Security audit of various DFS applications
About this report
Executive Summary
1 About the apps
     1.1 App1
     1.2 App2
     1.3 App3
2 Testing method
     2.1 M1 Improper Platform Usage
     2.2 M2 Insecure Data Storage
     2.3 M3 Insecure Communication
     2.4 M4 Insecure Authentication
     2.5 M5 Insufficient Cryptography
     2.6 M8 Code Tampering
     2.7 M9 Reverse Engineering
3 Results
     3.1 App1
     3.2 App2
     3.3 App3
4 Conclusions
     4.1 Evaluating the results
     4.2 Comparing to the FIGI SIT DFS Security Assurance Framework
     4.3 Summary of results