Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
 1     Introduction
 2     Technical characteristics and protection requirements of radio services
 3     System characteristics of WPT-EV applications
        3.1     Radio characteristics of WPT-EV
        3.2     19-21 kHz/55-65 kHz WPT-EV usage scenario
        3.3     79-90 kHz WPT-EV usage scenario
                  3.3.1     Brief explanation of WPT systems being standardized by SDOs
                  3.3.2     Estimations of growth of the number of WPT-EV systems
        3.4     Estimated activity factor per charging pad
 4     Summary of the studies on the impact of WPT-EV on radiocommunication services
        4.1     Impact studies for WPT-EV operating in the 19-21 kHz frequency range
                  4.1.1     Impact studies on standard frequency and time signal service
                  4.1.2     Impact studies on ripple control
                  4.1.3     Impact studies on train protection automatic warning systems
                  4.1.4     Impact studies on some maritime radio
                  4.1.5     Impact studies on AM sound broadcasting
                  4.1.6     Impact studies on amateur radio
                  4.1.7     Study on the impact of WPT-EV to aeronautical service
                  4.1.8     Study on the impact of WPT-EV to lightning detection systems
                  4.1.9      Study on the impact of WPT-EV to maritime mobile service
        4.2     Impact studies for WPT-EV operating in the 55-65 kHz frequency range (also including the third harmonic originated by WPT-EV operating in the 19-21 kHz frequency range)
                  4.2.1     Impact studies on the standard frequency and time signal (SFTS) service
                  4.2.2     Impact studies on ripple control
                  4.2.3     Impact studies on train protection automatic warning systems
                  4.2.4     Impact studies on maritime radio including navigation system
                  4.2.5     Impact studies on AM sound broadcasting
                  4.2.6     Impact studies on amateur radio
        4.3     Impact studies for WPT-EV operating in the 79-90 kHz frequency range
                  4.3.1     Impact studies to standard frequency and time signal service
                  4.3.2     Impact to specific railway radiocommunication system
                  4.3.3     Impact studies to maritime radio including navigation system
                  4.3.4     Impact studies to AM sound broadcasting
                  4.3.5     Impact studies for the amateur service
                  4.3.6     Impact study for Differential GPS
                  4.3.7     Impact study for Non-Directional Beacons
        4.4     Limits of WPT-EV radiated emission for the protection of AM broadcasting
        4.5     Impact of spurious and harmonic radiated emissions on the amateur service and relevant protection requirements
 5     Harmonization and mitigation measures to minimize the impact of WPT-EV on the radiocommunication services
        5.1     Global harmonization
        5.2     Mitigation measures
                  5.2.1     Mitigation strategies to reduce the impact on the broadcasting service
                  5.2.2     Other factors
 6     Conclusions
Annex 1  Technical characteristics and protection requirements of radiocommunication services for use in WPT-EV impact studies
       A1.1     Maritime services
       A1.2     Amateur service
       A1.3     Standard frequency and time signal service
       A1.4     Sound broadcasting service
       A1.5     Meteorological service
Annex 2  Example emission levels of WPT-EV
       A2.1     19-21 kHz/55-65 kHz WPT-EV
       A2.2     79-90 kHz WPT-EV
Annex 3  Proposed emission limits for WPT-EV  from standards development organisations
       A3.1     Proposed draft CISPR limits
Annex 4  Impact studies on the Standard Frequency and Time Signal Service
       A4.1     Impact study on the 60 kHz Standard Frequency and Time Signal Service
                  A4.1.1     Baseline protection criteria of the SFTS service
                  A4.1.2     Background noise
                  A4.1.3     Usage scenarios for 55-65 kHz WPT-EV
                  A4.1.4     Impact analysis of 55-65 kHz WPT-EV with respect to standard frequency and time signal service reception
                  A4.1.5     Conclusions
       A4.2     Impact study on the 77.5 kHz Standard Frequency and Time Signal Service
                  A4.2.1     Introduction
                  A4.2.2      DCF77 (wanted) signal
                  A4.2.3      WPT (unwanted) signal
                  A4.2.4     Impact assessment
                  A4.2.5     Conclusion on DCF measurement
Annex 5  WPT-EV impact study from China
       A5.1     The impact study of WPT-EV on the MF broadcast
                  A5.1.1     MF broadcast technical characteristic and protection criteria
                  A5.1.2     Numerical interference analysis
                  A5.1.3     Assessment with Field measurement
                  A5.1.4     Multiple WPT-EV stations
       A5.2     The impact study of WPT-EV on China Loran system
                  A5.2.1     China Loran system and receiver protection criteria
                  A5.2.2     Coexistence study
                  A5.2.3     Conclusion
       A5.3     References
Annex 6  Impact studies in Korea for 19-21 kHz/55-65 kHz WPT-EV
       A6.1     Studies on the impact to SFTS services from 19-21 kHz/55-65 kHz WPT-EV
                  A6.1.1     Introduction
                  A6.1.2     A mitigation in order to protect 60 kHz SFTS
                  A6.1.3     Case study on the 60 kHz standard frequency and time signal (SFTS) service using AM
       A6.2     Studies on the impact to AM sound broadcasting services from 19-21 kHz/55‑65 kHz WPT-EV
                  A6.2.1     Introduction
                  A6.2.2     An interference analysis between AM broadcasting and WPT-EV system
                  A6.2.3     The mitigation analysis of AM sound broadcasting
                  A6.2.4     Conclusion
       A6.3     Additional measurements of WPT-EV systems for the heavy-duty vehicle
                  A6.3.1     Test conditions
                  A6.3.2     Test results at different distances
                  A6.3.3     Conclusions
                  A6.3.4     Impact study in Korea
Annex 7  Impact Studies in Japan for WPT-EV using 79-90 kHz
       A7.1     Introduction
       A7.2     Emission limits on WPT for EVs
       A7.3     WPT-EV Standardization
       A7.4     Impact studies on the WPT using 79-90 kHz
                  A7.4.1     Impact assessment process and intended incumbent radiocommunication services/ systems in the study
                  A7.4.2     Impact to broadcasting services
                  A7.4.3      Impact to standard frequency and time signal (SFTS) services
                  A7.4.4      Impact to amateur radio services
                  A7.4.5      Impact to railways control radios
Annex 8  Analysis of the impact of WPT systems to broadcasting services
       A8.1     Background
       A8.2     Factors affecting the impact of interference
       A8.3     Commentary and application to WPT systems and broadcast receivers.
       A8.4     Tolerable field strength limits
Attachment 1  to Annex 8  Information on LF and MF broadcast systems subject to impact from WPT-EV
    A8-A1.1     Introduction
    A8-A1.2     Available sources of information
  A8-A1.2.1     MIFR (Terrestrial Services) on-line query (BETA release)
  A8-A1.2.2     MWLIST – long wave, medium wave, tropical bands and short wave radio database
  A8-A1.2.3     For Medium Wave (MF) transmitters in the UK (Complement to the information in § 2.2)
  A8-A1.2.4     For the DRM implementation in Medium Wave (MF)
Supplement 1  to Attachment 1 to Annex 8
Supplement 2  to Attachment 1  to Annex 8  Information from  Technical parameters for broadcast radio transmitters (Ofcom UK)
Attachment 2  to Annex 8  Report of MF Broadcasting across Portions of Region 2
    A8-A2.1     Executive Overview
    A8-A2.2     Introduction
    A8-A2.3     Market Study
Attachment 3  to Annex 8  Factors affecting the harmful impact of interference
Attachment 4  to Annex 8  Derivation of maximum tolerable level of interference at the AM receiver
Attachment 5  to Annex 8  Anticipated separation distance between a WPT-EV charger and a domestic AM receiver – Photographic survey
Attachment 6  to Annex 8  Performance of an MF sound broadcast receiver in the presence of interference from WPT-EV
Attachment 7  to Annex 8  Further studies using a commercially available receiver
Annex 9  Analysis by EBU to reconcile the results of impact study described in Annex 5 with the required limits of WPT-EV radiated emission for the protection of AM broadcasting in section 4.4
       A9.1     Summary
       A9.2     Definitions
                  A9.2.1     Orientation – Noise, Interference and Masking
                  A9.2.2     Random Noise
                  A9.2.3     Overlapping Audio Sources
                  A9.2.4     Single Sinusoids
       A9.3     Background
       A9.4     References
Annex 10  Study on the Impact of WPT-EV operating in the 79-90 kHz range on Radio Communications Systems in the Amateur Service
      A10.1     Introduction
      A10.3     The location of WPT-EV installations
      A10.4     Levels of emissions in the spurious domain
      A10.5     An appropriate level of protection
Annex 11  Analysis of the impact of WPT-EV systems to T-Coil hearing aid systems
     A11.1      Operational parameters
      A11.2     Interference limits
      A11.3     T-Coil Transmitters
      A11.4     T-Coil receivers
Annex 12  Impact studies on HF amateur radio in United States for WPT-EV
      A12.0     Abstract
      A12.1     Introduction to amateur radio in the United States
      A12.2     Characteristics of standardized WPT-EV systems
      A12.3     Measurements performed on an open area test site (OATS)
                  A12.3.1     Characteristics of the WPT-EV equipment under test (EUT)
                  A12.3.2     Characteristics of the OATS
                  A12.3.3     Measurement equipment, measurement standards, and measurement setup
                  A12.3.4     Measurement results
      A12.4     Summary of Results
      A12.5     References
Annex 13  Measured signals in the amateur bands
      A13.1     Introduction
      A13.2     The methodology
      A13.3     Measurement methodology
                  A13.3.1      Calibration
                  A13.3.2      50 Ω termination
                  A13.3.3      Off-air measurements
      A13.4     Results
                  A13.4.1      1,800 kHz spectrum – evening – March 2021
                  A13.4.2      3.5 MHz spectrum – late afternoon – March 2021
                  A13.4.3      7 MHz spectrum – late afternoon March 2021
                  A13.4.4      10 MHz spectrum – late afternoon – March 2021
                  A13.4.5      14 MHz spectrum – late afternoon March 2021
      A13.5     Summary