Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
Part 1  Overview of Single Frequency Networks
 1     Definition and characteristics of single frequency networks
        1.1     Definition of single frequency networks
        1.2     Benefits of single frequency networks
        1.3     Requirements and limitations of single frequency networks
        1.4     Type of SFN
        1.5     Consideration of network structures for SFN
        1.6     Classification of transmitting stations
        1.7     Spectrum utilization
 2     Coverage criteria
        2.1     Reception modes
        2.2     Pixel coverage, area coverage, population coverage
        2.3     Full area vs. partial coverage
 3     Statistical aspects and Network Gain in SFN planning
        3.1     Statistical Aspects of Coverage Prediction
        3.2     Effect of OFDM Multipath Capability on Coverage Prediction
        3.3     Network Gain
                  3.3.1     General
                  3.3.2     Definitions related to network gain
                  3.3.3     Example of network gain
                  3.3.4     Network gain and coverage measurements in SFN
 4     Layer definition
 5     Broadcasters’ requirements
        5.1     Service area requirements
        5.2     Coverage requirements
        5.3     Operational/Network requirements
 6     Implementation of the transmitter network
        6.1     Coordination
        6.2     Conformity with the Plan Entry
        6.3     Self interference
        6.4     Transmitter synchronisation
        6.5     Frequency synchronisation
        6.6     Timing synchronisation
        6.7     Effect of synchronisation loss
Part 2  SFN application and implementation of DVB-T, DVB-T2  and DAB system
 1     Multipath capability of DVB‑T, DVB‑T2 and T‑DAB
        1.1     General
        1.2     Inter‑symbol interference
        1.3     Guard interval
        1.4     Contributing and interfering signal components with inter‑symbol interference
 2     FFT‑window synchronisation
        2.1     General
        2.2     Synchronisation strategies
        2.3     Strongest signal
        2.4     First signal above a threshold level
        2.5     Centre of gravity
        2.6     Quasi‑optimal
        2.7     Maximum C/I
 3     Site selection and management
 4     Coverage and interference management
        4.1     General
        4.2     Wanted coverage prediction
        4.3     Out‑going interference management
                  4.3.1     General
                  4.3.2     Calculation of out‑going T‑DAB interference
                  4.3.3     Calculation of out‑going DVB‑T/DVB-T2 interference
 5     Post implementation of the network
        5.1     Network coverage and improvement
        5.2     Network problems
 6     Impact of DVB‑T parameters on SFN performance
        6.1     Constellation
        6.2     Code rate
        6.3     2k/8k FFT
        6.4     Guard interval
        6.5     Data rate versus guard interval
 7     Distribution networks for SFNs
        7.1     DVB‑T Sat‑fed in Italy
        7.2     DVB‑T signal distribution in France
        7.3     Distribution of DVB‑T/T2 data to the transmitters using IP in Sweden
 8     DVB-T case studies
        8.1     National DVB-T SFN deployment in Italy
                  8.1.1     Example of a very large SFN: RAI multiplex 2
                  8.1.2     Operating the network
                  8.1.3     SFN and propagation phenomena on the warm sea
                  8.1.4     SFN and propagation phenomena on the ground
                  8.1.5     SFN and reflection/scattering phenomena
                  8.1.6     Optimization of SFN – DFREE experience
                  8.1.7     Parameters details
                  8.1.8     Final technical considerations on SFN design
                  8.1.9     Examples of 1-SFN
 9     Overview
10     Spectral efficiency and spectrum consumption of DVB-T2 networks
       10.1     Spectral efficiency and spectrum consumption
       10.2     Spectral efficiency of DVB-T2
       10.3     Layer spectrum efficiency of DVB-T2
       10.4     Re-use distances for DVB-T2 networks
11     DVB‑T2 Lite
12     DVB-T2 and DVB-T2 Lite case studies
       12.1     Theoretical study on maximum achievable data rates for large DVB T2 SFN areas
                  12.1.1     Introduction
                  12.1.2     Planning parameters and network structure
                  12.1.3     DVB‑T2 modes
                  12.1.4     Maximum data rate to cover large areas with DVB‑T2 theoretical SFNs for mobile, portable and fixed reception
                  12.1.5     Minimum required guard interval for various inter‑site distances and C/N values
                  12.1.6     Summary and Conclusions
       12.2     DVB-T2 and DVB-T2 Lite: Experimental tests in Italy (Aosta Valley)
DVB-T2 Base
DVB-T2 Lite
       12.3     Case study on large DVB-T2 SFN in Denmark
                  12.3.1     Introduction
                  12.3.2     Loss of capacity in an SFN
                  12.3.3     Size of SFN
                  12.3.4     Limitation in local/regional programming
                  12.3.5     Large (national) SFN, example of Denmark
                  12.3.6     How do spectrum requirements change with larger SFNs?
       12.4     Case study on DVB-T2 service areas in Sweden
                  12.4.1     Introduction
                  12.4.2     Parameters
                  12.4.3     Network planning
                  12.4.4     Population coverage calculation
                  12.4.5     Discussion
                  12.4.6     Conclusions
       12.5     Practical DVB-T2 based scenarios exploring the interdependence of coverage, capacity, transmission mode and network configuration
                  12.5.1     Methodology
                  12.5.2     Results
       12.6     Case study on DVB-T2 MFN vs. SFN in the UK
                  12.6.1     Introduction
                  12.6.2     Background
                  12.6.3     Discussion
                  12.6.4     Summary
       12.7     DVB-T/DVB-T2 planning exercise with limited spectrum resources in the UK
       12.8     Effect of sea path propagation - An example in the UK
                  12.8.1     Optimising the guard interval in a national SFN
                  12.8.2     Results and Analysis
                  12.8.3     Summary
       12.9     Optimisation of a DVB‑T2 SFN in Malaysia
      12.10     DVB-T2 SFNs Networks and an Extended T2-MIP: a BBC study
13     Impact of T‑DAB parameters on SFN performance
       13.1     General
       13.2     Constellation
       13.3     Code rate
       13.4     FFT
       13.5     Guard interval
       13.6     Data rate versus guard interval
14     DAB case studies
       14.1     Italy implementation
                  14.1.1     DAB SFNs in Trentino Alto Adige region
                  14.1.2     Tests on DAB receivers
       14.2     Static timing in the UK DAB network
       14.3     Static timing in the Bavarian DAB+ network
Part 3  SFN application and implementation of ISDB system
 1     Principle of SFN reception
 2     Case study for Japan
 3     Design of SFN
        3.1     Site location
        3.2     Effective radiation power
        3.3     Antenna radiation pattern
        3.4     Transmission timing adjustment
        3.5     Tools for network design
Part 4  SFN application and implementation of DTMB system
 1     Overview
 2     Case study for DTMB
        2.1     Local area SFN
                  2.1.1     Deployment of DTMB in Single Frequency Network of Hong Kong
                  2.1.2     Deployment of DTMB SFN in Shanghai
        2.2     Deployment of DTMB SFN based on satellite program distribution networks
                  2.2.1     System Structure
                  2.2.2     Satellite Distribution Networks
                  2.2.3     SFN Adapter
                  2.2.4     Laboratory and Field Tests
                  2.2.5     Conclusion
        2.3     Synchronization scheme of DTMB SFN using IEEE1588v2 standard and time of days
                  2.3.1     Introduction
                  2.3.2     General
                  2.3.3     System structure
                  2.3.4     Time distribution network
                  2.3.5     SFN adapter
                  2.3.6     Lab test
                  2.3.7     Field test
                  2.3.8     Conclusion
Part 5  SFN application and implementation of DTMB-A system
 1     SFN Field trial for DTMB-A
        1.1     Background
        1.2     Field trial structurer
        1.3     Field trial result
        1.4     Conclusions