RECOMMENDATION ITU-R BS.1514-1 - System for digital sound broadcasting in the broadcasting bands below 30 MHz ANNEX 1 - Summary description of the Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) system 1 Key features of the system design for the markets to be served by the DRM system 2 Brief description of the DRM system 2.1 Overall design 2.2 Audio source coding 2.3 Multiplex, including special channels 2.4 Channel coding and modulation 2.5 Transmitter considerations 2.6 Over the air 2.7 Selecting, demodulation and decoding of a DRM system signal at a receiver ANNEX 2 - In-band on-channel digital sound broadcasting (IBOC DSB) system for operation below 30 MHz 1 IBOC DSB system 1.1 System components 1.2 Operating modes ANNEX 3 - Evaluation criteria 1 Definitions of evaluation criteria 2 Definitions of the characteristics on which test measurements should be made 2.1 Eb/N0 at BER = 1 x 10-4 2.2 Doppler shift, Doppler spread and delay spread 2.3 Co- and adjacent channel interference (all combinations) 2.4 Synchronization and access (signal acquisition) 2.5 Receiver complexity/power consumption/cost 2.6 Transmitter efficiency 2.7 Audio quality at maximum bit rate 2.8 Top audio quality for hierarchical system 2.9 Minimum audio quality for hierarchical system 2.10 Audio quality for analogue modulation 2.11 Speech coding 2.12 Transition from AM to digital 2.13 Comparison with AM for LF, MF and HF 2.14 Realistic simulcast possibility ANNEX 4 - Summary of the performance (see Note 1) of the DRM system based on the criteria contained in Annex 3 1 Unimpaired audio codec quality 2 Transmission circuit reliability 3 Coverage area and graceful degradation 4 Compatibility with new and existing transmitters 5 Channel planning considerations 6 Single frequency network operation 7 Receiver cost and complexity 8 Interference 9 Rapid tuning and channel acquisition 10 Compatibility with existing analogue formats 11 Spectrum efficiency 12 Single standard 13 Bench marking with existing AM services 14 Data broadcasting 15 Modularity ANNEX 5 - Summary of the performance (see Note 1) of the IBOC DSB system based on the criteria contained in Annex 3 1 Unimpaired audio codec quality 2 Transmission circuit reliability 3 Coverage area and graceful degradation 4 Compatibility with new and existing transmitters 5 Channel planning considerations 6 Single frequency network operation 7 Receiver cost and complexity 8 Interference 9 Rapid tuning and channel acquisition 10 Compatibility with existing analogue formats 11 Spectrum efficiency 12 Single standard 13 Bench marking with existing AM services 14 Data broadcasting 15 Modularity APPENDIX 1 - References and Bibliography