Annex 1 - Technical and operational characteristics of DSRC operating in the 5.8 GHz frequency band    
 1     General      
        1.1     Introduction           
        1.2     Scope    
 2     Technical and operational characteristics  
        2.1     Active (transceiver) method           
        2.2     Backscatter (transponder) method 
Annex 2 - Technical and operational characteristics of DSRC application  sub-layer in 5.8 GHz frequency band    
 1     General      
        1.1     Introduction           
        1.2     Scope    
 2     Technical and operational characteristics  
        2.1     Characteristics of existing DSRC    
        2.2     Concept of application sub‑layer (ASL)     
        2.3     Structure of DSRC-ASL   
        2.4     Extended link control protocols (ASL-ELCP)        
        2.5     Network control protocol (ASL-NCP)      
        2.6     Network flow diagram