Annex 1  Ancillary data signal format
 1     General description of the ancillary data signal format
 2     8-bit considerations
 3     Ancillary data packet format
        3.1     Ancillary data packet types
                  3.1.1     Type 1 ancillary data packets
                  3.1.2     Type 2 ancillary data packets
        3.2     Ancillary data flag (ADF)
        3.3     Data identification (DID) word
                  3.3.1     Reserved data identification words
        3.4     Secondary data identification (SDID) word (type 2 data only)
                  3.4.1     Data identification for an undefined format
        3.5     Data block number (DBN) (type 1 data only)
        3.6     Data count (DC)
        3.7     User data words (UDW)
        3.8     Checksum (CS) word
 4     Protocol for the use of ancillary data space
Appendix 1 to Annex 1  Eight- and ten-bit considerations
 1     Introduction
 2     Eight-bit compatibility
        2.1     Data identification
        2.2     Data count
        2.3     User Data Words
        2.4     Checksum
Appendix 2 to Annex 1  Internationally registered ancillary data identification
Appendix 3 to Annex 1  A protocol for the use of ancillary data space
 1     General
 2     Inclusion of non-conforming ancillary data packets
 3     Protocol for the insertion of an ancillary data packet
        3.1     Determination of space available for insertion of ancillary data packet
        3.2     Insertion of an ancillary data packet
 4     Protocol for the deletion of an ancillary data packet