RECOMMENDATION ITU-R BS.639 - Necessary bandwidth of emission in LF, MF and HF broadcasting ANNEX 1 - Necessary bandwidth of emission in LF, MF, and HF sound broadcasting 1 Introduction 2 Necessary bandwidth of emission 2.1 Bands 5 (LF) and 6 (MF) 2.2 Band 7 (HF) 3 General considerations 4 Relationship between AF bandwidth, RF protection ratio and channel spacing 4.1 Measurement results 4.2 Computation results 4.3 Listening tests 5 Radio-frequency and intermediate-frequency passband characteristics of current types of receiver 6 Use of bandwidth limitation in operational practice 7 A bandwidth-saving overtone transmission and reception system 8 Out-of-band spectrum of double-sideband sound-broadcasting emissions 9 The effect of audio signal processing on bandwidth 10 Conclusions