Annex 1 - Methodology to determine the probability of an RAS observation  receiving interference from the deployment of P-MP HDFS outside a specified EZ based upon a.e.i.r.p. distributions
 1     Introduction
 2     RAS model
        2.1     Interference threshold
        2.2     Location
        2.3     Gain pattern
        2.4     Summary
 3     P-MP HDFS model
        3.1     a.e.i.r.p. distribution(s)
        3.2     Transmitter height
        3.3     Deployment area
        3.4     Summary
 4     Interference calculation
 5     Output of methodology
Appendix 1 to Annex 1 - Example calculation
Annex 2 - Methodology to determine the exclusion zone (EZ) around the RAS site, defined by a propagation loss from the RAS site, outside of which  stations of the P-MP HDFS may be deployed without  likelihood of causing interference into the RAS
 1     Propagation loss exclusion zone
 2     Derivation of exclusion zone (EZ) size
 3     Types of EZ
        3.1     P-MP HDFS reference models
        3.2     Demographics-based EZs
        3.3     Multiple zones
        3.4     In-band and OoB EZs
Appendix 1 to Annex 2 - Example calculation