHz band IMT base stations in Portugal from DTTB transmissions in Spain
Attachment   to Annex 4  Interference locations
Annex 5  Collection of answers to the Request for Information to update Report ITU-R BT.2301, towards WRC-23 agenda item 1.5, November 2020
Attachment to Annex 5  Answers of Member States and Sector Members
       A5.1     Answer of Saudi Arabia (ARS)
       A5.2     Answer of Armenia (ARM)
       A5.3     Answer of Azerbaijan (AZE)
       A5.4     Answer of Belarus (BLR)
       A5.5     Answer of Croatia (HRV)
       A5.6     Answer of Denmark (DNK)
       A5.7     Answer of the Russian Federation (RUS)
       A5.8     Answer of Finland (FIN)
       A5.9     Answer of France (F)
      A5.10     Answer of Ireland (IRL)
      A5.11     Answer of Kazakhstan (KAZ)
      A5.12     Answer of Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)
      A5.13     Answer of Luxembourg (LUX)
      A5.14     Answer of Malta (MLT)
      A5.15     Answer of Montenegro (MNE)
      A5.16     Answer of Uzbekistan (UZB)
      A5.17     Answer of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (G)
      A5.18     Answer of Switzerland (SUI)
      A5.19     Answer of EBU
      A5.20     Answer of ETSI