Annex 1 - An analytical methodology for calculating interference probability from non-GSO MSS earth station to LMS operating below 1 GHz    
 1     Introduction      
 2     Interference model between non-GSO MSS system and land mobile communications system    
 3     Propagation loss between MES and base station of MS system    
 4     System parameters          
 5     Computation of the interference coordination distance when the existing MS system is in the communications mode    
        5.1     Interference from MES to base station (path (1) in Fig. 3)   
        5.2     Interference from MES to LMS (path (2) in Fig. 3)
 6     Computation of the interference coordination distance when the existing MS system is in the waiting mode    
        6.1     Interference from MES to base station (path (1) in Fig. 3)   
        6.2     Interference from MES to LMS (path (2) in Fig. 3)
 7     Evaluation of interference probability        
        7.1     Probability of co-channel transmission of MS system and MES       
        7.2     Other parameters to be considered
        7.3     Overall of interference probability   
Annex 2 - Methods and statistics for determining sharing between MSS earth station  transmitters below 1 GHz and mobile stations    
 1     Introduction      
 2     Potential interference from MSS to mobile services           
 3     Summary of the methodology       
        3.1     Coordination contour         
        3.2     Calculation of threshold exceedance probability      
                  3.2.1     Geographic area for the calculation
                  3.2.2     Single transmitter pfd probability density function   
                  3.2.3     Multi-carrier pfd probability density function          
                  3.2.4     Probability that MES transmitters are activated      
                  3.2.5     Exceedance probability     
                  3.2.6     Exceedance probability versus actual interference  
 4     Reference propagation model       
 5     Probability of multiple MES transmissions 
 6     Evaluation of single carrier pfd probability distribution       
 7     Evaluation of multi-carrier pfd probability distribution        
 8     Determination of MES transmission probability     
 9     Calculation of exceedance probability       
Appendix 1 to Annex 2 - Example application of the calculation methodology    
 1     Introduction      
 2     Protection contour calculation      
 3     Pfd distributions
 4     Interference probability    
Annex 3 - Statistical modelling of frequency sharing between stations in the MS and  non-GSO MSS earth stations with primary allocations  (Earth-to-space) below 1 GHz    
 1     Introduction      
 2     Statistical modelling of interference from non-GSO MSS MESs into mobile service stations          
 3     Modelling of interference from mobile service stations into non-GSO MSS satellites          
Appendix 1 to Annex 3 - Example applications of the statistical models    
 1     Introduction      
 2     Potential interference from non-GSO MSS earth stations into LMS          
 3     Potential interference from LMS into non-GSO MSS satellites      
Annex 4 - Use of the dynamic channel assignment technique for frequency interference avoidance    
 1     Introduction      
 2     DCAAS operation           
        2.1     Channel selection   
        2.2     Channel implementation     
        2.3     Message lengths    
 3     DCAAS probability considerations          
        3.1     Probability of assigning an active channel    
        3.2     Probability of an MES transmitting near a mobile receiver   
 4     Summary of interference avoidance due to the DCAAS technique 
        4.1     Aspects of the sharing approach     
 5     Demonstration of avoidance of interference          
        5.1     Initial tests simulation          
        5.2     Demonstration tests           
                  5.2.1     Satellite receiver sensitivity tests    
                  5.2.2     DCAAS testing    
                  5.2.3     Interference into land mobile systems