Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
 1     Introduction
 2     Broadcasting description
        2.1     Broadcasting protection criteria
        2.2     Broadcast service requirements
        2.3     Assessment of interference impact on the broadcast coverage
                  2.3.1     Introduction
                  2.3.2     Standard broadcast planning practice
        2.4     Propagation considerations for interference assessments
        2.5     Aggregation of interference
        2.6     Comparative evaluations
        2.7     Inclusion of noise in interference assessments
 3     Television Systems
        3.1     Television transmission parameters for use in sharing and compatibility studies
                  3.1.0     Out of Band Masks
                  3.1.1     DTTB System B (DVB-T) reference broadcasting networks
                  3.1.2     ATSC Reference broadcasting networks
                  3.1.3     ISDB-T Reference broadcasting networks
                  3.1.4     DTMB Reference broadcasting networks
        3.2     Television reception parameters for use in sharing and compatibility studies
                  3.2.1     Parameters Common to all systems
                  3.2.2     DVB-T / DVB-T2 – System specific receive parameters
                  3.2.3     ATSC – System specific receive parameters
                  3.2.4     ISDB-T – System specific receive parameters
                  3.2.5     DTMB – System specific receive parameters
 4     Sound systems
        4.1     Sound transmission parameters for use in sharing and compatibility studies
                  4.1.1     DAB reference broadcasting networks
        4.2     Sound reception parameters for use in sharing and compatibility studies
                  4.2.1     Parameters Common to all systems
                  4.2.2     DAB – System specific receive parameters
Annex 1  List of relevant ITU-R Reports and Recommendations
Annex 2  General definitions
       A2.1     Broadcasting coverage area and service area planning
       A2.2     Definition of reception location probability
Annex 3  Allotment reference networks
       A3.1     DTT Single frequency networks (Allotments)(GE06)
                  A3.1.1     Reference network 1 (large service-area SFN)
                  A3.1.2     Reference network 2 (small service area SFN, dense SFN)
                  A3.1.3     Reference network 3 (small service area SFN for urban environment)
       A3.2     DSB Single frequency networks (Allotments)(GE06)
                  A3.2.1     Reference networks for DAB(GE06)
Annex 4  Calculation of minimum field strength and minimum  median equivalent field strength
Annex 5  DTTB link budgets
       A5.1     DVB-T
                  A5.1.1     DVB-T Fixed
                  A5.1.2     DVB-T portable outdoor
                  A5.1.3     DVB-T portable indoor
       A5.2     DVB-T2
                  A5.2.1     DVB-T2 Fixed
                  A5.2.2      DVB-T2 outdoor
                  A5.2.3     DVB-T2 indoor
       A5.3     ATSC
                  A5.3.1     ATSC fixed
                  A5.3.2     ATSC outdoor
       A5.4     ISDB-T
                  A5.4.1     ISDB-T fixed
       A5.5     DTMB
                  A5.5.1     DTMB fixed
                  A5.5.2     DTMB indoor
Annex 6  DSB link budgets
       A6.1     DAB
                  A6.1.1     DAB mobile
                  A6.1.2     DAB portable indoor
                  A6.1.3     DAB portable outdoor