ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services Executi ve summary

Table of Contents


Why a Focus Group on Digital Financial Services (DFS)?

ITU Focus Group on Digital Financial Services (FG DFS) for Financial Inclusion

Relation to other relevant work

Next steps


1 Creating an Enabling DFS Ecosystem

2 Understanding the DFS enabling environment (regulators and policymakers)

2.1 Which actors are responsible for DFS policy, regulation, and supervision?

2.2 Challenges and solutions

3 Understanding the DFS demand side (consumers)

3.1 How can DFS benefit poor and unbanked consumers?

3.2 Challenges and solutions

4 Understanding the DFS supply side (providers)

4.1 Which actors are involved in the delivery of DFS to poor and unbanked consumers?

4.2 Services offered

4.3 Challenges and solutions

5 Further considerations

Annex 1: Reports of Focus Group Digital Financial Services