1     Introduction
 2     Service transport method
        2.1     System overview
        2.2     Specification
                  2.2.1     MPEG-2 Systems standard
                  2.2.2     Registration descriptor
                  2.2.3     Program-related constraints
                  2.2.4     Constraints on Program Specific Information (PSI)
                  2.2.5     Packetized Elementary Stream (PES) constraints
                  2.2.6     Services and features
                  2.2.7     Assignment of identifiers
                  2.2.8     Extensions to the MPEG-2 Systems specification
        2.3     Features of ISO/IEC Standard 13818-1 not supported by the System A, System B and the System C standards
                  2.3.1     Program streams
                  2.3.2     Still pictures
 1     Introduction
 2     MPEG-2 program specific information
        2.1     Program Association Table (PAT)
        2.2     Program Map Table (PMT)
        2.3     Network information
        2.4     Conditional Access Table (CAT)
        2.5     Transport Stream Description Table (TSDT)
 3     System/Service Information (SI)
        3.1     System A system information and program guide
        3.2     System B service information
        3.3     System C service information
        3.4     Compatible carriage of System A PSIP, System B SI and System C SI
                  3.4.1     Transport Stream (TS) descriptors
                  3.4.2     Reservation of PID values
                  3.4.3     Allocation of table ID values
                  3.4.4     Allocation of descriptor tag values
                  3.4.5     Allocation of stream type values
                  3.4.6     Rules for use of descriptors in the PMT