Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
 1     Introduction
 2     MSS system characteristics
        2.1     GSO MSS user terminal characteristics
        2.2     GSO MSS satellite characteristics
        2.3     GSO MSS link parameters
        3.1     The frequency band 22-22.21 GHz
                  3.1.1     Review of Recommendations
                  3.1.2     Sharing studies in the frequency band 22-22.21 GHz
                  3.1.3     Results of sharing studies in the frequency band 22-22.21 GHz
        3.2     The frequency band 22.21-22.5 GHz
                  3.2.1     Review of Recommendations
                  3.2.2     Sharing studies in the frequency band 22.21-22.5 GHz
                  3.2.3     Results of sharing studies in the frequency band 22.21-22.5 GHz
        3.3     The frequency band 22.5-22.55 GHz
                  3.3.1     Review of Recommendations
                  3.3.2     Sharing studies in the frequency band 22.5-22.55 GHz
                  3.3.3      Results of sharing studies in the frequency band 22.5-22.55 GHz
        3.4     The frequency band 22.55-23.15 GHz
                  3.4.1     Review of Recommendations
                  3.4.2     Sharing studies in the frequency band 22.55-23.15 GHz
                  3.4.3     Results of sharing studies in the frequency band 22.55-23.15 GHz
        3.5     The frequency band 23.15-23.55 GHz
                  3.5.1     Review of Recommendations
                  3.5.2     Sharing studies in the frequency band 23.15-23.55 GHz
                  3.5.3     Results of sharing studies in the frequency band 23.15-23.55 GHz
        3.6     The frequency band 23.55-23.6 GHz
                  3.6.1     Review of Recommendations
                  3.6.2     Sharing studies in the frequency band 23.55-23.6 GHz
                  3.6.3     Results of sharing studies in the frequency band 23.55-23.6 GHz
        3.7     The frequency band 23.6-24 GHz
                  3.7.1     Review of Recommendations
                  3.7.2     Sharing and compatibility studies in the frequency band 23.6-24 GHz
                          MSS and RAS / SRS (passive)
No study was performed with respect to SRS (passive) due to inability to identify information on system technical characteristics and required protection levels.
                          MSS in-band and RAS
                          MSS unwanted emissions into RAS
                          MSS and EESS (passive) / SRS (passive)
                          MSS in-band and EESS (passive)
                          MSS unwanted emissions in-band and EESS (passive)
                  3.7.3      Results of sharing studies in the frequency band 23.6-24 GHz
        3.8     The frequency band 24-24.05 GHz
                  3.8.1      Review of Recommendations
                  3.8.2     Sharing studies in the frequency band 24-24.05 GHz
                  3.8.3      Results of sharing studies in the frequency band 24-24.05 GHz
        3.9     The frequency band 24.05-24.25 GHz
                  3.9.1     Review of Recommendations
                  3.9.2     Sharing studies in the frequency band 24.05-24.55 GHz
                  3.9.3      Results of sharing studies in the frequency band 24.05-24.25 GHz
       3.10     The frequency band 24.25-24.45 GHz
                  3.10.1     Review of Recommendations
                  3.10.2     Sharing studies in the frequency band 24.25-24.45 GHz
                  3.10.3     Results of sharing studies in the frequency band 24.25-24.45 GHz
       3.11     The frequency band 24.45-24.65 GHz
                  3.11.1     Review of Recommendations
                  3.11.2     Sharing studies in the frequency band 24.45-24.65 GHz
                  3.11.3     Results of sharing studies in the frequency band 24.45-24.65 GHz
       3.12     The frequency band 24.65-24.75 GHz
                  3.12.1     Review of Recommendations
                  3.12.2     Sharing studies in the frequency band 24.65-24.75 GHz
                  3.12.3     Results of sharing studies in the frequency band 24.65-24.75 GHz
       3.13     The frequency band 24.75-25.25 GHz
                  3.13.1     Review of Recommendations
                  3.13.2     Sharing studies in the frequency band 24.75-25.25 GHz
                  3.13.3     Results of sharing studies in the frequency band 24.75-25.25 GHz
       3.14     The frequency band 25.25-25.5 GHz
                  3.14.1     Review of Recommendations
                  3.14.2     Sharing studies in the frequency band 25.25-25.5GHz
                  3.14.3     Results of sharing studies in the frequency band 25.25-25.5 GHz
       3.15     The frequency band 25.5-26 GHz
                  3.15.1     Review of Recommendations
                  3.15.2     Sharing studies in the frequency band 25.5-26 GHz
                  3.15.3     Results of sharing studies in the frequency band 25.5-26 GHz
Annex 1  Sharing study of proposed MSS and incumbent fixed service
 1     Introduction
 2     Technical parameters
        2.1     Technical characteristics of hypothetical MSS systems
        2.2     Technical characteristics of radio-relay systems (point-to-point)
                  2.2.1     Technical characteristics of radio-relay stations registered in the ITU-R
 3     Possible interference scenarios
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
 4     Possible constraints on hypothetic MSS GSO system to ensure protection of existing radio-relay stations
        4.1     Calculation of interference towards existing FS stations from the hypothetical MSS satellite network for space-to-Earth direction (Scenario 1).
                  4.1.1     Worst case
                  4.1.2     Probability analysis
                  4.1.3     Refined results of probability analysis
                  4.1.3     Views on section 4.1:
        4.2     Calculation of interference impact to existing FS stations from hypothetical MSS satellite network for Earth-to-space direction (Scenario 2).
                  4.2.1     Conclusions for section 4.2
        4.3     Probabilistic analysis for sharing between FS stations and MSS satellite network for Earth-to-space
                  4.3.1     Effect of the hub terminal (2.4m) over the FS system
                  4.3.2     Effect of the user terminal over the FS system
                  4.3.3     Conclusions and Recommendations of section 4.3
Attachment 1  to Annex 1
Distribution of antenna azimuths and elevations  of registered FS stations
Annex 2  Sharing study of proposed MSS and incumbent space research and earth exploration-satellite services
 1     SRS satellite system characteristics
 2     Protection of space research service links from proposed MSS Earth-to-space and space-to-Earth links
 3     Sharing considerations with the proposed MSS links with incumbent SRS links
 4     Conclusions
Annex 3  System characteristics used in interference analyses between MSS GSO systems and Data Relay Satellite (DRS) space-to-space links in the inter-satellite service in the 22.55-23.55 GHz and 25.25-26 GHz bands
 1     Introduction
 2     MSS system characteristics
 3     DRS system characteristics for Scenarios 1 and 7 (25.25-26 GHz)
 4     DRS system characteristics for Scenarios 3 and 6 (22.55-23.55 GHz)
Annex 5  Sharing study of proposed MSS and incumbent MS service MSS uplink interference into MS in the bands 22.5-23.6 GHz and 24.25-26 GHz
 1     Proposed MS system characteristics
        1.1     Proposed system characteristics for land MS in the band 22.5-23.6 GHz
        1.2     Proposed system characteristics for land MS in the band 24.25-26 GHz
 2     Interference scenario
 3     Analysis of interference impact on the MS system from the proposed MSS
        3.1     Interference analysis for the band 22.5-23.6 GHz
        3.2     Interference analysis for the band 24.25-26 GHz
 4     Conclusion
Annex 6  Frequency sharing study between MSS systems featuring earth stations on vessels and fixed services in the Ka band frequency range of 22-26 GHz
 1     Introduction
 2     Method to determine the separation/protection distance
 3     Technical parameters for MSS and FS systems
        3.1     MSS system characteristics
        3.2     FS system characteristics
 4     Assumptions and parameter values
 5     Calculations results
 6     Conclusion