RECOMMENDATION ITU-R M.1033-1 … TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CORDLESS TELEPHONES AND CORDLESS ... 1 General objectives 2 Operational and management objectives 3 Access techniques 4 Features and areas of application 4.1 Cordless telephony (residential) 4.2 Cordless PABX 4.3 Seamless handover 4.4 Cordless local area networks (CLAN) 4.5 Telepoint 4.6 Local loop replacement 4.7 Tandeming to cellular radio 5 Existing systems ANNEX 1 … Systems features and applications APPENDIX 1 TO ANNEX 1 … General description of System 1 (analogue) 1 System configuration 2 Operational characteristics 2.1 Identification code 2.2 Idle channel decision 2.3 Occupied time of control channels 2.4 Transmitter power-off on disconnection 2.5 Transmitter power-off in case of failure APPENDIX 2 TO ANNEX 1 … General description of System 2 (analogue) 1 System configuration 2 Call setting-up procedures 2.1 Waiting mode 2.2 Call originating mode 2.3 Conversation mode 2.4 Call terminating mode APPENDIX 3 TO ANNEX 1 … General description of System 3 (digital) 1 System operation APPENDIX 4 TO ANNEX 1 … General description of System 4 (digital) 1 System configuration 2 Call set-up procedure 3 Interference limited capacity 4 Dynamic channel allocation and handover 5 TDMA frame structure 6 Applicable services APPENDIX 5 TO ANNEX 1 … General description of System 5 (digital) 1 System configuration 2 Services 2.1 Cordless telephone 2.2 Cordless PABX 2.3 Cordless local area networks (CLAN) 2.4 Telepoint 2.5 Local loop replacement 2.6 Tandeming of cordless systems with mobile radio 3 Grade of service 4 Call set-up procedure 5 Structure of the standard 6 Physical layer (PHL) 7 Medium access control layer (MAC) 8 Management entity (MGE) 9 Data link control layer (DLC) 9.1 C-plane protocols 9.2 U-plane protocols 10 Network layer (NWL) 10.1 Call control (CC) 10.2 Supplementary services (SS) 10.3 Connection oriented message service (COMS) 10.4 Connectionless message service (CLMS) 10.5 Mobility management (MM) 10.6 Link control entity (LCE) List of abbreviations APPENDIX 6 TO ANNEX 1 … General description of PHS (digital) 1 System configuration 2 System concept 3 Access 3.1 Transmission scheme 3.2 TDMA-TDD frame structure 4 Basic principle of protocol 4.1 Protocol model 4.2 Layer structure 5 Layer 1 (physical layer) 6 Layer 2 (data link layer) 7 Layer 3 (network layer) List of abbreviations APPENDIX 7 TO ANNEX 1 … General description of System 7 (digital) APPENDIX 8 TO ANNEX 1 … General description of System 8 1 Introduction 2 General description APPENDIX 8 TO ANNEX 1 … General description of System 9 1 Introduction 2 General description of the system APPENDIX 10 TO ANNEX 1 … General description of System 10 1 Introduction 2 General description