Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
Annex 1  Transport method for non-PCM audio signals and data over digital audio interfaces compatible with the signal format specified in  Recommendation ITU-R BS.647 (AES3)
 1     Introduction
 2     Overview
 3     Interface format to convey non-PCM audio signals and data
        3.1     Channel status word
        3.2     Sample rate synchronization
 4     Data burst format to convey non-PCM audio signals and data
        4.1     burst_preamble
                  4.1.1     Frame mode
                  4.1.2     Subframe mode
        4.2     burst_info (Pc)
        4.3     length_code (Pd)
        4.4     burst_payload
                  4.4.1     Frame mode
                  4.4.2     Subframe mode
        4.5     Burst spacing
        4.6     Data type dependent fields
Annex 2  Transport method for the Serial ADM metadata over digital audio interfaces compatible with the signal format specified in Recommendation ITU-R BS.647
 1     Introduction
 2     Data burst format to convey the S-ADM metadata
        2.1     burst_preamble (see § 4.1 in Annex 1)
        2.2     burst_info (Pc) (see § 4.2 in Annex 1)
        2.3     length_code (Pd) (see § 4.3 in Annex 1)
        2.4     extended_data_type (Pe) (see § 4.3 in Annex 1)
        2.5     burst_payload (see § 4.4 in Annex 1)
                  2.5.1     assemble_info
                  2.5.2     format_info
                  2.5.3     SADM_metadata_container
        2.6     Burst spacing (see § 4.5 in Annex 1)
 3     Mapping of the data burst to convey the S-ADM metadata
        3.1     Fundamental structure of the data burst
        3.2     Structure of the data burst with the format_info
        3.3     Structure of the data bursts in the multiple in-timeline mode
        3.4     Structure of the data bursts in the multiple over-track mode
        3.5     Structure of the data bursts in the multiple over-track and multiple in-timeline modes
        3.6     Structure of the data burst for multiple chunks
        3.7     Reference point of the Serial ADM metadata
        3.8     Reference position
 4     Types of interfaces conforming to the transport method for S-ADM
        4.1     Single AES interface (two subframes) for real-time applications
        4.2     Multiple AES3 interfaces
        4.3     Multiple AES3 interfaces using compression tool
        4.4     Synchronization with video frames
        4.5     Channel allocations to the transport method for S-ADM
Annex 3  Bibliography