Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
 1     Introduction
 2     Building entry loss measurements (VHF & UHF, Europe)
 3     Building entry loss measurements (5.2 GHz, Japan)
 4     Exit loss measurements
        4.1     Measured result
 5     Slant path measurements (500 MHz - 6 GHz)
        5.1     UHF satellite signal measurements (860 MHz – 2.6 GHz)
        5.2     Slant-path measurements from towers or high rise buildings
        5.3     Helicopter measurements to office building
        5.4     Balloon measurements to domestic buildings (1-6 GHz)
 6     Impact of thermally-insulating materials (88 MHz – 5.8 GHz)
        6.1     Introduction
        6.2     Median building entry loss
        6.3     Variability of loss within a room
        6.4     Variability of loss from room-to-room
        6.5     Impact of insulating materials on loss
 7     Measurements at 3.5 GHz
        7.1     Environment
        7.2     Measurement configuration
        7.3     Measurement results at 3.5 GHz
 8     Measurements in Stockholm at 0.5 to 5 GHz
        8.1     Configuration of the set-up
        8.2     General results
        8.3     Average excess loss results
        8.4     Method 1 versus Method 2 results
 9     Building entry loss measurement at 3.5 GHz in Beijing
        9.1     Measurement scenarios
                  9.1.1     Building A
                  9.1.2     Building B
                  9.1.3     Building C
        9.2     Test methodology
                  9.2.1     Measuring system and instrument
                  9.2.2     Calculation method of building entry loss
        9.3     Measurement results
                  9.3.1     Measurement results and analysis of building A scenario
                  9.3.2     Measurement results and analysis of building B scenario
                  9.3.3     Measurement results and analysis of building C scenario
10     Building entry loss measurement at 3.5 GHz in UK
       10.1     UK measurements
       10.2     Methodology
                  10.2.1     Hardware
                  10.2.2     Software
       10.3     Test locations
                  10.3.1     Terraced house
                  10.3.2     Small office
                  10.3.3     Retail buildings
       10.4     Results
                  10.4.1     Building entry loss
                  10.4.2     BEL Variability
11     Building entry loss measurements at 28 GHz
       11.1     Scenario
       11.2     Experimental Set-up
       11.3     Data collection/analysis
       11.4     Results
       11.5     Conclusion
12     Measurements at 5.2 GHz
13     Building Entry Loss from 5-32 GHz
       13.1     Introduction
      13.2      Experimental Setup
                  13.2.1     Building descriptions
                  13.2.2     Testing Locations
                  13.2.3      Data post processing
       13.3     Results
                  13.3.1     Tabulated Results
                  13.3.2     Coverage maps
                  13.3.3     Distance dependency
                  13.3.4     PDF Distributions
                  13.3.5     CDF Distributions
       13.4     Tables of Building Parameters
       13.5     Conclusion
14     Measurements at 3, 10 and 17 GHz
       14.1     Measurement Campaign
                  14.1.1     Scenario Description
                  14.1.2     Setup and Procedure
       14.2     Data Processing
       14.3     Measurement results and analysis
                  14.3.1     Measurement validation (LoS cases)
                  14.3.2     Penetration Losses and Delay Spread
       14.4     Conclusion
       14.5     References
15     Measurements in Stockholm in the 2-60 GHz frequency range
       15.1     Introduction
       15.2     Measurement campaign
       15.3     Monte Carlo simulation of multi-pane glass window transmission loss
16     Measurements at 5-31 GHz in China
       16.1     Measurement scenarios
                  16.1.1     Building A
                  16.1.2      Building B
       16.2     Test methodology
                  16.2.1     Measuring system and instrument
      16.3      Calculation method of building entry loss
      16.4      Measurement results
                  16.4.1      Measurement results and analysis of Building B scenario
17     Measurements below 6 GHz in a modern office building
       17.1     Method
       17.2     Locations
       17.3     Measurement procedure
       17.4     Reference measurements
       17.5     Results
                  17.5.1     Building entry loss (median loss)
                  17.5.2     Building entry loss statistics
       17.6     Conclusions
       17.7     Annex - link budgets
       17.8     Annex - measurement zones at Riverside House
18     Building loss in an urban environment (Japan, 0.8-37 GHz)
       18.1     Measurement methods and parameters
       18.2     Measurement results from 0.8 to 37.1 GHz band
19     Multi-frequency sounder measurements in Canada (2.4 GHz, 3.5 GHz, 5.8 GHz, 13 GHz, 26 GHz, 38 GHz, and 61 GHz)
       19.1     Introduction
       19.2     Building description
       19.3     Description of the BEL measurements through Building 76
       19.4     Methodology used for the estimation of BEL
       19.5     BEL measurement results and modelling
       19.6     Description of building material loss measurements in the anechoic chamber
       19.7     Some key building material loss results suitable for BEL modelling
       19.8     References
20     BEL measurements at 3, 10, 17 and 60 GHz frequencies from Orange
       20.1     Measurement campaign
       20.2     Data processing
       20.3     Measurement results and analysis
       20.4     Conclusion
21     Some zero elevation angle BEL measurement results in China
       21.1     Measurement scenarios
                  21.1.1     Building A
                  21.1.2     Building B
                  21.1.3     Building C
       21.2     Test methodology
                  21.2.1     Measuring system and instrument
                  21.2.2     Calculation method of BEL
       21.3     Conclusion
22     BEL measurements for two office buildings in the frequency range 800 MHz-28 GHz from Nokia
       22.1     Introduction
       22.2     Measurement description
       22.3     Measurement results
       22.4     Normal incidence
       22.6     Summary
      22.A1     Measurement Scenarios
                  22.A1.1     Traditional Office Building (STV)
                  22.A1.2     Modern Office Building (AAU)
      22.A2     Methodology
                  22.A2.1     Measurement Setup
                  22.A2.2     Measurement Procedures and Data Processing
      22.A3     Measurements at Normal Incidence
23     BEL: Measurements covering 25 to 73 GHz frequency range in the United Kingdom
       23.1     Introduction
       23.2     Overview of BEL measurement campaign
       23.3     Measurement methodology and equipment
       23.4     Campaign results
                  23.4.1     Traditional build houses
                  23.4.2     Modern Construction Houses
       23.5     Concluding remarks
       23.6     References
24     BEL from 5-39 GHz in the United States
       24.1     Introduction
       24.2     Experimental setup
                  24.2.1     Building descriptions
                  24.2.2     Testing locations
       24.3     Results
                  24.3.1     Tabulated results
                  24.3.2     BEL vs depth
                  24.3.3     PDF distributions
                  24.3.4     CDF Distributions
                  24.3.5     BEL vs frequency
       24.4     Conclusion
25     Measurements on slant-path BEL in bands around 24 GHz from Telstra
       25.1     Introduction
       25.2     Approach
       25.3     Observations & Results
       25.4     Conclusions
      25.A1     Appendix 1: General Building Layout – Buildings G and E, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
      25.A2     Appendix 2: Detailed building illumination plans
      25.A3     Appendix 3: Detailed measurement results (Tx2 – Frequency 2)
      25.A4     Appendix 4: Detailed measurement results (Tx1 – Frequency 1)
      25.A5     Appendix 5: Mean BEL vs AoA
      25.A6     Appendix 6: Selected Polar Plots
26     BEL measurement results and modelling vary with elevation incident angle in China
       26.1     Introduction
      26.A      Annex : BEL measurement
                  26.A.1      Measurement scenarios
26.A.2 Test methodology
26.A.3 Measurement results
                  26.A.4     Conclusion
27     BEL measurement and modelling results on elevation angle dependence from Ericsson
       27.1     Introduction
       27.2     Measurement campaign
       27.3     Analysis
28     BEL measurements for three buildings in the frequency range 800 MHz-5.2 GHz with varying elevation incident angle from Nokia
       28.1     Introduction
       28.2     Measurement overview
       28.3     Measurement results and comparison with KED-based model
       28.5     Summary
       28.A     Annex: Methodology
                  28.A.1     Measurement Setup
                  28.A.2     Measurement Procedures and Data Processing